
我想在Ubuntu 12.04上安装Abaqus 6.12。 我可以将.iso文件挂载到虚拟驱动器上。 当我尝试运行安装文件时,出现以下错误:

***ERROR. The installation should not be executed from the directory that contains the setup files. Please change your current working directory and rerun the installation. 


 #!/bin/csh -f set args=($argv) @ arglen = $#args set cmd = $0 set setup_dir = $cmd:h set my_cwd = $cwd cd $setup_dir set setup_dir = $cwd cd $my_cwd if ( "$setup_dir" == "$my_cwd" ) then echo "***ERROR. The installation should not be executed from " echo " the directory that contains the setup files." echo " Please change your current working directory and" echo " rerun the installation." exit 1 endif 



 mkdir $HOME/Abaqus_build_dir cd $HOME/Abaqus_build_dir /path/to/your/csh_setup_file