Bash脚本截取并保存图像 – Ubuntu


#!/bin/bash echo "Enter a file name" read filename import -window root $HOME/Desktop/$filename.png 





 sudo apt-get install imagemagick 

通过软件中心安装 ImageMagick的 安装imagemagick

这将允许您使用import命令。 还可以尝试使用graphicsmagick-imagemagick-compat包。


  • scrot

    安装scrot: sudo aptitude install scrot

通过软件中心安装 scrot 安装scrot

 usage: `scrot screen.png` 
  • gnome-screenshot

sudo aptitude安装gnome-screenshot

通过软件中心安装 GNOME的屏幕截图 安装gnome-screenshot

你可以使用最好的截图工具快门 安装快门 也用于脚本! 我相信,这是最强大的工具,并为您提供在脚本中使用的最先进和微调选项。


 sudo apt-get install shutter 




 shutter -f -o myshot.png -e 
  • -f告诉快门截取整个显示屏的截图。 您还可以使用-a截取活动窗口的屏幕截图,或者告诉它从任何特定窗口拍摄。

  • -o选项用于告知快门输出文件名。 您可以指定任何文件名

  • e选项会在拍摄屏幕截图后使快门退出。

shutter --help的输出在下面给出以供参考。

 Usage: shutter [options] Options: Example 1 shutter -a -p=myprofile --min_at_startup Example 2 shutter -s=100,100,300,300 -e Example 3 shutter --window=.*firefox.* Example 4 shutter --web= -e Capture Mode Options: -s, --select=[X,Y,WIDTH,HEIGHT] Capture an area of the screen. Providing X,Y,WIDTH,HEIGHT is optional. -f, --full Capture the entire screen. -w, --window=[NAME_PATTERN] Select a window to capture. Providing a NAME_PATTERN (Perl-style regex) ist optional. -a, --active Capture the current active window. --section Capture a section. You will be able to select any child window by moving the mouse over it. -m, --menu Capture a menu. -t, --tooltip Capture a tooltip. --web=[URL] Capture a webpage. Providing an URL ist optional. -r, --redo Redo last screenshot. Settings Options: -p, --profile=NAME Load a specific profile on startup. -o, --output=FILENAME Specify a filename to save the screenshot to (overwrites any profile-related setting). Supported image formats: You can save to any popular image format (eg jpeg, png, gif, bmp). Additionally it is possible to save to pdf, ps or svg. Please note: There are several wildcards available, like %Y = year %m = month %d = day %T = time $w = width $h = height $name = multi-purpose (eg window title) $nb_name = like $name but without blanks in resulting strings $profile = name of current profile $R = random char (eg $RRRR = ag4r) %NN = counter The string is interpretted by strftime. See "man strftime" for more examples. As an example: shutter -f -e -o './%y-%m-%d_$w_$h.png' would create a file named '11-10-28_1280_800.png' in the current directory. Application Options: -h, --help Prints a brief help message and exits. -v, --version Prints version information. -d, --debug Prints a lot of debugging information to STDOUT. --clear_cache Clears cache, eg installed plugins, at startup. --min_at_startup Starts Shutter minimized to tray. --disable_systray Disables systray icon. -e, --exit_after_capture Exit after the first capture has been made. This is useful when using Shutter in scripts. 

要安装包含程序import imagemagick,请参阅其他答案。 但是,您也可以通过调用gnome-screenshot从命令行启动gnome-screenshot 。 小程序将立即截取屏幕截图并显示一个对话框以输入文件名:
