
我有一个自定义脚本,我想发送一个桌面通知(显示在屏幕右上角的通知)与自定义消息。 我怎么做?



 notify-send  <`command`> notify-send Date "`date`" notify-send Disk "`df / -H`" 


 notify-send -i   notify-send -i face-wink "Hello! January" 


 notify-send -t 0 "Bringing down the system" 

 notify-send  <message> notify-send "who am i" "I am January"</message> 



 DISPLAY=:0.0 /usr/bin/notify-send "TITLE" "MESSAGE" 

我偶然发现了那一个。 答:使用程序notify-send

 notify-send "Hello world!" 

我创建了一个简单且几乎是本机的脚本来播放声音并显示带有给定消息和Ubuntu时间的通知( Gist ):

 #!/bin/sh # https://gist.github.com/John-Almardeny/04fb95eeb969aa46f031457c7815b07d # Create a Notification With Sound with a Given Message and Time # The Downloaded Sound is from Notification Sounds https://notificationsounds.com/ MSSG="$1" TIME="$2" # install wget if not found if ! [ -x "$(command -v wget)" ]; then echo -e "INSTALLING WGET...\n\n" sudo apt-get install wget echo -e "\n\n" fi # install at package if not found if ! [ -x "$(command -v at)" ]; then echo -e "INSTALLING AT...\n\n" sudo apt-get install at echo -e "\n\n" fi # install sox if not found if ! [ -x "$(command -v sox)" ]; then echo -e "INSTALLING SOX...\n\n" sudo apt-get install sox sudo apt-get install sox libsox-fmt-all echo -e "\n\n" fi # download the noti sound if this is first time # add alias to the bashrc file if ! [ -f ~/noti/sound.mp3 ]; then echo -e "DOWNLOADING SOUND...\n\n" touch ~/noti/sound.mp3 | wget -O ~/noti/sound.mp3 "https://notificationsounds.com/wake-up-tones/rise-and-shine-342/download/mp3" sudo echo "alias noti=\"sh ~/noti/noti.sh\"" >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc echo -e "\n\n" fi # notify with the sound playing and particular given message and time echo "notify-send \""$MSSG\"" && play ~/noti/sound.mp3" | at $TIME 


首次运行 – 设置:

  1. 在家里创建一个新目录并将其称为noti

     mkdir ~/noti 
  2. 下载noti.sh并将其提取到上面的noti目录。

  3. 打开终端并将目录更改为noti

     cd ~/noti 
  4. 通过发出以下命令使noti.sh可执行:

     sudo chmod +x noti.sh 
  5. 像这样运行测试:

     sh ~/noti/noti.sh "Test" "now" 


 noti "Hello From Noti" "now +1 minute" noti "Hello From Noti" "now +5 minutes" noti "Hello From Noti" "now + 1 hour" noti "Hello From Noti" "now + 2 days" noti "Hello From Noti" "4 PM + 2 days" noti "Hello From Noti" "now + 3 weeks" noti "Hello From Noti" "now + 4 months" noti "Hello From Noti" "4:00 PM" noti "Hello From Noti" "2:30 AM tomorrow" noti "Hello From Noti" "2:30 PM Fri" noti "Hello From Noti" "2:30 PM 25.07.18" 


 sudo apt-get update; noti "Done" "now"