
为什么某些流程会突出显示? 突出显示有特殊意义吗? 谢谢!


要扩展Doug的答案,请查看流程的状态。 除了三个突出显示的进程之外的所有进程都处于状态S ,并且三个突出显示的进程处于状态R 流程状态在top联机帮助页的第3a部分第20节中给出:

 20. S -- Process Status The status of the task which can be one of: D = uninterruptible sleep R = running S = sleeping T = traced or stopped Z = zombie Tasks shown as running should be more properly thought of as 'ready to run' -- their task_struct is simply represented on the Linux run-queue. Even without a true SMP machine, you may see numerous tasks in this state depending on top's delay interval and nice value. 


 y :Row-Highlight toggle Changes highlighting for "running" tasks. For additional insight into this task state, see topic 3a. DESCRIPTIONS of Fields, the 'S' field (Process Status). Use of this provision provides important insight into your system's health. The only costs will be a few additional tty escape sequences. 
