
当我使用apt-get upgrade & apt-get autoremove和每个apt-get [Something]..时,我得到这个错误apt-get [Something]..当我尝试安装应用程序时:

 Errors were encountered while processing: man-db E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) 

请阅读以下评论。 这可能是在您的系统上运行并创建不可恢复状态的危险命令。 (这些行已被注释掉,以防止复制和粘贴系统管理员)。


 sudo -s # cd /var/cache/debconf # rm *.dat apt-get update && apt-get upgrade 

请享用 ;)


 sudo dpkg -i --force-all [deb file path] 


社区wiki答案 – 由OP解决


 sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh -a 

您可能还想知道可以使用dpkg --audit来查看实际问题。


 The following packages are in a mess due to serious problems during installation. They must be reinstalled for them (and any packages that depend on them) to function properly: gcdemu A GNOME panel applet to control CDEmu daemon The following packages have been unpacked but not yet configured. They must be configured using dpkg --configure or the configure menu option in dselect for them to work: cdemu-daemon CDEmu daemon cdemu-client A simple command-line client to control CDEmu daemon The following packages are only half configured, probably due to problems configuring them the first time. The configuration should be retried using dpkg --configure  or the configure menu option in dselect: transmission-daemon lightweight BitTorrent client (daemon) vhba-dkms VHBA virtual host bus adapter module 

您可以运行以下命令: dpkg --configure

  dpkg --configure cdemu-daemon 


 Reconfigure an unpacked package. If -a or --pending is given instead of package, all unpacked but unconfigured packages are configured. 


 sudo apt-get -f install sudo apt-get --reinstall install gcdemu 


例如: http : //ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1502826.html


 sudo apt-get autoremove "NAME OF PACKAGE HERE" 

如果你在错误的清理尝试中删除了/var/cache (就像我一样),这可能会解决问题(它对我有用):

 sudo mkdir /var/cache/debconf