
如何更改Vim编辑器的默认设置,例如设置自动缩进,将Tab空间设置为4以及更改文本颜色? 另外如何将vim设置为默认代码编辑器?


 set autoindent set tabstop=4 colorscheme default 



export EDITOR=/path/to/vim或者只是export EDITOR=vim


编辑你的~/.vimrc文件。 如果您没有vimrc文件,则创建新文件将以下内容添加到其中。

  1. 触摸~/.vimrc
  2. 粘贴这个:

     " COPY THIS FILE AS .vimrc in home folder. " cp vimrc ~/.vimrc " " .vimrc " " Smylers's .vimrc " http://www.stripey.com/vim/ " " 2000 Jun 1: for `Vim' 5.6 " " This vimrc is divided into these sections: " " * Terminal Settings " * User Interface " * Text Formatting -- General " * Text Formatting -- Specific File Formats " * Search & Replace " * Spelling " * Keystrokes -- Moving Around " * Keystrokes -- Formatting " * Keystrokes -- Toggles " * Keystrokes -- Insert Mode " * Keystrokes -- For HTML Files " * `SLRN' Behaviour " * Functions Referred to Above " " This file contains no control codes and no `top bit set' characters above the " normal Ascii range, and all lines contain a maximum of 79 characters. With a " bit of luck, this should make it resilient to being uploaded, downloaded, " e-mailed, posted, encoded, decoded, transmitted by morse code, or whatever. " first clear any existing autocommands: autocmd! "---" * Terminal Settings "--- "---" `XTerm', `RXVT', `Gnome Terminal', and `Konsole' all claim to be "xterm"; "---" `KVT' claims to be "xterm-color": "---if &term =~ 'xterm' "--- "--- " `Gnome Terminal' fortunately sets $COLORTERM; it needs  and  "--- " fixing, and it has a bug which causes spurious "c"s to appear, which can be "--- " fixed by unsetting t_RV: "--- if $COLORTERM == 'gnome-terminal' "--- execute 'set t_kb=' . nr2char(8) "--- " [Char 8 is +H.] "--- fixdel "--- set t_RV= "--- "--- " `XTerm', `Konsole', and `KVT' all also need  and  fixing; "--- " there's no easy way of distinguishing these terminals from other things "--- " that claim to be "xterm", but `RXVT' sets $COLORTERM to "rxvt" and these "--- " don't: "--- elseif $COLORTERM == '' "--- execute 'set t_kb=' . nr2char(8) "--- fixdel "--- "--- " The above won't work if an `XTerm' or `KVT' is started from within a `Gnome "--- " Terminal' or an `RXVT': the $COLORTERM setting will propagate; it's always "--- " OK with `Konsole' which explicitly sets $COLORTERM to "". "--- "--- endif "---endif " * User Interface " have syntax highlighting in terminals which can display colours: "if has('syntax') && (&t_Co > 2) " syntax on "endif " have fifty lines of command-line (etc) history: set history=50 " remember all of these between sessions, but only 10 search terms; also " remember info for 10 files, but never any on removable disks, don't remember " marks in files, don't rehighlight old search patterns, and only save up to " 100 lines of registers; including @10 in there should restrict input buffer " but it causes an error for me: set viminfo=/10,'10,r/mnt/zip,r/mnt/floppy,f0,h,\"100 " have command-line completion  (for filenames, help topics, option names) " first list the available options and complete the longest common part, then " have further s cycle through the possibilities: set wildmode=list:longest,full " use "[RO]" for "[readonly]" to save space in the message line: set shortmess+=r " display the current mode and partially-typed commands in the status line: set showmode set showcmd " when using list, keep tabs at their full width and display `arrows': execute 'set listchars+=tab:' . nr2char(187) . nr2char(183) " (Character 187 is a right double-chevron, and 183 a mid-dot.) " have the mouse enabled all the time: " set mouse=a " don't have files trying to override this .vimrc: set nomodeline " * Text Formatting -- General " don't make it look like there are line breaks where there aren't: set nowrap " use indents of 2 spaces, and have them copied down lines: set shiftwidth=2 set shiftround set expandtab set autoindent " normally don't automatically format `text' as it is typed, IE only do this " with comments, at 79 characters: set formatoptions-=t set textwidth=79 " get rid of the default style of C comments, and define a style with two stars " at the start of `middle' rows which (looks nicer and) avoids asterisks used " for bullet lists being treated like C comments; then define a bullet list " style for single stars (like already is for hyphens): set comments-=s1:/*,mb:*,ex:*/ set comments+=s:/*,mb:**,ex:*/ set comments+=fb:* " treat lines starting with a quote mark as comments (for `Vim' files, such as " this very one!), and colons as well so that reformatting usenet messages from " `Tin' users works OK: set comments+=b:\" set comments+=n:: " * Text Formatting -- Specific File Formats " enable filetype detection: filetype on " recognize anything in my .Postponed directory as a news article, and anything " at all with a .txt extension as being human-language text [this clobbers the " `help' filetype, but that doesn't seem to prevent help from working " properly]: augroup filetype autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead */.Postponed/* set filetype=mail autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.txt set filetype=human augroup END " in human-language files, automatically format everything at 72 chars: autocmd FileType mail,human set formatoptions+=t textwidth=72 " for C-like programming, have automatic indentation: autocmd FileType c,cpp,slang set cindent " for actual C (not C++) programming where comments have explicit end " characters, if starting a new line in the middle of a comment automatically " insert the comment leader characters: autocmd FileType c set formatoptions+=ro " for Perl programming, have things in braces indenting themselves: autocmd FileType perl set smartindent " for CSS, also have things in braces indented: autocmd FileType css set smartindent " for HTML, generally format text, but if a long line has been created leave it " alone when editing: autocmd FileType html set formatoptions+=tl " for both CSS and HTML, use genuine tab characters for indentation, to make " files a few bytes smaller: autocmd FileType html,css set noexpandtab tabstop=2 " in makefiles, don't expand tabs to spaces, since actual tab characters are " needed, and have indentation at 8 chars to be sure that all indents are tabs " (despite the mappings later): autocmd FileType make set noexpandtab shiftwidth=8 " * Search & Replace " make searches case-insensitive, unless they contain upper-case letters: set ignorecase set smartcase " show the `best match so far' as search strings are typed: set incsearch " assume the /g flag on :s substitutions to replace all matches in a line: set gdefault " * Keystrokes -- Moving Around " have the h and l cursor keys wrap between lines (like  and  do " by default), and ~ covert case over line breaks; also have the cursor keys " wrap in insert mode: set whichwrap=h,l,~,[,] " page down with  (like in `Lynx', `Mutt', `Pine', `Netscape Navigator', " `SLRN', `Less', and `More'); page up with - (like in `Lynx', `Mutt', `Pine'), " or  (like in `Netscape Navigator'): noremap   noremap   noremap -  " [ by default is like l,  like h, and - like k.] " scroll the window (but leaving the cursor in the same place) by a couple of " lines up/down with / (like in `Lynx'): noremap  2 noremap  2 " [ by default is like i, and  like x.] " use  to cycle through split windows (and + to cycle backwards, " where possible): nnoremap  w nnoremap  W " use +N/+P to cycle through files: nnoremap  :next nnoremap  :prev " [+N by default is like j, and +P like k.] " have % bounce between angled brackets, as well as t'other kinds: set matchpairs+=<:> " have  prompt for a help topic, rather than displaying the introduction " page, and have it do this from any mode: nnoremap  :help vmap   omap   map!   " * Keystrokes -- Formatting " have Q reformat the current paragraph (or selected text if there is any): nnoremap Q gqap vnoremap Q gq " have the usual indentation keystrokes still work in visual mode: vnoremap  > vnoremap   vmap   vmap   " have Y behave analogously to D and C rather than to dd and cc (which is " already done by yy): noremap Y y$ " * Keystrokes -- Toggles " Keystrokes to toggle options are defined here. They are all set to normal " mode keystrokes beginning \t but some function keys (which won't work in all " terminals) are also mapped. " have \tp ("toggle paste") toggle paste on/off and report the change, and " where possible also have  do this both in normal and insert mode: nnoremap \tp :set invpaste paste? nmap  \tp imap  \tp set pastetoggle= "" have \tf ("toggle format") toggle the automatic insertion of line breaks "" during typing and report the change: "nnoremap \tf :if &fo =~ 't'  set fo-=t  else  set fo+=t  " \ endif  set fo? "nmap  \tf "imap  \tf " " have \tl ("toggle list") toggle list on/off and report the change: nnoremap \tl :set invlist list? nmap  \tl " have \th ("toggle highlight") toggle highlighting of search matches, and " report the change: nnoremap \th :set invhls hls? " * Keystrokes -- Insert Mode " allow  to delete line breaks, beyond the start of the current " insertion, and over indentations: set backspace=eol,start,indent " have  (and + where it works) change the level of " indentation: inoremap   inoremap   " [+V  still inserts an actual tab character.] syntax on 

  1. Esc
  2. 类型:wq就是这样!

将这些设置放在~/.vimrc 。 有关更多信息,请键入

 :help vimrc-intro 
