
我检查了系统 – >首选项 – >监视器中的分辨率,它的分辨率不同于系统 – >管理 – > Nvidia X服务器设置



原因是Monitors capplet使用XRandR协议进行多监视器和分辨率更改。 专有的nvidia驱动程序仅支持此协议的旧版本和限制版本,因此完全有可能拥有一个系统,其中监视器capplet从nvidia驱动程序获取的信息与NVidia设置(使用特定于nvidia的信息)不同获得与驾驶员交谈的协议。


  • 将代码添加到监视器capplet,以便将nvidia特定协议与nvidia驱动程序进行通信(如本问题所示 )
  • 让nvidia在其驱动程序中实现更现代的XRandR支持,因此nvidia驱动程序可以以与所有其他驱动程序相同的方式公开相关信息。

对不起,这些都不会立即对你有用。 现在就使用nvidia-settings。

我建议在启动板上使用名为Disper: disper的工具

开发Disper是为了在内部和外部屏幕之间切换,因为专有的NVIDIA-drvers不支持xrandr。 (Xrandr甚至无法检测我的显示器)。


  disper --help Usage: disper [options] (-l|-s|-c|-e|-p|-i) Options: --version show program's version number and exit -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose show what's happening -q, --quiet be quiet and only show errors -r RESOLUTION, --resolution=RESOLUTION set resolution, eg "800x600", or "auto" to detect the display's preferred resolution, or "max" to use the maximum resolution advertised. For extend it is possible to enter a single resolution for all displays or a comma-separated list of resolutions (one for each display). Beware that many displays advertise resolutions they can not fully show, so "max" is not advised. -d DISPLAYS, --displays=DISPLAYS comma-separated list of displays to operate on, or "auto" to detect; the first is the primary display. -t DIRECTION, --direction=DIRECTION where to extend displays: "left", "right", "top", or "bottom" --scaling=SCALING flat-panel scaling mode: "default", "native", "scaled", "centered", or "aspect-scaled" --plugins=PLUGINS comma-separated list of plugins to enable. Special names: "user" for all user plugins in ~/.disper/hooks; "all" for all plugins found; "none" for no plugins. --cycle-stages=CYCLE_STAGES colon-separated list command-line arguments to cycle through Actions: Select exactly one of the following actions -l, --list list the attached displays -s, --single only enable the primary display -S, --secondary only enable the secondary display -c, --clone clone displays -e, --extend extend displays -p, --export export current settings to standard output -i, --import import current settings from standard input -C, --cycle cycle through the list of cycle stages