
通过使用shift + pageup,我只能在终端上看到有限的行。 在Ubuntu桌面版中,可以选择使回滚线无限制。 如何在Ubuntu服务器版本中执行此操作。 请建议。


另一种方法是配置帧缓冲控制台 ,通过编辑/etc/default/grub并更改GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX以包含fbcon=scrollback:[k] ,其中是您要为其分配的大小(以KB为单位)缓冲。 从内核文档 :

 C. Boot options The framebuffer console has several, largely unknown, boot options that can change its behavior. 1. fbcon=font: Select the initial font to use. The value 'name' can be any of the compiled-in fonts: VGA8x16, 7x14, 10x18, VGA8x8, MINI4x6, RomanLarge, SUN8x16, SUN12x22, ProFont6x11, Acorn8x8, PEARL8x8. Note, not all drivers can handle font with widths not divisible by 8, such as vga16fb. 2. fbcon=scrollback:[k] The scrollback buffer is memory that is used to preserve display contents that has already scrolled past your view. This is accessed by using the Shift-PageUp key combination. The value 'value' is any integer. It defaults to 32KB. The 'k' suffix is optional, and will multiply the 'value' by 1024. 

如果32KB不够,请尝试256k 。 或者其他一些价值。 我想是试错了。


  • 背景: http : //www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Keyboard-and-Console-HOWTO-18.html
  • 详细信息: http : //linuxinsight.com/soft_scrollback_for_the_linux_vga_console.html