14.04 LTS通过软件更新程序更新后没有Dash / Launcher

我登录后没有Dash / Launcher。 这是在通过软件更新程序进行更新后开始的。 请帮助解决…我已经失去了一天尝试在askubuntu.com上发布的不同选项。 没有任何效果。

通过Ctl + Alt + F1到达终端并成功登录。

Here are the logs: .xsession-errors Script for ibus started at run_im. init: unity-panel-service main process (2315) terminated with status 1 init: indicator-printers main process (2459) terminated with status 1 init: unity-settings-daemon main process (2300) terminated with status 1 init: upstart-dbus-session-bridge main process (2293) terminated with status 1 init: hud main process (2304) killed by TERM signal init: indicator-bluetooth main process (2446) killed by TERM signal init: indicator-power main process (2448) killed by TERM signal init: indicator-datetime main process (2451) killed by TERM signal init: indicator-sound main process (2453) killed by TERM signal init: indicator-session main process (2483) killed by TERM signal init: indicator-application main process (2486) killed by TERM signal init: Disconnected from notified D-Bus bus 


 Okay, I have reset unity, but I cannot login normally via the login screen. Steps I follow: 1. Login screen -> blank ... No dash / no launcher / No Status (Notification) Bar on top 2. Ctrl+Alt+F1 to bash terminal 3. export DISPLAY=:0 4. unity-tweak-tool --reset-unity (This does not complete, blocks on OpenGL) 5. I anyways continue to by doing: Ctrl+Alt+F7. 6. Launcher & Dash look good. But there is (a) No Status / Notification Bar on top 7. Continuing to work this way. Haven't logged out since. 

我有类似的问题,我通过切换终端(CTRL + ALT + F1)然后删除配置文件〜/ .config / dconf / user来解决它,如下所示:

(!此动作将删除你的gnome 3设置!)

 sudo service lightdm stop rm ~/.config/dconf/user sudo service lightdm start 

首先,检查您的机器是否已完全更新。 打开命令行( Ctrl + Alt + F1 ):

 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get dist-upgrade 


 sudo apt-get install -f 

然后重新运行前两个命令以确保没有进一步的错误。 之后,您可以尝试登录( CtrlAltF7更改为GUI)以查看Unity现在是否正常工作。

如果Unity仍未运行,请按照以下说明重置统一配置(从如何重置Unity配置? ):


 sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool 


 unity-tweak-tool --reset-unity 


Ctrl + Alt + F1 / F2


 sudo service lightdm stop rm ~/.config/dconf/user sudo service lightdm start 


1)步骤1:$ sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool


2)步骤2:$ sudo dpkg –configure -a

3)步骤3:$ sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool

希望它能解决它。 Arun Dhwaj

我有类似的问题,我尝试了几乎所有上面列出的解决方案。 原来这是主目录权限的问题。 可能是FTP传输已重置目录权限。 以下是我用来解决问题的命令

sudo chown / home / sudo chown /home//.Xauthority


mv -v~ / .gconf~ / .gconf-old


mv -v~ / .config / dconf~ / .config / dconf-old

