联想Yoga 2 Pro上的Ubuntu

是否可以在新的Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro上安装Ubuntu? 我已检查Ubuntu站点上的Lenovo兼容性列表 ,但尚未为此模型创建新条目(10月中旬发布)。

刚买了(上周)一个(瑜伽2专业版 – i7 – 8 GB内存 – 256 SSD)并安装了ubuntu 13.10。

它带有一个电源按钮侧面的小按钮,用于启用BIOS编辑和启动顺序…当您按下它时,计算机将通过配置菜单启动。 然后,您必须编辑BIOS以取消对UEFI模式的保护。 这真的很容易。

要启动ubuntu,您必须在quiet参数之前编辑grub的引导行,添加: acpi_backlight=vendor

安装ubuntu之后,在/etc/default/grub文件中,你必须在第11行添加相同的acpi conf:

 GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="acpi_backlight=vendor quiet splash" 

并执行: sudo update-grub2命令


  • 起初,无线被严重阻止,我尝试了一切来启用它(rfkill解锁,内核升级到3.12,没有任何工作)

为了在没有无线的情况下使用它,我买了J5 usb 3.0千兆以太网适配器……它没有任何配置。

我在网上发现了一些post,说他们通过重新安装Windows,通过软件解锁无线网卡,然后返回linux解决了这个问题。 我删除了所有分区,我不打算重新安装Windows。

有趣的是, iwlist wlan0 scan工作……所以这很奇怪……

今天我安装了wicd来取代网络管理器和无线开始工作!!!!!! 唯一需要的是将resolv.conf从ubuntu位置复制到/ etc(替换符号链接)

 cp /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf /etc/ 

亮度function键也没有什么作用……但我不在乎… 🙂

如何在联想IdeaPad Yoga 2 Pro上安装Ubuntu

我得到了一个瑜伽2专业版 – i5 – 8 GB内存 – 256 SSD(我首先安装了Ubuntu 13.10 32bit (也尝试了64位,但崩溃了内核恐慌!),但我猜现在Ubuntu 14.04 64bit会运行正常。)



  1. 我启动了Windows并调整了Windows分区的大小,因此我可以免费获得100GB。
    ( 如果需要:在这里你会发现一个详细的题材,最后会有截图 ,然后继续第4步)

  2. 它带有一个电源按钮侧面小按钮,用于启用BIOS编辑和启动顺序…当您按下它时,计算机将通过配置菜单启动。 然后,您必须编辑BIOS以取消对UEFI模式的保护。

  3. 选择“Legacy Boot”

  4. 要启动Ubuntu,您必须在quiet参数之前编辑grub的引导行 ,添加: acpi_backlight=vendor

  5. 从USB(或外部CD驱动器)启动Ubuntu并按“试用Ubuntu”


当Ubuntu从USB启动时,打开控制台以启用带有sudo rmmod ideapad_laptop WiFi。 然后连接到WiFi网络并安装Ubuntu



 sudo rmmod ideapad_laptop sudo service network-manager restart 


 sudo su echo '#added to enable WiFi on Yoga 2 Pro'>>/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf echo 'blacklist ideapad_laptop'>>/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf 


现在在Ubuntu 14.04与Unity一切正常。 此外,似乎Ubuntu更适合触摸屏。 我只需要在System Settings 调整屏幕DPI – > "Displays" – > "Scale for menu and title bars"到2.0 + 设置屏幕截图




替代方案:使用Chrome 。 我在Chrome版本41.0.2272.76 Ubuntu 14.10中进行了测试:触摸屏在预期的情况下运行正常,即使缩放到缩放也能正常工作,并且所有菜单都是正确的尺寸。

6.调整Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro上的触控板


 Section "InputClass" Identifier "touchpad catchall" Driver "synaptics" MatchIsTouchpad "on" # This option is recommend on all Linux systems using evdev, but cannot be # enabled by default. See the following link for details: # http://who-t.blogspot.com/2010/11/how-to-ignore-configuration-errors.html MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*" Option "FingerLow" "46" Option "FingerHigh" "46" Option "ClickFinger1" "1" Option "ClickFinger2" "2" Option "ClickFinger3" "3" Option "TapButton1" "1" Option "TapButton2" "3" Option "TapButton3" "2" Option "AreaBottomEdge" "85%" Option "SoftButtonAreas" "60% 0 85% 0 40% 60% 85% 0" # Btn2 LRTB - Btn3 LRTB Option "EmulateMidButtonTime" "75" EndSection 

(来源: http : //memobadz.wordpress.com/2014/02/16/lenovo-yoga-pro-2-on-ubuntu/ )

7.在联想IdeaPad Yoga上添加屏幕旋转支持


在系统设置 – >键盘 – >快捷方式 :

  • Alt + F5分配给命令/usr/local/bin/rotate-screen.sh
  • Alt + Shift + F5 /usr/local/bin/rotate-screen.sh -n


为了能够从启动器手动转动屏幕,请 添加如此处所述的.desktop -file

注意: 现在联想Yoga 2 Ubuntu 14.04时空黑屏似乎有一个问题似乎是由新内核解决的


 sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup 




  sudo apt-get install xbacklight 

然后将此命令添加到启动程序(gnome-session-properties): xbacklight -set 50

启用所有可能的节电设置 ,请安装powertop

 apt-get install powertop 

使用sudo gedit /etc/rc.local编辑你的rc.local启动脚本,这样最终部分如下所示:

 # By default this script does nothing. ##################################################### # tune all power save settings to >good< powertop --auto-tune # all power save settings are fine but the one for the touchpad # disable powertop >good<-setting for touchpad echo 'on' > '/sys/bus/usb/devices/2-7/power/control' ##################################################### # optional disable bluetooth and wifi on each start # this can always be re-enabled in the top appletts if you need it # disable bluetooth at start: (uncomment the following line) #rfkill block bluetooth # disable wifi at start: (uncomment both following lines) #sed s/^WirelessEnabled=true/WirelessEnabled=false/ -i /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state #rfkill block wifi exit 0 

这只是一个建议 ,可能会出现WiFi的一些问题,使用powertop设置的powersavefunction:有时我的无线卡停止工作,所以我现在禁用了rc.local的选项powertop --auto-tune并禁用了11n扩展名如下:

 sudo su echo "options iwlwifi 11n_disable=1" >> /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf 




  • 由于在挂起模式下 电池时间为几天 ,您可以将电源按钮选项设置为“挂起”,并使用gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power button-power 'suspend'
  • grub中的分辨率非常小,因此有点 ,这可以通过使你的Grub启动菜单漂亮来解决
  • 在Ubuntu 15.10上,你需要更多的东西才能在启动时禁用蓝牙

11.联想IdeaPad Yoga 2 Pro的其他有用硬件:

我有一个“HooToo HT-UE01 USB 3.0 HUB 3端口,带RJ45 10/100/1000 千兆以太网LAN ”,在我的Yoga 2 Pro上工作正常(在Ubuntu 32bit上测试)


  • 联想Yoga 2 Pro上的外置4k显示器


 sudo rmmod ideapad_laptop 


我尝试了12.04.3 64位但没有工作。

13.10 64位与上述修改一起工作。

另一位研究员有安装指南: http : //datainfer.wordpress.com/2013/11/21/install-ubuntu-on-ideapad-yoga-2-pro/

在我的情况下,我想要双启动,但Ubuntu安装程序没有检测到Windows安装,所以我在Ubuntu安装程序中选择“Something else”并在我的空白空间(当我进行Win安装时留空)创建为ext4并挂载为/(root)并选择此作为安装启动的点。


要在安装后修改/ etc / default / grub我在Grub中选择恢复模式并首先运行修复grub错误(以便在写入模式下安装磁盘),然后通过根控制台通过以下方式编辑文件

 sudo nano /etc/default/grub 


适用于Hi DPI / HiDPI /高分辨率

我使用GNOME 3.10并且它似乎比Unity更好地处理高dpi: 在Ubuntu 13.10中安装Gnome 3.10而不会破坏Unity


如何在联想IdeaPad Yoga 2 Pro上安装Kubuntu

我刚刚安装了Kubuntu 13.10 32bit (也尝试了64位,但崩溃了内核恐慌!)这些是我必须要做的安装Kubuntu的步骤:

  1. 我启动了Windows并调整了Windows分区的大小,因此我可以免费获得100GB。
    (如果您计划连接高分辨率显示器,则应在Windows上安装PowerStrip以使显示器在那里运行,并为显示器获取正确的Linux Modeline参数 。)

  2. 它带有一个电源按钮侧面的小按钮,用于启用BIOS编辑和启动顺序…当您按下它时,计算机将通过配置菜单启动。 然后,您必须编辑BIOS以取消对UEFI模式的保护。

  3. 我选择了“Legacy Boot”

  4. 要启动Kubuntu,您必须在quiet参数之前编辑grub的引导行,添加: acpi_backlight=vendor

  5. 按USB“Try Kubuntu”从USB运行KDE。 您必须使用sudo rmmod ideapad_laptop启用WiFi
    (为了在安装过程中更容易处理,调整触摸板的速度有点慢:设置 – >“输入设备”将“光标运动” – >“加速因子”设置为0.02,并在设置 – >“外观” – >中设置字体dpi字体到250 dpi )。
    然后我选择了“安装KDE ”。

    1. 100 MB用于引导所需的特殊分区(不是/ boot分区,而是一些特殊类型:“biosgrub”称为“保留BIOS引导区域”)
    2. root用户为100GB,为ext4
    3. 8GB RAM不需要交换(但如果需要,您可以稍后添加交换文件)
  6. 我连接到WiFi网络

  7. 重启后一切都很好(不需要再调整grub)剩下的唯一问题是,我必须在每个系统启动后使用sudo rmmod ideapad_laptop启用WiFi,所以我将其添加到modprobe黑名单中:
    sudo su
    echo '#added to enable WiFi on Yoga 2 Pro'>>/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
    echo 'blacklist ideapad_laptop'>>/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

  8. 由于现在一切都很小,我调整了一些字体设置:

    1. 将设置 – >“外观” – >字体中的dpi设置为250 dpi ,然后再次注销。
    2. 将Firefox和Thunderbird调整为高DPI触摸屏显示器(视网膜)

    3. 使用右侧的按钮调整底部KDE-Controllbar的高度到所需高度,然后所有图标随高度增长

  9. 为了连接我的外部高分辨率显示器,我尝试连接Crossover High Res。 监控到Intel HD Graphics 4400 ,但显示器尚未运行。
    使用FullHD分辨率的另一台显示器工作正常,但使用它作为双显示器很难,因为在屏幕上现在一切都很大。 也许可以为两个不同的屏幕提供两种不同的DPI配置

  10. 再次启动到Windows 8.1:
    在此设置中,grub不会在列表中显示Windows 8.1。 但它仍然很容易:如果你想进入你的Windows分区,你必须使用电源按钮侧面的小按钮 (启用BIOS编辑和启动顺序):你仍然可以启动到Windows

  11. 我将字体定义为230 dpi,所以一切看起来都很好(除了一些在java中运行的应用程序。)

  12. 一些问题仍然存在:

    • 我在哪里可以自定义KDE中的通知窗口大小?
    • 如何更改KDE状态栏中的图标大小?
    • 如何在KDE中缩放一个特定窗口?

13. 几天后,KDE的窗户装饰都消失了! 我无法配置它们。 所以我决定apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ; P。

所以我继续如何在联想IdeaPad Yoga 2 Pro上安装Ubuntu

刚买了一台联想Yoga Pro 2,i5,256MB SSD。 这就是我为14.10做的,比上面提到的更简单:

  1. 在不同的PC上下载Ubuntu 14.10并使用“Startup Disk Creator”创建USB启动
  2. 将此Ubuntu USB启动插入USB 2.0(右侧)
  3. 按电源按钮启动YP2,然后按住Fn + F2
  4. 进入BIOS,
  5. 转到引导菜单。 使用F6将“EFI USB Device”提升到第一个位置(不再是,这就是全部… Ubuntu是EFI好的,一切都很好!)
  6. 就像我喜欢它:进入配置菜单并禁用热键模式,因为我喜欢Fn键直接运行
  7. F10保存并退出。 让YP2重启

    (首先我安装Live …一切似乎都很棒!)

  8. 从Ubuntu USB启动选项中选择(非常小的打印):“安装Ubuntu”(我不再需要任何Windows,所以我没有分区)

  9. Boot菜单显示得很好。 没有任何问题显示我的WIFI和连接! 🙂
    1. 选择“擦除磁盘并安装Ubuntu”……但随后哎呀……安装程序崩溃了! “安装程序在将文件复制到硬盘时遇到错误”。 它继续并启动进入Live会话。 嗯…… 我在USB 3.0端口上尝试相同; 同样的问题b。 我用md5sum检查下载的iso,没问题。 我从我的妻子那里偷了一个不同的USB,然后再试一次..手指交叉……是的!……正在安装..
    2. 重启。 都好。
    3. 安装更新,限制额外并报告哪些有效,哪些无效:

A. WIFI工作精湛:我现在获得144Mbs(仅限2.4GHz,我知道如果需要,你可以用30美元到5GHz左右替换WIFI卡.BiRes屏幕看起来很棒。一些改编.1系统设置>>显示:2.0上的缩放。 ..但是鹦鹉螺似乎有时会忘记…奇怪,会调查.2 >>外观:发射器图标大小38 .2下载带软件中心的Unity调整工具:外观>>字体>>窗口标题字体“Ubuntu 10”光标>>使用较大的光标(暂时不起作用……)。3 FireFox about:config >> layout.css.devPixelsPerPx = 2

其余的部分? ……好吧一切似乎都有效。 到现在为止还挺好


如果您购买yoga 2 pro,请注意3200×1800的显示分辨率!

Gnome,KDE和Xfce还没有为这种疯狂的决议做好准备。 对我来说唯一的解决方法是将分辨率降低到全高清,因此文本仍然可读。

我在我的Yoga 2 Pro上运行Ubuntu 13.10。 我觉得这很棒! 电池寿命超过6小时。 黄色有点偏,但它并没有太多困扰我; 最近的BIOS修复程序无法修复Ubuntu中的颜色。 除了已经提到的内容之外,我还做了一些事情。


 xinput set-prop "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad" "Device Accel Profile" 2 xinput set-prop "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad" "Device Accel Constant Deceleration" 4 xinput set-prop "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad" "Device Accel Adaptive Deceleration" 4 xinput set-prop "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad" "Device Accel Velocity Scaling" 8 xinput set-prop "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad" "Synaptics Finger" 35 45 0 xinput set-prop "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad" "Synaptics Coasting Speed" 5 15 xinput set-prop "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad" "Synaptics Tap Time" 120 xinput set-prop "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad" "Synaptics Tap Move" 300 xinput set-prop "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad" "Synaptics Noise Cancellation" 20 20 


 xrandr --output eDP1 --scale 0.7x0.7 

Ubuntu很高兴在UEFI中启动,我可以通过Grub双启动Windows 8.1。

关于联想Yoga 2 Pro的Kubuntu



  • 关闭计算机并开始使用Novo按钮(电源按钮旁边的小圆形按钮)
  • 进入BIOS配置
  • 配置 – >启用Intel虚拟化
  • 安全性 – >禁用安全启动。
  • Boot->禁用Lenovo Fast Boot。


  • 关闭计算机并使用novo按钮重新打开。
  • 从菜单中选择USB启动。
  • 在USB记忆棒的grub菜单中,按e编辑“安装Ubuntu Server ..”条目。 在’安静’之前添加’acpi_backlight = vendor’

注意:我使用Ubuntu Server安装来完全支持磁盘加密,然后我安装kubuntu-desktop软件包以及我喜欢使用的各种程序,将它带到普通桌面。 如果您不想要磁盘加密,这些说明应该与普通的Kubuntu安装程序一样好(我发现Kubuntu安装程序的磁盘加密支持非常好)。


  • 转到https://github.com/pfps/yoga-laptop并点击“下载ZIP”
  • 假设您将文件下载到Downloads /文件夹,请运行以下命令来构建和安装固定的ideapad-laptop模块:

     cd ~/Downloads/ unzip yoga-laptop-master.zip cd yoga-laptop-master make ideapad-laptop sudo make ideapad-laptop-install 



Kmix似乎默认控制HDMI音频设备音量,而不是内置扬声器/耳机设备。 要解决此问题,您可以使用笔记本电脑侧面非常方便的音量按钮:运行Pulse音量控制(apt-get install pavucontrol),然后在“输出设备”下单击“内置音频数字”中的“设置为后备”立体声(HDMI)”。


如果没有此grub引导参数更改,我无法更改屏幕亮度(根据某些来源video.use_native_backlight取代acpi_backlight = vendor )。 编辑/ etc / default / grub:

 GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="video.use_native_backlight=1 quiet splash" 





 options psmouse proto=imps 


 Section "InputClass" Identifier "touchpad catchall" Driver "synaptics" MatchIsTouchpad "on" # This option is recommend on all Linux systems using evdev, but cannot be # enabled by default. See the following link for details: # http://who-t.blogspot.com/2010/11/how-to-ignore-configuration-errors.html MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*" Option "FingerLow" "46" Option "FingerHigh" "46" Option "SoftButtonAreas" "60% 0 85% 0 40% 60% 85% 0" # Btn3 LRTB - Btn2 LRTB Option "EmulateMidButtonTime" "75" EndSection 

修复Hi Res中的一切都太小了

我不认为在当前版本的X和KDE中对3200×1600分辨率有很好的支持。 我增加了DPI并将分辨率降低到1920×1080:


 xserver-command=X -dpi 120 

在KDE系统设置 – >显示设置分辨率为1920×1080(此更改将在重新启动之间保持不变)

在Firefox中about:config set layout.css.devPixelsPerPx设置为1.3并安装附加组件“Fix for zoomed default-font”

在Thunderbird中只需用ctrl ++增加文本大小


Ubuntu内核bug的修复程序https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1349572发布于linux-image 3.13.0-36.63(正常的Ubuntu更新)包中。 2014年9月下旬。根据我的经验,这导致Wifi不稳定性降低,尽管它会暂时“暂停”几秒钟,这很奇怪。

即使在安装固定的ideapad-laptop模块后,我发现无线网卡(Intel Corporation Wireless 7260(rev 6b))有点不稳定。 搜索论坛我发现linux-firmware软件包最近(2014年8月)更新了英特尔无线7260的最新固件文件。安装到目前为止,我的无线工作无问题(手指交叉:))

你需要获得至少版本1.134,目前可用于Utopic(14.10),但应该可以正常安装在可靠的(14.04)。 要获取它,请浏览https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/+package/linux-firmware ,然后单击“amd64(发布)中的linux-firmware 1.134”(或最新版本),然后单击“linux” -firmware_1.134_all.deb“安装下载的文件:sudo dpkg -i linux-firmware_1.134_all.deb重新启动,应该是它


触摸屏似乎只能作为一个简单的鼠标设备 – 移动光标和点击的东西工作,但没有像双指滚动或任何手势或滑动。 如果有人知道如何改进这一点,请发布答案。

暂停/恢复大多数工作,但我已经看到有些时候恢复屏幕是空白的灰色。 Ubuntu正在后台工作,因为我可以使用它来运行’sudo service lightdm restart’来修复它。 我希望新的ideapad-laptop模块可以解决这个问题,我在等待现在我已经安装了问题是否重新出现了


如何在联想IdeaPad Yoga 2 Pro(xfce4)上安装Ubuntu Studio 15.10

我有一个Yoga 2 pro – i7 – 8 GB ram – 512 SSD

这些是我必须执行的安装Ubuntu Studio的步骤:


  1. 我启动了Windows并调整了Windows分区的大小,因此我可以免费获得100GB。
    ( 如果需要:在这里你会发现一个详细的题材,最后会有截图 ,然后继续第4步)

  2. 它带有一个电源按钮侧面小按钮,用于启用BIOS编辑和启动顺序…当您按下它时,计算机将通过配置菜单启动。 然后,您必须编辑BIOS以取消对UEFI模式的保护。

  3. 选择“Legacy Boot”和“Legacy First”

  4. 从USB(或外部CD驱动器)启动Ubuntu并按“试用Ubuntu”。 我是用USB-stick安装的,用UNetbootin创建。




如果Ubuntu Studio无法启动,请选择“扩展选项”并选择upstart内核条目。 然后从ubuntu-desktop安装所有软件包:

 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop 

这修复了引导期间的一些问题。 现在Ubuntu Studio正常启动第一个grub条目


现在在Ubuntu Studio中一切正常,但一切都很小。 所以从底部面板启动设置管理器(英语使用LANG=c xfce4-settings-manager

  1. Settings Manager 调整屏幕DPI – > "Appearance" – > "Fonts" – > "Custom DPI settings"为192
  2. Settings Manager "Window Manager" 选择一个高DPI主题 – > "Window Manager"选择Default-xhdpi和Title font 12
  3. 下载Widepanel外观并在Settings Manager – > "Appearance"选择此项
  4. Mouse and Touchpad选择触摸板并将Accelleration设置为10.0并将Theme的光标大小调整为48
  5. “设置编辑器”( xfce4-settings-editor

    • xfce4-desktop部分(如果它不存在则创建一个条目) desktop-icons/icon-size类型整数并将其设置为128
    • xsettings部分xsettings Gtk/IconSizes设置为



       xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gtk/IconSizes -s "gtk-large-toolbar=32,32:gtk-small-toolbar=24,24:gtk-menu=32,32:gtk-dialog=88,88:gtk-button=32,32:gtk-dnd=32,32" 

      请参阅在Ubuntu-Studio XFCE中将字体和图标大小调整为高清屏幕分辨率

  6. 通过右键单击调整面板尺寸 – >面板 – >面板首选项:顶部面板0选择尺寸44,底部面板1使用行尺寸100

  7. 如果您使用Pidgin,请参阅如何使Ubuntu适应高DPI分辨率屏幕




替代方案:使用Chrome 。 我在Chrome版本41.0.2272.76 Ubuntu 14.10中进行了测试:触摸屏在预期的情况下运行正常,即使缩放到缩放也能正常工作,并且所有菜单都是正确的尺寸。

6.调整Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro上的触控板

在“设置”( xfce4-settings-manager ) – >“鼠标和触摸板”中选择下拉列表中的触摸板

  • 加速度设置为最大值
  • 设置在键入 0.6秒时禁用触摸板

7.在联想IdeaPad Yoga 2 Pro上添加屏幕旋转支持


Settings Manager – > Keyboard – > Application Shortcuts

  • Alt + F5分配给命令/usr/local/bin/rotate-screen.sh
  • Alt + Shift + F5 /usr/local/bin/rotate-screen.sh -n

为了能够从启动器手动转动屏幕,请 添加如此处所述的.desktop -file





  sudo apt-get install xbacklight 

然后将此命令添加到启动程序(gnome-session-properties): xbacklight -set 50

启用所有可能的节电设置 ,请安装powertop

 apt-get install powertop 

使用sudo gedit /etc/rc.local编辑你的rc.local启动脚本,这样最终部分如下所示:

 # By default this script does nothing. ##################################################### # tune all power save settings to >good< powertop --auto-tune # all power save settings are fine but the one for the touchpad # disable powertop >good<-setting for touchpad echo 'on' > '/sys/bus/usb/devices/2-7/power/control' ##################################################### # optional disable bluetooth and wifi on each start # this can always be re-enabled in the top appletts if you need it # disable bluetooth at start: (uncomment the following line) #rfkill block bluetooth # disable wifi at start: (uncomment both following lines) #sed s/^WirelessEnabled=true/WirelessEnabled=false/ -i /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state #rfkill block wifi exit 0 

This is just a suggestion , there might show up some problems with WiFi, using the powersave function set by powertop : sometimes my wirelesss card stopped working, so I disabled the option powertop --auto-tune in rc.local for now and disabled the 11n extension with the following:

 sudo su echo "options iwlwifi 11n_disable=1" >> /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf 

(You need to reboot after those changes)

But I am still investigating this…

10. more Optional Configurations:

  • The resolution in grub is really tiny and therefore somewhat slow , this can be solved by making your Grub boot menu pretty
  • If you enable natural scrolling for your touchpad in “Settings” ( xfce4-settings-manager )->”Mouse and Touchpad”, you need to set “Enable horizontal scrolling” there too and fix the horizontal scrolling direction with How to enable natural scrolling in xfce4?
  • enable palm detection with syndaemon -i 1 -K -R -d in “Settings”->”Session and Startup”
  • If you want to use Unity, it seems some Lenses make prolems, so disable all lenses and scopes
  • disable bluetooth at startup

11. Additional useful Hardware for Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga 2 Pro:

I got a “HooToo HT-UE01 USB 3.0 HUB 3-Port with RJ45 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet LAN ” that works fine (tested on Ubuntu 64bit) on my Yoga 2 Pro

12. Only problem left:

  • External 4k Monitor on Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro

I just bought one yesterday and can confirm that the hardware works flawlessly if you follow the suggestions on this page. Also Standby works out of the box.

BUT: as Michael Schär pointed out, missing High-DPI support in X11 is a big issue. I am actually returning the device because of this. there are two basic solutions but none of them really fully work:

1.) Use a lower Resolution and have the display interpolate everything. Works great, but makes everything blurry. If you just buy a Full-HD 13″ Laptop rather than setting a low resolution on a Quad HD notebook, you end up having a cripser image. So why spend the extra $$ just to get a worse result?

2.) I usually run Xubuntu with xfce, but i have tried Unity and KDE as well and it is the same story with all of them: Increase Font DPI, use a High-DPI theme like TGC-Huge or Husky , increase Icon sizes, increase launch-bar size etc.: this gives you finally a readable and sharp appearance, but it totally messes up the appearance of different applications. One major issue is, that the default window size of a newly launched application is still the same as with the small icons and fonts, so in GIMP for example, you have to manually resize the window to see the full menu bar, also, the tool icons in GIMP are still tiny. Firefox needs an extra setting to scale up webpages, but that should work okay, Gnumeric shows tiny cells and they increase in size once you write something into them as the font is now huge compared to the cell size.. this messes up your sheets. the overall appearance just doesn’t look right anymore and there is something wrong with almost every application.

So for me the decision is clear, i will return the laptop and get a cheaper Full-HD one which provides more desktop area to work with but is still readable and proportionally correct. I really hope that the missing High-DPI support will be added to our favourite Window Managers and the X-Servers soon.

I used PowerTOP to analyze and reduce battery power consumption on my Yoga 2 Pro. Here are the steps to automatically apply the optimizations.

Create script file /usr/share/powertop_optizations.sh (don’t forget to make it executable) with the following commands

 #!/bin/sh -e ############################################## # PowerTOP tweaks ############################################## # VM writeback timeout echo '1500' > '/proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs'; # Enable SATA link power Managmenet for sata_host in `ls /sys/class/scsi_host/host*/link_power_management_policy`; do echo 'min_power' > $sata_host; done # NMI watchdog should be turned off echo '0' > '/proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog'; # Autosuspend for USB devices for usb_dev in `ls /sys/bus/usb/devices/*/power/control`; do echo 'auto' > $usb_dev; done # Runtime PM for PCI Devices for pci_dev in `ls /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:00:*/power/control`; do echo 'auto' > $pci_dev; done # Using 'ondemand' cpufreq governor /sbin/modprobe cpufreq_ondemand > /dev/null 2>&1 for cpu_core in `ls /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor`; do echo 'ondemand' > $cpu_core; done ############################################## exit 0 

In order to apply these optimizations every time the laptop switches to battery power create script file /usr/lib/pm-utils/power.d/z_powertop

 #!/bin/sh # true == Battery # false == AC case "$1" in true) echo "Applying powertop optimizations" /usr/share/powertop_optizations.sh || echo 'Failed!' ;; false) ;; esac exit 0 

Clickpad Disable While Typing

You cannot enable the “Disable While Typing” clickpad/touchpad feature in Ubnutu. This is the main reason why the we have so much trouble with the clickpad/touchpad although there are other aggravating issues. This is a bug in the Unity Settings Daemon with an easy fix which will significantly improve your quality of life.

Ubuntu uses syndaemon (not synclient) to set the “disable while typing” feature on the clickpad. The only function of syndaemon is “a program that monitors keyboard activity and disables the touchpad when the keyboard is being used”. This feature is broke due to and old bug since Ubuntu 12.04 that affects the clickpad/touchpad of all users whose laptop has this feature. There is a little bug in the unimportant syndaemon -t argument which crashes syndaemon. It can be fixed by a workaround of simply not using this argument. The unity-settings-daemon configuration uses this dysfunctional argument which then disables syndaemon. This bug fix is not implemented in the unity-settings-daemon apparently because of an oversight.

Syndaemon is not running when Ubuntu boots and if you simply go into the terminal and type the following “magic command” it will bring “disable while typing” back to life.

 syndaemon -i 1 -K -R -d 

It is configurable where “1” is the number of seconds it takes to enable the touchpad after typing has stopped. The optimum setting depends on your preferences which I think are related to your typing speed. I tried 2 and 4 seconds which I think were way too long and I like the 1 second the best. Someone said that you should make sure the “disable while typing” check box is unchecked in the mouse settings.

Go to “Startup Applications” and add a new preference that I called “disable clickpad while typing”. Then copy and paste the above command into the Command box and save it. Now it will start on boot. It is truly amazing what this command will do for you.

Bug report in Launchpad

AskUbuntu thread where I discovered this

Syndaemon Manual

PalmDetect Broke

The clickpad/touchpad should be centered on the keyboard (between G&H) but is placed in the center of the deck likely for design purposes. The clickpad is also very large and this all leads to the right edge of the clickpad pushing out a whole key to the right of the space bar. The clickpad is also flush and not recessed making it easier to touch accidentally. Because of all this, it is impossible to work without accidentally touching the clickpad with your right palm which moves the arrow / insert bar all over the place.

This makes the Synaptics PalmDetect function very important and synclient allows you to enable and configure it. However, PalmDetect is broke in the Yoga 2 Pro. There is a known issue for some clickpad/touchpads because of a kernel bug that causes the palm width to always be reported as 0. This is apparently what breaks palm detection in the Yoga 2 Pro. The synaptics package can be patched to use only Z for palm detection as a workaround. These patches are a bit beyond my capabilities so I haven’t tried them.

Having said that, fixing the “disable while typing” and using synclient to FingerHigh/FingerLow and MinSpeed/MaxSpeed to appropriate values has made a tremendous difference in the clickpad/trackpad usability. The usability is now markedly improved and acceptable even without PalmDetect. Even so, if someone is able to figure out how to apply this patch to this laptop, please show us how to do it in simple steps. Hopefully, the kernel will be fixed in new releases.

I think it would be interesting to use synclient to inactivate the right hand centimeter of the touchpad/trackpad where most of the palm contact occurs. I did some few experiments with this but they were not successful. It would be helpful if someone who understands this better would come up with something to test.

Bug report with patch

Another similar patch

This is a great question, thank you everyone. @rubo77 has a super post. @ttomv echos my experience using a 14.10 install on my new Yoga Pro 2 purchased in 12/14.

WiFi not working

The stock kernel on 14.10 has been fixed, the WiFi problems are gone, and it now works out of the box. No more monkey business. We can now go back to focusing on tweaks.

Install Ubuntu to SD Card

I followed a different tack when I installed Ubuntu. The 256G SSD is smaller than I’m used to with a hard drive. To me, it is pretty small and I would have to share the 256G between two operating systems with a dual boot. I experimented with installing Ubuntu to an external data device. My intention was to use this external data card as an extension of the 256G SSD. 64G SDcards / USB sticks are now readily available and reachable in price. If I could get it to work it would increase my functional memory to 256 + 64 = 320G. In my mind, it was sort of like adding a 64G partition to the 256G SSD.

To install to an external device you need to choose “Install Ubuntu” and then “Something Else”. This process is not unusually complex but be sure you research it well because there are some potential pit falls and the process is not particularly intuitive. You want to be sure to configure it so it installs to the external data device and also installs GRUB on the external device (not on the internal SSD). Set the mount point to “/”.

So I happen to have a 64G SDcard and I put it into the card reader slot (USB 2.0) to see how well it would work. The SDcard in the reader worked just fine and Ubuntu came to life. Maybe through naivety, I did not touch the BIOS. I left Secure Boot and Fast Boot enabled. After installing Ubuntu on the jump drive, it showed up as UEFI.

However, it was slow when it was reading / writing to the SDcard but otherwise very fast (presumably when using RAM). So I figured I was onto something. I found that the right hand USB port is the USB 3.0 port and I researched fast USB 3.0 jump drives. I settled on the following tiny unit and ordered it waiting the obligatory week for it to arrive.

SanDisk Ultra Fit CZ43 64GB USB 3.0 Low-Profile Flash Drive 130 MB/s read

So… It works… I now have 320G of drive space… I don’t know if it is as fast as the internal SSD but it is wicked fast. Booting it has some idiosyncrasies. When you boot into GRUB and let it sit on the default Ubuntu option, it locks on a dark backlit screen most of the time but occasionally works as it should and boots into Ubuntu. The work around is to go to the next line in GRUB “Advanced Options for Ubuntu”, accept with enter, and then accept the top option to manually boot into Ubuntu.

I also find that it occasionally looses its theme (Radiance is my choice) and drops back to the default theme (Ambiance). This usually happens if I have been messing around in the BIOS and booting options and not when I have done a normal shut off and a normal boot. One or two reboots and it comes back.

I do not know if both of these issues are related to the jump drive install or also occur on a regular install. I’d be interested if anyone has any thoughts on these little idiosyncrasies and how to solve them. I have some other very useful tweaks but this post is already too long so I’ll break them up by topic.

How to access SSD from Ubuntu

I also want to be able to access the SSD from Ubuntu. If Windows is hibernated you can’t read the drive from Ubuntu. There is something called “Windows Fast Startup” that is a scaled down form of hibernate making for a quicker boot of Windows. However, it stores NTSF partition data in a file and locks up the SSD so Ubuntu can’t access it. This is easy to fix by disabling it in Windows.

Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Power Options > “choose what power button does” [System] > “change settings that are currently unavailable” > “Shut down settings” > uncheck “turn on fast startup”

This allows me to have a data directory on the SSD accessible from either the Ubuntu or the Windows 8 side. The price is that Windows boots a little more slowly. It’s worth it to me.

Synclient Settings I Found Helpful

(the first two are extremely important)

Pressure Sensitivity Too Low

The pressure sensitivity is too low meaning that it responds to a touch with the slightest pressure. You need to make it so it requires more pressure to give a response so it is not always jumping with unintended brushes. I pushed it up as high as it would go before it started missing my normal finger touches. This is almost double the default which is set way too low.

 Option "FingerLow" "45" Option "FingerHigh" "50" 

Clickpad/Trackpad Too Fast

This setting has a bug. If you set these values using synclient you will find exactly what you set when you use synclient to list all the settings. However, if you set the same command using 50-synaptics.conf then synclient will always return a ratio with MinSpeed = 1 and MaxSpeed something more than that. The default is 1 and 1.75 but you don’t know really what numbers created this ratio meaning you don’t really know what is the default. Through trial and error I found a speed which worked well for me even in high resolution. When I use the configuration file to set new settings, synclient returns 1 and 2.25 but it seems the settings you set in 50-synaptics.conf are correctly rendered despite the values not being right. It’s odd.

 Option "MinSpeed" "0.4 " Option "MaxSpeed" "0.9" 

Disable Two Finger Right Click

Brushes of the clickpad/trackpad kept being intrepreted as two finger clicks and the right click dialog box was always popping up and slowing me down. Since I can right click at the bottom right, I found this more annoying than helpful. I disabled it and was much more happy.

 Option "TapButton2" "0" 

Set 2 Finger Scrolling

I prefer 2 finger vertical and horizontal scrolling and not to have edge scrolling enabled at all. To accomplish this with the system defaults after the GNOME defaults were disabled (as in the above post}, I needed the following commands.

 Option "VertEdgeScroll" "0" Option "HorizTwoFingerScroll" "1" 

Below is my 50-synaptics.conf file with these changes. I hope my annotations are more understandable.

 # /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf # This section assigns the touchpad driver to all touchpads Section "InputClass" Identifier "touchpad ignore duplicates" Driver "synaptics" MatchIsTouchpad "on" MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*" EndSection # This section makes the touchpad ignore duplicates # duplicates can lock up the touchpad # ignore events from old driver # this is a standard section in the conf file Section "InputClass" Identifier "touchpad ignore duplicates" MatchIsTouchpad "on" MatchOS "Linux" MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/mouse*" Option "Ignore" "on" EndSection # This section is for the actual configuration of the touchpad Section "InputClass" Identifier "touchpad catchall" MatchIsTouchpad "on" Driver "synaptics" Option "FingerHigh" "50" Option "FingerLow" "45" Option "MinSpeed" "0.4" Option "MaxSpeed" "0.9" Option "VertEdgeScroll" "0" Option "HorizTwoFingerScroll" "1" Option "TapButton2" "0" EndSection # This sections makes a bottom right corner right click # and makes the right middle top area a right & middle buttons Section "InputClass" Identifier "Default clickpad buttons" MatchDriver "synaptics" Option "SoftButtonAreas" "50% 0 82% 0 0 0 0 0" Option "SecondarySoftButtonAreas" "58% 0 0 15% 42% 58% 0 15%" EndSection # End of configuration file 

Synaptics Clickpad/Touchpad Configuration of Xorg Server Using Synclient

The arrow and cursor wanders and jumps unexpectedly making it nearly unusable out of the box. Besides the “Clickpad Disable While Typing” above, all the other settings are controlled by the Xorg server. It is my understanding that Xorg is replacing Xinput. Ideally we should be able to use apps like “Mouse and Touchpad” in system settings to make Xorg settings, but they are sub-functional with limited options and just not useful.

The method of configuration of synclient for the clickpad/touchpad is through the Xorg server configuration file called 50-synaptics.donf. This file lets you configure all the settings found in synclient. Don’t forget that any given clickpad/touchpad may not have every function found in synclient so that is why some settings don’t work. After installation of xf86-input-synaptics, a default Xorg configuration file is installed at this location.


Below are links to information on synclient settings.




You can over-ride the default settings with another 50-synaptics.conf file placed in a different location. It is common to copy the default file into this location and then modify the default file as a good starting point. This directory and file do not exist and you have to create the directory and past the default file there. This file is to be placed into this location.


There is another issue in that the GNOME settings daemon can over-ride both of these configuration files. You can disable the GNOME settings daemon for the mouse/touchpad properties with the dconf-editor. Go go to org > gnome > settings-daemon > plugins > mouse and dismiss the active option. Now the new 50-synaptics.conf is at the top level and should not be overridden.

The side effect is that you can no longer use “Mouse and Touchpad” settings under System > Preferences > Mouse but this is actually good because it is useless anyway. GNOME settings are user defined so if you have a second user you need to set this for that user as well.

When you create the new directories and create or modify the new file for 50-synaptics.conf, remember to open gedit as superuser in the terminal. Open Nautilus the same way.

 sudo gedit sudo nautilus 

If you screw up making changes to 50-synaptics.conf you will find Ubuntu unforgiving and it will not boot. You can go into recovery mode and first do “network” to get into read/write and then use “root” which brings you to the terminal. You can use the mv Linux command to rename your file to something different (eg add bak at the end). Then your computer will reboot using the default configuration file. You will save the day and you can then use gedit and find out where you went wrong and fix your mistake. As I was experimenting this happened to me several times. You will have a lot more fun if you change the GRUB resolution before you start messing around so you can read what you type.

Synclient will return all the settings by simply typing synclient into the command line. I recommend you create a word processor document and copy theses settings. Do a copy of the installation default before you make any of changes. Make another copy after you have disabled the GNOME settings. Then, make a final copy after you have made your last settings.

It is usual to use synclient from the command line to experiment and test settings until you find what you think is best. Then finalized them into 50-synaptics.conf. Now you have the tools to configure your mouse.

Other Tricks

Screen Brightness

The screen defaults to full brightness which is unnecessary and is a battery killer. You can change the default brightness to a more appropriate 50%. Install xbacklight with Synaptic Package Manager which is a command line program to set the “back light” or screen brightness level. The following command line entry will set the screen to 50% brightness and if you put this command in the startup applications it will boot at 50% rather than 100%.

 xbacklight -set 50 

I found this here

Launcher Bar Reveal Sensitivity Too Low

Increasing the Unity Launcher Bar “reveal sensitivity” makes opening it by bumping the left side of the screen more usable. Move slider to about 50% (if the default line on the slider is 0%). I just discovered this setting by accident.

 System Settings > Appearance > Behavior > Slider 

Disable HotKey Mode

My preference is also for the “legacy” arrangement of the hotkeys where the default across the top row of keys is the function keys (F2 etc) and holding down the Fn key executes the Hotkey (such as screen brighness). This way you can get into the BIOS by booting and hitting F2 rather than Fn-F2 in the usual way. Disable the Hotkey Mode.

 BIOS > Configuration > Hotkey Mode 

Noted this from earlier post above

Reduce Screen Resolution

The default resolution is 3200 x 1800 (16:9). Set the screen resolution to the the next lowest setting with the same aspect ratio which is 1920 x 1080 (16:9) This gives you excellent screen sharpness and is is still amazingly high resolution. This is just the easiest way to deal with it. These settings hold through reboots. You can then continue to play with how to use the higher resolution if you want.

 System Settings > Displays > Resolution > 1920 x 1080 (16:9) 

Reduce GRUB Resolution

The GRUB resolution is so high that you can hardly read it. I got the idea to change it earlier in this thread but it turns out that GRUB does not support every resolution. After a bit of trial and error I found that 1280×1024 worked and was pleasantly sized to match the screen and seem like it matched the reduced resolution I chose. This is way more important than you might think.

How to Reduce Resolution

Post Above

Lenovo generally works fine, so go ahead and give it a try. I assume you’re asking this before you buy it. If so, you’ll probably be able to return it within a few weeks if it doesn’t work.

So go ahead. The only thing you might have problems with is UEFI secure boot.

I’ll add my experience as well. As this was the first time dual booting with UEFI, I wasn’t as familiar with how to setup grub and such. My experience was Ubuntu “got it right” without too much trouble. I didn’t change anything in the BIOS, I adjusted the drive size from Windows, then rebooted into the live USB, and when partitioning came up, selected “Something else” and created a /boot and a / partition. Thats it, I didn’t mess with any existing partitions and the yoga worked great. Now I can use grub to select windows or (default) boot Ubuntu, but also, I can use the Novo button to select Windows if you so desire as well. Just thought I would put it out there for those who wondered how much work was involved in keeping Windows with Linux, answer: not much.

I’ll just second the blacklisting of ideapad-laptop and the acpi_backlight=vendor boot option as good “basics.”

Also, Unity is handling the resolution better than I even expected. 如何查找和更改屏幕DPI? is a great framework to find your preferred DPI settings. I had to play with it a little bit but found a good setting I can live with. By the way, I uses 277 and my DPI setting and text-scaling-factor as 1.6 but that is just my preference, I like small text!

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