
有一个应用程序使用时间跟踪器脚本, Jacob Vlijm在另一个问题中写道。 https://askubuntu.com/a/780542/654800

由于声誉不大,我不能在那里发表评论。 所以我在这里问一下,是否可以按使用百分比而不是当前的相对顺序对条目进行排序?


#!/usr/bin/env python3 import subprocess import time import os # -- set update/round time (seconds) period = 5 # -- # don change anything below home = os.environ["HOME"] logdir = home+"/.usagelogs" def currtime(tformat=None): return time.strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S") if tformat == "file"\ else time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") try: os.mkdir(logdir) except FileExistsError: pass # path to your logfile log = logdir+"/"+currtime("file")+".txt"; startt = currtime() def get(command): try: return subprocess.check_output(command).decode("utf-8").strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: pass def time_format(s): # convert time format from seconds to h:m:s m, s = divmod(s, 60); h, m = divmod(m, 60) return "%d:%02d:%02d" % (h, m, s) def summarize(): with open(log, "wt" ) as report: totaltime = sum([it[2] for it in winlist]) report.write("") for app in applist: wins = [r for r in winlist if r[0] == app] apptime = sum([it[2] for it in winlist if it[0] == app]) appperc = round(100*apptime/totaltime) report.write(("-"*60)+"\n"+app+"\n"+time_format(apptime)+\ " ("+str(appperc)+"%)\n"+("-"*60)+"\n") for w in wins: wperc = str(round(100*w[2]/totaltime)) report.write(" "+time_format(w[2])+" ("+\ wperc+"%)"+(6-len(wperc))*" "+w[1]+"\n") report.write("\n"+"="*60+"\nstarted: "+startt+"\t"+\ "updated: "+currtime()+"\n"+"="*60) t = 0; applist = []; winlist = [] while True: time.sleep(period) frpid = get(["xdotool", "getactivewindow", "getwindowpid"]) frname = get(["xdotool", "getactivewindow", "getwindowname"]) app = get(["ps", "-p", frpid, "-o", "comm="]) if frpid != None else "Unknown" # fix a few names if "gnome-terminal" in app: app = "gnome-terminal" elif app == "soffice.bin": app = "libreoffice" # add app to list if not app in applist: applist.append(app) checklist = [item[1] for item in winlist] if not frname in checklist: winlist.append([app, frname, 1*period]) else: winlist[checklist.index(frname)][ 2] = winlist[checklist.index(frname)][2]+1*period if t == 60/period: summarize() t = 0 else: t += 1 



排序是在应用程序的顺序以及它们的窗口 (在每个应用程序的子列表中)完成的。


 #!/usr/bin/env python3 import subprocess import time import os from operator import itemgetter # -- set update/round time (seconds) period = 5 # -- set sorting order. up = most used first, use either "up" or "down" order = "up" # don change anything below home = os.environ["HOME"] logdir = home+"/.usagelogs" def currtime(tformat=None): return time.strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S") if tformat == "file"\ else time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") try: os.mkdir(logdir) except FileExistsError: pass # path to your logfile log = logdir+"/"+currtime("file")+".txt"; startt = currtime() def get(command): try: return subprocess.check_output(command).decode("utf-8").strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: pass def time_format(s): # convert time format from seconds to h:m:s m, s = divmod(s, 60); h, m = divmod(m, 60) return "%d:%02d:%02d" % (h, m, s) def summarize(): with open(log, "wt" ) as report: totaltime = sum([it[2] for it in winlist]) # total time report.write("") alldata = [] for app in applist: appdata = []; windata = [] apptime = sum([it[2] for it in winlist if it[0] == app]) appperc = round(100*apptime/totaltime) for d in [app, apptime, appperc]: appdata.append(d) wins = [r for r in winlist if r[0] == app] for w in wins: wperc = str(round(100*w[2]/totaltime)) windata.append([w[1], w[2], wperc]) windata = sorted(windata, key=itemgetter(1)) windata = windata[::-1] if order == "up" else windata appdata.append(windata); alldata.append(appdata) alldata = sorted(alldata, key = itemgetter(1)) alldata = alldata[::-1] if order == "up" else alldata for item in alldata: app = item[0]; apptime = item[1]; appperc = item[2] report.write( ("-"*60)+"\n"+app+"\n"+time_format(apptime)\ +" ("+str(appperc)+"%)\n"+("-"*60)+"\n" ) for w in item[3]: wname = w[0]; time = w[1]; perc = w[2] report.write( " "+time_format(time)+" ("+perc+"%)"\ +(6-len(perc))*" "+wname+"\n" ) report.write( "\n"+"="*60+"\nstarted: "+startt+"\t"+"updated: "\ +currtime()+"\n"+"="*60 ) t = 0; applist = []; winlist = [] while True: time.sleep(period) frpid = get(["xdotool", "getactivewindow", "getwindowpid"]) frname = get(["xdotool", "getactivewindow", "getwindowname"]) app = get([ "ps", "-p", frpid, "-o", "comm=" ]) if frpid != None else "Unknown" # fix a few names if "gnome-terminal" in app: app = "gnome-terminal" elif app == "soffice.bin": app = "libreoffice" # add app to list if not app in applist: applist.append(app) checklist = [item[1] for item in winlist] if not frname in checklist: winlist.append([app, frname, 1*period]) else: winlist[checklist.index(frname)][ 2] = winlist[checklist.index(frname)][2]+1*period if t == 60/period: summarize() t = 0 else: t += 1 


 ------------------------------------------------------------ firefox 0:08:25 (97%) ------------------------------------------------------------ 0:06:50 (79%) Sort by percentage of use in a python script - Ask Ubuntu - Mozilla Firefox 0:01:30 (17%) scripts - Is there software which time- tracks window & application usage? - Ask Ubuntu - Mozilla Firefox 0:00:05 (1%) Ask Ubuntu General Room | chat.stackexchange.com - Mozilla Firefox ------------------------------------------------------------ gedit 0:00:10 (2%) ------------------------------------------------------------ 0:00:10 (2%) 2017_02_15_20_47_10.txt (~/.usagelogs) - gedit ------------------------------------------------------------ zenity 0:00:05 (1%) ------------------------------------------------------------ 0:00:05 (1%) Paste snippets ============================================================ started: 2017-02-15 20:58:19 updated: 2017-02-15 21:07:03 ============================================================ 


  1. 该脚本需要xdotool来获取窗口的信息

     sudo apt-get install xdotool 
  2. 将脚本复制到空文件中,将其另存为window_logs.py

  3. 测试运行脚本:通过命令(从终端)调整脚本:

     python3 /path/to/window_logs.py 

    一分钟后,脚本会创建一个日志文件,其中第一个结果为~/.usagelogs 。 该文件带有创建日期和时间的时间戳。 该文件每分钟更新一次。

    在文件的底部,您可以看到最新编辑的开始时间和时间戳。 这样您就可以随时查看文件的时间跨度。


  4. 如果一切正常,请添加到启动应用程序:Dash>启动应用程序>添加。 添加命令:

     /bin/bash -c "sleep 15 && python3 /path/to/window_logs.py" 



 # -- set sorting order. up = most used first, use either "up" or "down" order = "up" 
