我需要使用debian / rules中的哪个目标来生成文档?

我遇到了一些为共享库创建Debian打包的问题。 该应用程序包含一个Doxyfile ,用于生成库的文档。 我想创建一个包含文档的libfoo-doc包。


 #!/usr/bin/make -f build-indep: cd $(DESTDIR)/share/doc/libfoo-doc ; doxygen %: dh $@ 

但是,这个目标永远不会被构建,尽管这个页面声称 :




您正在寻找override_dh_build-indep来自dh命令的联机帮助页 Manpage图标

 OVERRIDE TARGETS A debian/rules file using dh can override the command that is run at any step in a sequence, by defining an override target. To override dh_command, add a target named override_dh_command to the rules file. When it would normally run dh_command, dh will instead call that target. The override target can then run the command with additional options, or run entirely different commands instead. See examples below. (Note that to use this feature, you should Build- Depend on debhelper 7.0.50 or above.) Override targets can also be defined to run only when building architecture dependent or architecture independent packages. Use targets with names like override_dh_command-arch and override_dh_command-indep. (Note that to use this feature, you should Build-Depend on debhelper 8.9.7 or above.) 
