从源文件安装Popcorn Time

如何安装Popcorn Time beta


我不能使用通常的./configure && make 。 那么,我该怎么办?

这个脚本将帮助您从Github源代码在Ubuntu Linux上构建Popcorn Time dev-0.3

它在Ubuntu 12.04和14.04 64位上完美运行,但应该适用于每个维护版本和每个架构。


注意: 安装文件当前有1个错误: nodejs binary被错误命名,你可以通过一个简单的符号链接从’nodejs’到’node’来修复它。

注意: 在12.04,没有libudev.so.1,所以我们需要从libudev.so.0中对它进行符号链接


  1. 将以下行复制粘贴到文本文件中,我将其命名为脚本

  2. 然后,使用您的终端并启动脚本:

     bash script 
  3. 按照屏幕上的说明操作:

    • 接受免责声明
    • 选择你想要构建的平台(mac,win,linux32-64)
    • 如果您愿意,可以使用快捷方式和命令行选项安装Popcorn-Time
    • 如果您不再需要它们,请删除构建文件
    • 如果您以后不想要它们,请删除此脚本使用的包以构建PT
    • 瞧。


 #!/bin/bash #Written by MrVaykadji - http://github.com/MrVaykadji #Thanks to Andrew for func_apt, nodejs PPA and libudev fix - http://webupd8.org #licensed under GPLv3 #for Ubuntu 12.04 and newer installdir="/opt" version="master" OfficialURL="http://popcorntime.io" githubURL="https://github.com/popcorn-official/popcorn-app" issueURL="https://github.com/popcorn-official/popcorn-app/issues" icon="https://github.com/popcorn-official/popcorn-app/raw/master/src/app/images/icon.png" log="$HOME/popcorn-build.log" buildscriptURL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MrVaykadji/misc/master/Popcorn-Time/0.3.0/" buildscript="build-popcorn" [ $(arch) == "x86_64" ] && arch=64 || arch=32 buildtime="`date +%Y.%m.%d-%Hh%M`" #FUNCTIONS func_apt() { for lock in synaptic update-manager software-center apt-get "dpkg " aptitude do if ps -U root -u root u | grep "$lock" | grep -v grep > /dev/null; then echo " Unexpected Error: ================= Please close $lock then try again."; exit 1 fi done } func_root() { [ "$EUID" == "0" ] && echo "Error. You need to run this without 'root' or 'sudo' privileges." && exit 2 } func_error() { [ -n $error ] && return 0 echo " Unexpected Error: =================" cat $log echo " Please try again." exit 1 } func_clean() { case $1 in -save) sudo mkdir -p /tmp/popcorn-config sudo cp -r $HOME/.config/Popcorn-Time/data /tmp/popcorn-config/ &> /dev/null sudo rm -rf $HOME/.config/Popcorn-Time/* sudo cp -r /tmp/popcorn-config/data $HOME/.config/Popcorn-Time/ &> /dev/null && sudo chown -Rf $USER:$USER $HOME/.config/Popcorn-Time/data && sudo chmod -R 774 $HOME/.config/Popcorn-Time/data ;; -all) sudo rm -rf $installdir/Popcorn-Time /usr/share/pixmaps/popcorntime.png /usr/bin/popcorn-time $HOME/tmp $HOME/popcorn-app-$version $HOME/npm-debug.log $HOME/.npm $HOME/.cache/bower $HOME/.config/configstore/insight-bower.yml $HOME/.config/configstore/update-notifier-bower.yml $HOME/.local/share/bower $log $HOME/$version.zip $HOME/.npm/ ;; -package) sudo apt-get purge nodejs -y &> /dev/null && sudo apt-get autoremove -y &> /dev/null && sudo rm -rf /usr/bin/node && sudo add-apt-repository -yr ppa:chris-lea/node.js &> /dev/null && echo -e "... Done.\n" ;; -building) sudo rm -rf $HOME/tmp $HOME/popcorn-app-$version $HOME/npm-debug.log $HOME/.npm $HOME/.cache/bower $HOME/.config/configstore/insight-bower.yml $HOME/.config/configstore/update-notifier-bower.yml $HOME/.local/share/bower $log $HOME/.npm && echo -e "... Done.\n" ;; esac } func_ptexists() { if [ "$1" == "-update" ] ; then func_clean -save else [ -e "$installdir/Popcorn-Time" ] && read -p " WARNING: Popcorn-Time is already installed in '$installdir' and will be erased. Do you want to keep the configuration files (bookmarks, watched list, settings, ...) [y/n] ? " if [ "$REPLY" == "y" ] ; then func_clean -save else sudo rm -rf $HOME/.config/Popcorn-Time/ fi sudo rm -rf /usr/share/applications/popcorn-time.desktop fi func_clean -all } func_dependencies() { #package dep [[ -n `egrep -v '^#|^ *$' /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* | grep chris-lea/node.js` ]] && nodeppa=1 || nodeppa=0 if [ -n "`dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}\n' nodejs wget unzip | grep not`" ] || [ $nodeppa == "0" ] ; then echo "- Checking for dependencies 'nodejs', 'wget' and 'unzip'..." sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:chris-lea/node.js &> $log && sudo apt-get update &> $log sudo apt-get install nodejs wget unzip -y &> $log && echo -e " ...Ok !" || error=1 func_error fi #npm dep if [ -e "/usr/lib/node_modules/bower" ] && [ -e "/usr/lib/node_modules/grunt-cli" ] ; then echo -e "\n- Updating NPM 'grunt-cli' and 'bower'..." else echo -e "\n- Installing NPM 'grunt-cli' and 'bower'..." fi sudo npm install -g grunt-cli bower &> $log && echo -e " ...Ok !\n" || error=1 func_error #repair broken nodejs symlink [ ! -e /usr/bin/node ] && sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node #symlink libudev.so on 12.04 [ `lsb_release -cs` == "precise" ] && [ ! -e /lib/$(arch)-linux-gnu/libudev.so.1 ] && sudo ln -s /lib/$(arch)-linux-gnu/libudev.so.0 /lib/$(arch)-linux-gnu/libudev.so.1 } func_build() { #get sources echo "- Downloading sources (branch:$version) from GitHub..." cd wget $githubURL/archive/$version.zip -O $version.zip &> $log && unzip -o $version.zip &> $log && rm $version.zip && echo -e " ...Ok !\n" || error=1 func_error #npm cd popcorn-app-$version echo "- Running 'npm install'..." sudo chown -Rf $USER:$USER $HOME/popcorn-app-$version/ $HOME/tmp $HOME/.npm npm install --yes &> $log && echo -e " ...Ok !\n" || error=1 func_error #build if [ "$1" == "-update" ] ; then buildcommand="linux$arch" else buildvar=0 echo -e "You can build for this machine only (linux$arch) or for all platforms, including : Mac, Windows, Linux 32-bits, Linux 64-bits.\n\nFor what platforms do you wish to build (for multiple builds, separate each platform with a comma)" read -p "[mac/win/linux32/linux64/all] : " input IFS=',' read -a options <<< "$input" shopt -s extglob for option in "${options[@]}"; do case "$option" in win|mac|linux32|linux64|all) buildcommand="${buildcommand:+$buildcommand,}$option" buildvar=1;; *) printf 'Invalid option "%s" ignored.\n' "$option";; esac done if (( !buildvar )); then echo "Incorrect input. Default build 'linux$arch' selected." buildcommand="linux$arch" fi [[ -n "`echo $buildcommand | grep all`" ]] && buildcommand="all" fi echo -e "\n- Building with 'grunt'..." grunt build --platforms=$buildcommand &> $log && echo -e " ...Ok !\n" || error=1 func_error echo -e "Popcorn-Time has been built in :\n «$HOME/popcorn-app-$version/build/releases/Popcorn-Time/»\n" } func_install() { [ "`echo $buildcommand | grep -v linux$arch`" ] && exit 0 if [ "$1" != "-update" ] ; then read -p "Do you wish to install Popcorn-Time on this computer [y/n] ? " [ "$REPLY" != "y" ] && exit 0 fi sudo mkdir -p $installdir sudo cp -r $HOME/popcorn-app-$version/build/releases/Popcorn-Time/linux$arch/Popcorn-Time $installdir echo -e "\n- Creating commandline launcher..." echo "#!/bin/bash echo \"Popcorn Time ============\" [ \"\$EUID\" == \"0\" ] && echo \"Error: You need to run this without 'root' or 'sudo' privileges.\" && exit 2 helpsection() { echo \"Version $version Built on $buildtime from $githubURL Official website : $OfficialURL Options: -h, --help Display this help. -q,--quiet Launch Popcorn-Time without output. --flush Flush databases. --fix-node Fix the node-webkit 'blank' error. --uninstall Uninstall Popcorn-Time. --issue Report an issue. --build Build latest version from sources.\" } flush_all() { echo \"- Flushing databases...\" sudo rm -rf $HOME/.config/Popcorn-Time } uninstall() { echo \"- Uninstalling Popcorn-Time and removing configuration files...\" sudo bash $installdir/Popcorn-Time/uninstall.sh } popcorntimequiet() { echo \"Starting...\" nohup $installdir/Popcorn-Time/Popcorn-Time &> /dev/null & exit 0 } popcorntime() { $installdir/Popcorn-Time/Popcorn-Time } reportissue() { echo \"Here is what a great bug report looks like: ############################### Describe the problem here Version: $version for Linux $arch bits Built on $buildtime Downloaded from: $githubURL OS: `lsb_release -si` `lsb_release -sr` `arch` Connection: X mbps How to reproduce: - Step 1 - Step 2 - Step 3 Actual result: - X goes wrong Expected result: - X should go like that ###############################\" xdg-open $issueURL &> /dev/null } fix_node() { echo \"Fixing node-webkit...\" rm -rf $HOME/.config/node-webkit } build_pt() { cd echo \"Building script fetched from GitHub...\" wget -q $buildscriptURL$buildscript bash $buildscript -update } case \$1 in -h|--help) helpsection ;; --uninstall) uninstall ;; --flush) flush_all ;; --fix-node) fix_node ;; --issue) reportissue ;; -q|--quiet) popcorntimequiet ;; --build) build_pt ;; *) popcorntime ;; esac" | sudo tee /usr/bin/popcorn-time &> /dev/null sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/popcorn-time echo -e " «/usr/bin/popcorn-time»\n" echo "- Creating launcher... " sudo wget $icon -qO /tmp/popcorntime.png && sudo cp /tmp/popcorntime.png /usr/share/pixmaps/ echo "[Desktop Entry] Comment=Watch movies in streaming with P2P. Comment[fr]=Regarder des films en streaming. Name=Popcorn Time Exec=/usr/bin/popcorn-time StartupNotify=false Type=Application Icon=popcorntime Actions=ForceClose;ReportIssue;FlushDB;FixNode;BuildUpdate; Keywords=P2P;streaming;movies;tv;series;shows; Keywords[fr]=P2P;streaming;films;séries;télévision;tv; [Desktop Action ForceClose] Name=Force close Name[fr]=Forcer la fermeture Exec=killall Popcorn-Time OnlyShowIn=Unity; [Desktop Action ReportIssue] Name=Report Issue Name[fr]=Rapporter un problème Exec=sh -c \"popcorn-time --issue\" OnlyShowIn=Unity; [Desktop Action FlushDB] Name=Flush databases Name[fr]=Vider les bases de données Exec=sh -c \"killall Popcorn-Time ; rm -rf $HOME/.config/Popcorn-Time ; /usr/bin/popcorn-time\" OnlyShowIn=Unity; [Desktop Action FixNode] Name=Fix Node-Webkit Name[fr]=Réparer Node-Webkit Exec=sh -c \"rm -rf $HOME/.config/node-webkit ; killall Popcorn-Time ; /usr/bin/popcorn-time\" OnlyShowIn=Unity; [Desktop Action BuildUpdate] Name=Build latest version Name[fr]=Construire la dernière version Exec=sh -c 'killall Popcorn-Time ; xterm -fa monaco -fs 13 -bg black -fg white -title \"Build latest Popcorn Time\" -e \"popcorn-time --build\" ; /usr/bin/popcorn-time' OnlyShowIn=Unity;" | sudo tee /usr/share/applications/popcorn-time.desktop &> /dev/null sudo chmod +x /usr/share/applications/popcorn-time.desktop echo -e " «/usr/share/applications/popcorn-time.desktop»\n" echo "- Creating uninstall script..." echo "#!/bin/bash #uninstallation script for Popcorn-Time #clean directory sudo rm -rf $installdir/Popcorn-Time #clean config sudo rm -rf $HOME/.config/Popcorn-Time #clean icon sudo rm -rf /usr/share/pixmaps/popcorntime.png #clean launchers sudo rm -rf /usr/bin/popcorn-time sudo rm -rf /usr/share/applications/popcorn-time.desktop " | sudo tee $installdir/Popcorn-Time/uninstall.sh &> /dev/null sudo chmod +x $installdir/Popcorn-Time/uninstall.sh echo -e " «$installdir/Popcorn-Time/uninstall.sh»\n" } func_end() { if [ "$buildcommand" == "linux$arch" ] ; then if [ "$1" == "-update" ] ; then func_clean -building sudo rm -rf $0 else read -p "Do you wish to remove all the building files [y/n] ? " [ "$REPLY" == "y" ] && func_clean -building fi fi if [ "$nodeppa" == "0" ] ; then read -p "Do you wish to uninstall the packages installed for this build, they will be needed in case of new build [y/n] ? " [ "$REPLY" == "y" ] && func_clean -package fi } #SCRIPT# func_root func_apt echo " Popcorn-Time $version for Ubuntu-Linux ===================================== Popcorn Time streams movies from Torrents. Downloading copyrighted material may be illegal in your country. !!! Use at your own risk !!! " sudo test case $1 in -update) option="-update" ;; *) [ -n "$1" ] && echo -e "\nUnauthorized option '$1' will be ignored." ;; esac func_ptexists $option func_dependencies func_build $option func_install $option func_end $option echo "================================================= Popcorn-Time is now installed ! Type «popcorn-time --help» for more information." exit 0 


一个简单的popcorn-time --uninstall就足够了。 如果没有,请清除这些文件:

  • /选择/爆米花时间
  • 〜/的.config /爆米花时间
  • /usr/share/pixmaps/popcorntime.png
  • 在/ usr / bin中/爆米花时间
  • /usr/share/applications/popcorn-time.desktop




 git clone https://git.popcorntime.io/popcorntime/desktop.git 


 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nodejs 


 sudo npm install -g grunt-cli bower 


 cd desktop 


 npm install 


 grunt build 




 grunt start