
我想知道如何为Ubuntu Maverick创建一个启动画面,在启动时显示启动消息以及进度条和旋转徽标。



  • Ubuntu 10.04和10.10 Plymouth Splash





我能够找到这个网站它有很多有用的信息,但我很难理解其中的一些。 之前没有做过任何脚本!





#----------------------------------------- Progress Bar -------------------------------- progress_box.image = Image("progress_box.png"); progress_box.sprite = Sprite(progress_box.image); progress_box.x = Window.GetX() + Window.GetWidth() / 2 - progress_box.image.GetWidth() / 2; progress_box.y = Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() * 0.65 - progress_box.image.GetHeight() / 2; progress_box.sprite.SetPosition(progress_box.x, progress_box.y, 0); progress_bar.original_image = Image("progress_bar.png"); progress_bar.sprite = Sprite(); progress_bar.x = Window.GetX() + Window.GetWidth() / 2 - progress_bar.original_image.GetWidth() / 2; progress_bar.y = Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() * 0.65 - progress_box.image.GetHeight() / 2 + (progress_box.image.GetHeight() - progress_bar.original_image.GetHeight()) / 2; progress_bar.sprite.SetPosition(progress_bar.x, progress_bar.y, 1); fun progress_callback (duration, progress) { if (progress_bar.image.GetWidth () != Math.Int (progress_bar.original_image.GetWidth () * progress)) { # add the * 3 to multiply the speed of the progress bar by 3 progress_bar.image = progress_bar.original_image.Scale(progress_bar.original_image.GetWidth(progress_bar.original_image) * progress * 3, progress_bar.original_image.GetHeight()); progress_bar.sprite.SetImage (progress_bar.image); } } Plymouth.SetBootProgressFunction(progress_callback); 


这些是我觉得有用的网站。 普利茅斯主题指南这篇文章有四个部分,你必须通过它们来阅读它们以获得我们正在做的事情的要点。 (我正在比较他们的剧本和我的剧本以了解什么是什么,如果有人跟随我的脚步,我建议这样做。) 普利茅斯脚本确定这个链接有2个页面必须通过他们来了解该怎么做。 事实certificate他们是在追求我一样的事情,那就是将引导信息引导到普利茅斯飞溅,我已经拥有旋转的徽标,背景,进度条。


 # SEND MESSAGES TO PLYMOUTH if [ -x /bin/plymouth ] && pidof plymouthd >/dev/null then plymouth_send() { [ "$1" = '-n' ] && { # add a flag '>' for lines that will be extended shift /bin/plymouth message --text=">$*" || true return } [ "$1" = '-w' ] && { # add "warning" formatting shift /bin/plymouth update --status="warning" || true /bin/plymouth message --text="$*" || true /bin/plymouth update --status="normal" || true return } [ "$1" = '-f' ] && { # add "failed" formatting shift /bin/plymouth update --status="failed" || true /bin/plymouth message --text="$*" || true /bin/plymouth update --status="normal" || true return } /bin/plymouth message --text="$*" || true } else plymouth_send() { :; } fi # int log_begin_message (char *message) log_begin_msg () { if [ -z "${1:-}" ]; then return 1 fi echo -n "$@" } 


  # Only do the fancy stuff if we have an appropriate terminal # and if /usr is already mounted if log_use_fancy_output; then RED=`$TPUT setaf 1` YELLOW=`$TPUT setaf 3` NORMAL=`$TPUT op` else RED='' YELLOW='' NORMAL='' fi if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then echo "." plymouth_send "." elif [ $1 -eq 255 ]; then /bin/echo -e " ${YELLOW}(warning).${NORMAL}" plymouth_send -w " (warning)." else /bin/echo -e " ${RED}failed!${NORMAL}" plymouth_send -f " failed!" fi log_end_msg_post "$@" return $retval } log_action_msg () { echo "$@." plymouth_send "$@." } log_action_begin_msg () { echo -n "$@..." plymouth_send -n "$@..." } log_action_cont_msg () { echo -n "$@..." plymouth_send -n "$@..." } log_action_end_msg () { log_action_end_msg_pre "$@" if [ -z "${2:-}" ]; then end="." else end=" ($2)." fi if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then echo "done${end}" plymouth_send "done${end}" else if log_use_fancy_output; then RED=`$TPUT setaf 1` NORMAL=`$TPUT op` /bin/echo -e "${RED}failed${end}${NORMAL}" else echo "failed${end}" plymouth_send -f "failed${end}" fi fi log_action_end_msg_post "$@" } 


我不知道还应该做些什么让它发挥作用! 希望有人能帮助我


 # INT2MIL-Ubuntu-10.10-Eng splashy like theme Window.GetMaxWidth = fun (){ i = 0; width = 0; while (Window.GetWidth(i)){ width = Math.Max(width, Window.GetWidth(i)); i++; } return width; }; Window.GetMaxHeight = fun (){ i = 0; height = 0; while (Window.GetHeight(i)){ height = Math.Max(height, Window.GetHeight(i)); i++; } return height; }; anim.imagecount = 100; anim.target_width = 0.2* 0.46 * Window.GetWidth(); anim.target_height = 0.2* 0.46 * Window.GetWidth(); fun RotatedImage (index){ index = Math.Int(index); if (!RotatedImageCache[index]) RotatedImageCache[index] = anim.original_image.Rotate((Math.Pi*2*index)/anim.imagecount).Scale(anim.target_width, anim.target_height); return RotatedImageCache[index]; } if (Plymouth.GetMode() == "suspend" || Plymouth.GetMode() == "resume") { background.original_image = ImageNew("suspend.png"); Window.SetBackgroundTopColor(1, 0, 0); Window.SetBackgroundBottomColor(0, 1, 0); } else { logo.original_image = ImageNew("logo.png"); background.original_image = ImageNew("background.png"); Window.SetBackgroundTopColor(0.234, 0.43, 0.705); Window.SetBackgroundBottomColor(0.16, 0.25, 0.44); anim.image= ImageNew("animation.png"); anim.original_image= anim.image.Scale(anim.target_width, anim.target_width); anim.sprite = SpriteNew(); anim.sprite.SetImage(RotatedImage (0)); anim.sprite.SetX((Window.GetX() + Window.GetWidth() - RotatedImage(0).GetWidth()) / 2); anim.sprite.SetY(Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() * 0.37); anim.angle = 0; anim.index = 0; } #change reduction size to make logo bigger ratio = logo.original_image.GetWidth() / logo.original_image.GetHeight(); reduction = 0.4; logo.image = logo.original_image.Scale(reduction * Window.GetMaxWidth() , reduction / ratio * Window.GetMaxWidth()); logo.sprite = SpriteNew(); logo.sprite.SetImage(logo.image); logo.opacity_angle = 0; #change logo location logo.sprite.SetX((Window.GetX() + Window.GetMaxWidth() - logo.image.GetWidth()) / 2); logo.sprite.SetY(Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() * 0.37); #background image attributs x,z,y background.image = background.original_image.Scale(Window.GetMaxWidth() , Window.GetMaxHeight()); background.sprite = SpriteNew(); background.sprite.SetImage(background.image); background.sprite.SetPosition(Window.GetX(), Window.GetY(), -10); sprite_prompt = SpriteNew(); fun refresh_callback () { if (status == "normal") { #anim.index=speed of rotation anim.index += 1; anim.index %= anim.imagecount; anim.sprite.SetImage(RotatedImage (anim.index)); #anim.sprite.SetOpacity (1); motif.sprite.SetOpacity(motif.opacity); } else { anim.sprite.SetOpacity(0); motif.sprite.SetOpacity(0); } } if (Plymouth.GetMode() != "suspend" && Plymouth.GetMode() != "resume") { Plymouth.SetRefreshFunction (refresh_callback); } #----------------------------------------- Dialog -------------------------------- status = "normal"; fun dialog_setup() { local.box; local.lock; local.entry; local.prompt_sprite; box.image = ImageNew("box.png"); lock.image = ImageNew("lock.png"); entry.image = ImageNew("entry.png"); box.sprite = SpriteNew(); box.sprite.SetImage(box.image); box.x = Window.GetX() + Window.GetWidth() / 2 - box.image.GetWidth()/2; box.y = Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() / 2 - box.image.GetHeight()/2; box.z = 10000; box.sprite.SetPosition(box.x, box.y, box.z); lock.sprite = SpriteNew(); lock.sprite.SetImage(lock.image); lock.x = box.x + box.image.GetWidth()/2 - (lock.image.GetWidth() + entry.image.GetWidth()) / 2; lock.y = box.y + box.image.GetHeight()/2 - lock.image.GetHeight()/2; lock.z = box.z + 1; lock.sprite.SetPosition(lock.x, lock.y, lock.z); entry.sprite = SpriteNew(); entry.sprite.SetImage(entry.image); entry.x = lock.x + lock.image.GetWidth(); entry.y = box.y + box.image.GetHeight()/2 - entry.image.GetHeight()/2; entry.z = box.z + 1; entry.sprite.SetPosition(entry.x, entry.y, entry.z); prompt_sprite = SpriteNew(); prompt_sprite.SetPosition(box.x, box.y - 20, box.z); global.dialog.box = box; global.dialog.lock = lock; global.dialog.entry = entry; global.dialog.bullet_image = ImageNew("bullet.png"); global.dialog.prompt_sprite = prompt_sprite; dialog_opacity (1); } fun dialog_opacity(opacity) { dialog.box.sprite.SetOpacity(opacity); dialog.lock.sprite.SetOpacity(opacity); dialog.entry.sprite.SetOpacity(opacity); dialog.prompt_sprite.SetOpacity(opacity); for (index = 0; dialog.bullet[index]; index++) { dialog.bullet[index].sprite.SetOpacity(opacity); } } fun display_normal_callback () { global.status = "normal"; if (global.dialog) dialog_opacity (0); } fun display_password_callback (prompt, bullets) { global.status = "password"; if (!global.dialog) dialog_setup(); else dialog_opacity(1); motif.sprite.SetOpacity(0); anim.sprite.SetOpacity(0); dialog.prompt_sprite.SetImage(Image.Text(prompt, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)); for (index = 0; dialog.bullet[index] || index < bullets; index++) { if (!dialog.bullet[index]) { dialog.bullet[index].sprite = SpriteNew(); dialog.bullet[index].sprite.SetImage(dialog.bullet_image); dialog.bullet[index].x = dialog.entry.x + index * dialog.bullet_image.GetWidth(); dialog.bullet[index].y = dialog.entry.y + dialog.entry.image.GetHeight() / 2 - dialog.bullet_image.GetHeight() / 2; dialog.bullet[index].z = dialog.entry.z + 1; dialog.bullet[index].sprite.SetPosition(dialog.bullet[index].x, dialog.bullet[index].y, dialog.bullet[index].z); } if (index < bullets) dialog.bullet[index].sprite.SetOpacity(1); else dialog.bullet[index].sprite.SetOpacity(0); } } fun display_message_callback (prompt) { prompt = Image.Text(prompt,1.0, 1.0, 1.0); sprite_prompt.SetImage(prompt); sprite_prompt.SetPosition(Window.GetX() + (Window.GetWidth() - prompt.GetWidth()) / 2, Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() * 0.93, 2); } /* instantiate dialog at startup, to ensure all icons are loaded in memory before initrd is unmounted, in case /usr isn't mounted yet */ dialog_setup(); dialog_opacity(0); Plymouth.SetDisplayNormalFunction(display_normal_callback); Plymouth.SetDisplayPasswordFunction(display_password_callback); Plymouth.SetMessageFunction(display_message_callback); #----------------------------------------- Progress Bar -------------------------------- progress_box.image = Image("progress_box.png"); progress_box.sprite = Sprite(progress_box.image); progress_box.x = Window.GetX() + Window.GetWidth() / 2 - progress_box.image.GetWidth() / 2; progress_box.y = Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() * 0.65 - progress_box.image.GetHeight() / 2; progress_box.sprite.SetPosition(progress_box.x, progress_box.y, 0); progress_bar.original_image = Image("progress_bar.png"); progress_bar.sprite = Sprite(); progress_bar.x = Window.GetX() + Window.GetWidth() / 2 - progress_bar.original_image.GetWidth() / 2; progress_bar.y = Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() * 0.65 - progress_box.image.GetHeight() / 2 + (progress_box.image.GetHeight() - progress_bar.original_image.GetHeight()) / 2; progress_bar.sprite.SetPosition(progress_bar.x, progress_bar.y, 1); fun progress_callback (duration, progress) { if (progress_bar.image.GetWidth () != Math.Int (progress_bar.original_image.GetWidth () * progress)) { progress_bar.image = progress_bar.original_image.Scale(progress_bar.original_image.GetWidth(progress_bar.original_image) * progress * 3, progress_bar.original_image.GetHeight()); progress_bar.sprite.SetImage (progress_bar.image); } } Plymouth.SetBootProgressFunction(progress_callback); #----------------------------------------- Status Update -------------------------------- NUM_SCROLL_LINES = 5; LINE_WIDTH = 55; # width of one character CHAR_WIDTH = 7; # height of one character CHAR_HEIGHT = 10; msg_color = [0.5,0.5,0.5]; # msg_color is array fun update_status_callback(sta) { if (sta == "failed") msg_color = [1,0,0]; if (sta == "warning") msg_color = [0.8,0.8,0]; if (sta == "normal") msg_color = [0.5,0.5,0.5]; } fun StringLength(string) { index = 0; str = String(string); while(str.CharAt(index)) index++; return index; } // Initialising text images and their positions // 20 is the height (including line spacing) of each line for (i=0; i ") { # "no linebreak" flag, like "-n" text = text.SubString(1, StringLength(text)); # remove ">" at front nobreak = 1; } if (pretext == "") { if (nobreak == 1) pretext = text; // Truncate the message if too long if (StringLength(text) > LINE_WIDTH) { text = text.SubString(0, LINE_WIDTH - 3); text += "..."; } // Shift messages one up for (i = 0; i  LINE_WIDTH - 5) { # leave min. 5 for pretext text = text.SubString(0, LINE_WIDTH - 8); text += "..."; } # Truncate the previous message if too long if (StringLength(pretext) > (LINE_WIDTH - StringLength(text))) { pretext = pretext.SubString(0, LINE_WIDTH - StringLength(text) - 3); pretext += "..."; } text = pretext + text; if (nobreak == 1) pretext = text; else pretext = ""; } // Create the image for the latest message # original script had "lines[i]" lines[i] = Image.Text( text, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5); // Re-allocate the text images to sprites for (i = 0; i < NUM_SCROLL_LINES; i++) { message_sprite[i].SetImage(lines[i]); } } Plymouth.SetUpdateStatusFunction(scroll_message_callback); # messages get added to updates Plymouth.SetMessageFunction(scroll_message_callback); #----------------------------------------- Quit -------------------------------- fun quit_callback () { anim.sprite.SetOpacity (0); if (Plymouth.GetMode() == "shutdown") { motif.sprite.SetOpacity(0); } } Plymouth.SetQuitFunction(quit_callback); 

好的,所以我提供了几乎所有需要的信息,如果有人熟悉这个让我知道我缺少什么来启动消息到普利茅斯。 谢谢

好的,所以我现在已经连续4天研究这个问题了,我几乎完全把它钉了起来。 到目前为止,我能够让Plymouth启动并显示消息,但不幸的是消息被截断了。 现在我正在尝试调整脚本,但我不知道问题出在/ lib / lsb / init-functions脚本或/lib/plymouth/themes/”theme-name”/mdv.script中。



 # /lib/lsb/init-functions for Debian -*- shell-script -*- # #Copyright (c) 2002-08 Chris Lawrence #All rights reserved. # #Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without #modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions #are met: #1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. #2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. #3. Neither the name of the author nor the names of other contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # #THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR #IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED #WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE #ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE #LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR #CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF #SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR #BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, #WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE #OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, #EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. start_daemon () { local force nice pidfile exec i args force=0 nice=0 pidfile=/dev/null OPTIND=1 while getopts fn:p: opt ; do case "$opt" in f) force=1;; n) nice="$OPTARG";; p) pidfile="$OPTARG";; esac done shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) if [ "$1" = '--' ]; then shift fi exec="$1"; shift args="--start --nicelevel $nice --quiet --oknodo" if [ $force = 1 ]; then /sbin/start-stop-daemon $args --chdir "$PWD" --startas $exec --pidfile /dev/null -- "$@" elif [ $pidfile ]; then /sbin/start-stop-daemon $args --chdir "$PWD" --exec $exec --oknodo --pidfile "$pidfile" -- "$@" else /sbin/start-stop-daemon $args --chdir "$PWD" --exec $exec -- "$@" fi } pidofproc () { local pidfile line i pids= status specified pid pidfile= specified= OPTIND=1 while getopts p: opt ; do case "$opt" in p) pidfile="$OPTARG"; specified=1;; esac done shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) base=${1##*/} if [ ! "$specified" ]; then pidfile="/var/run/$base.pid" fi if [ -n "${pidfile:-}" -a -r "$pidfile" ]; then read pid < "$pidfile" if [ -n "${pid:-}" ]; then if $(kill -0 "${pid:-}" 2> /dev/null); then echo "$pid" return 0 elif ps "${pid:-}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "$pid" return 0 # program is running, but not owned by this user else return 1 # program is dead and /var/run pid file exists fi fi fi if [ -x /bin/pidof -a ! "$specified" ]; then status="0" /bin/pidof -o %PPID -x $1 || status="$?" if [ "$status" = 1 ]; then return 3 # program is not running fi return 0 fi return 4 # Unable to determine status } # start-stop-daemon uses the same algorithm as "pidofproc" above. killproc () { local pidfile sig status base i name_param is_term_sig pidfile= name_param= is_term_sig=no OPTIND=1 while getopts p: opt ; do case "$opt" in p) pidfile="$OPTARG";; esac done shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) base=${1##*/} if [ ! $pidfile ]; then name_param="--name $base --pidfile /var/run/$base.pid" else name_param="--pidfile $pidfile" fi sig=$(echo ${2:-} | sed -e 's/^-\(.*\)/\1/') sig=$(echo $sig | sed -e 's/^SIG\(.*\)/\1/') if [ -z "$sig" -o "$sig" = 15 -o "$sig" = TERM ]; then is_term_sig=yes fi status=0 if [ ! "$is_term_sig" = yes ]; then if [ -n "$sig" ]; then /sbin/start-stop-daemon --stop --signal "$sig" --quiet $name_param || status="$?" else /sbin/start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet $name_param || status="$?" fi else /sbin/start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo $name_param || status="$?" fi if [ "$status" = 1 ]; then if [ -n "$sig" ]; then return 0 fi return 3 # program is not running fi if [ "$status" = 0 -a "$is_term_sig" = yes -a "$pidfile" ]; then pidofproc -p "$pidfile" "$1" >/dev/null || rm -f "$pidfile" fi return 0 } # Return LSB status status_of_proc () { local pidfile daemon name status pidfile= OPTIND=1 while getopts p: opt ; do case "$opt" in p) pidfile="$OPTARG";; esac done shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) if [ -n "$pidfile" ]; then pidfile="-p $pidfile" fi daemon="$1" name="$2" status="0" pidofproc $pidfile $daemon >/dev/null || status="$?" if [ "$status" = 0 ]; then log_success_msg "$name is running" return 0 elif [ "$status" = 4 ]; then log_failure_msg "could not access PID file for $name" return $status else log_failure_msg "$name is not running" return $status fi } log_use_fancy_output () { TPUT=/usr/bin/tput EXPR=/usr/bin/expr if [ -t 1 ] && [ "x${TERM:-}" != "x" ] && [ "x${TERM:-}" != "xdumb" ] && [ -x $TPUT ] && [ -x $EXPR ] && $TPUT hpa 60 >/dev/null 2>&1 && $TPUT setaf 1 >/dev/null 2>&1; then [ -z $FANCYTTY ] && FANCYTTY=1 || true else FANCYTTY=0 fi case "$FANCYTTY" in 1|Y|yes|true) true;; *) false;; esac } log_success_msg () { if [ -n "${1:-}" ]; then log_begin_msg $@ fi log_end_msg 0 } log_failure_msg () { if [ -n "${1:-}" ]; then log_begin_msg $@ "..." fi log_end_msg 1 || true } log_warning_msg () { if [ -n "${1:-}" ]; then log_begin_msg $@ "..." fi log_end_msg 255 || true } # # NON-LSB HELPER FUNCTIONS # # int get_lsb_header_val (char *scriptpathname, char *key) get_lsb_header_val () { if [ ! -f "$1" ] || [ -z "${2:-}" ]; then return 1 fi LSB_S="### BEGIN INIT INFO" LSB_E="### END INIT INFO" sed -n "/$LSB_S/,/$LSB_E/ s/# $2: \(.*\)/\1/p" $1 } # SEND MESSAGES TO PLYMOUTH if [ -x /bin/plymouth ] && pidof plymouthd >/dev/null then plymouth_send() { [ "$1" = '-n' ] && { # add a flag '>' for lines that will be extended shift /bin/plymouth message --text=">$*" || true return } [ "$1" = '-w' ] && { # add "warning" formatting shift /bin/plymouth update --status="warning" || true /bin/plymouth message --text="$*" || true /bin/plymouth update --status="normal" || true return } [ "$1" = '-f' ] && { # add "failed" formatting shift /bin/plymouth update --status="failed" || true /bin/plymouth message --text="$*" || true /bin/plymouth update --status="normal" || true return } /bin/plymouth message --text="$*" || true } else plymouth_send() { :; } fi # int log_begin_message (char *message) log_begin_msg () { if [ -z "${1:-}" ]; then return 1 fi echo -n "$@" plymouth_send -n "$@" } # Sample usage: # log_daemon_msg "Starting GNOME Login Manager" "gdm" # # On Debian, would output "Starting GNOME Login Manager: gdm" # On Ubuntu, would output " * Starting GNOME Login Manager..." # # If the second argument is omitted, logging suitable for use with # log_progress_msg() is used: # # log_daemon_msg "Starting remote filesystem services" # # On Debian, would output "Starting remote filesystem services:" # On Ubuntu, would output " * Starting remote filesystem services..." log_daemon_msg () { if [ -z "${1:-}" ]; then return 1 fi log_daemon_msg_pre "$@" if [ -z "${2:-}" ]; then echo -n "$1:" plymouth_send -n "$1:" return fi echo -n "$1: $2" plymouth_send -n "$1: $2" log_daemon_msg_post "$@" } # #319739 # # Per policy docs: # # log_daemon_msg "Starting remote file system services" # log_progress_msg "nfsd"; start-stop-daemon --start --quiet nfsd # log_progress_msg "mountd"; start-stop-daemon --start --quiet mountd # log_progress_msg "ugidd"; start-stop-daemon --start --quiet ugidd # log_end_msg 0 # # You could also do something fancy with log_end_msg here based on the # return values of start-stop-daemon; this is left as an exercise for # the reader... # # On Ubuntu, one would expect log_progress_msg to be a no-op. log_progress_msg () { if [ -z "${1:-}" ]; then return 1 fi echo -n " $@" plymouth_send -n " $@" } # int log_end_message (int exitstatus) log_end_msg () { # If no arguments were passed, return if [ -z "${1:-}" ]; then return 1 fi retval=$1 log_end_msg_pre "$@" # Only do the fancy stuff if we have an appropriate terminal # and if /usr is already mounted if log_use_fancy_output; then RED=`$TPUT setaf 1` YELLOW=`$TPUT setaf 3` NORMAL=`$TPUT op` else RED='' YELLOW='' NORMAL='' fi if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then echo "." plymouth_send "." elif [ $1 -eq 255 ]; then /bin/echo -e " ${YELLOW}(warning).${NORMAL}" plymouth_send -w "warning" else /bin/echo -e " ${RED}failed!${NORMAL}" plymouth_send -f "failed" fi log_end_msg_post "$@" return $retval } log_action_msg () { echo "$@." plymouth_send "$@." } log_action_begin_msg () { echo -n "$@..." plymouth_send -n "$@..." } log_action_cont_msg () { echo -n "$@..." plymouth_send -n "$@..." } log_action_end_msg () { log_action_end_msg_pre "$@" if [ -z "${2:-}" ]; then end="." else end=" ($2)." fi if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then echo "done${end}" plymouth_send "done${end}" else if log_use_fancy_output; then RED=`$TPUT setaf 1` NORMAL=`$TPUT op` /bin/echo -e "${RED}failed${end}${NORMAL}" plymouth_send -f "failed${end}" else echo "failed${end}" plymouth_send -f "failed${end}" fi fi log_action_end_msg_post "$@" } # Hooks for /etc/lsb-base-logging.sh log_daemon_msg_pre () { :; } log_daemon_msg_post () { :; } log_end_msg_pre () { :; } log_end_msg_post () { :; } log_action_end_msg_pre () { :; } log_action_end_msg_post () { :; } FANCYTTY= [ -e /etc/lsb-base-logging.sh ] && . /etc/lsb-base-logging.sh || true 



 # INT2MIL-Ubuntu-10.10-Eng splashy like theme Window.GetMaxWidth = fun (){ i = 0; width = 0; while (Window.GetWidth(i)){ width = Math.Max(width, Window.GetWidth(i)); i++; } return width; }; Window.GetMaxHeight = fun (){ i = 0; height = 0; while (Window.GetHeight(i)){ height = Math.Max(height, Window.GetHeight(i)); i++; } return height; }; #change animcount to increase/decrease speed of spinning arrows anim.imagecount = 100; anim.target_width = 0.2* 0.46 * Window.GetWidth(); anim.target_height = 0.2* 0.46 * Window.GetWidth(); fun RotatedImage (index){ index = Math.Int(index); if (!RotatedImageCache[index]) RotatedImageCache[index] = anim.original_image.Rotate((Math.Pi*2*index)/anim.imagecount).Scale(anim.target_width, anim.target_height); return RotatedImageCache[index]; } if (Plymouth.GetMode() == "suspend" || Plymouth.GetMode() == "resume") { background.original_image = ImageNew("suspend.png"); Window.SetBackgroundTopColor(1, 0, 0); Window.SetBackgroundBottomColor(0, 1, 0); } else { logo.original_image = ImageNew("logo.png"); background.original_image = ImageNew("background.png"); Window.SetBackgroundTopColor(0.234, 0.43, 0.705); Window.SetBackgroundBottomColor(0.16, 0.25, 0.44); anim.image= ImageNew("animation.png"); anim.original_image= anim.image.Scale(anim.target_width, anim.target_width); anim.sprite = SpriteNew(); anim.sprite.SetImage(RotatedImage (0)); anim.sprite.SetX((Window.GetX() + Window.GetWidth() - RotatedImage(0).GetWidth()) / 2); anim.sprite.SetY(Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() * 0.37); anim.angle = 0; anim.index = 0; } #change reduction size to make logo bigger ratio = logo.original_image.GetWidth() / logo.original_image.GetHeight(); reduction = 0.4; logo.image = logo.original_image.Scale(reduction * Window.GetMaxWidth() , reduction / ratio * Window.GetMaxWidth()); logo.sprite = SpriteNew(); logo.sprite.SetImage(logo.image); logo.opacity_angle = 0; #change logo location logo.sprite.SetX((Window.GetX() + Window.GetMaxWidth() - logo.image.GetWidth()) / 2); logo.sprite.SetY(Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() * 0.37); #background image attributs x,z,y background.image = background.original_image.Scale(Window.GetMaxWidth() , Window.GetMaxHeight()); background.sprite = SpriteNew(); background.sprite.SetImage(background.image); background.sprite.SetPosition(Window.GetX(), Window.GetY(), -100); sprite_prompt = SpriteNew(); fun refresh_callback () { if (status == "normal") { #anim.index=speed of rotation anim.index += 1; anim.index %= anim.imagecount; anim.sprite.SetImage(RotatedImage (anim.index)); #anim.sprite.SetOpacity (1); motif.sprite.SetOpacity(motif.opacity); } else { anim.sprite.SetOpacity(1); motif.sprite.SetOpacity(1); } } if (Plymouth.GetMode() != "suspend" && Plymouth.GetMode() != "resume") { Plymouth.SetRefreshFunction (refresh_callback); } #----------------------------------------- Dialog -------------------------------- status = "normal"; fun dialog_setup() { local.box; local.lock; local.entry; local.prompt_sprite; box.image = ImageNew("box.png"); lock.image = ImageNew("lock.png"); entry.image = ImageNew("entry.png"); box.sprite = SpriteNew(); box.sprite.SetImage(box.image); box.x = Window.GetX() + Window.GetWidth() / 2 - box.image.GetWidth()/2; box.y = Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() / 2 - box.image.GetHeight()/2; box.z = 10000; box.sprite.SetPosition(box.x, box.y, box.z); lock.sprite = SpriteNew(); lock.sprite.SetImage(lock.image); lock.x = box.x + box.image.GetWidth()/2 - (lock.image.GetWidth() + entry.image.GetWidth()) / 2; lock.y = box.y + box.image.GetHeight()/2 - lock.image.GetHeight()/2; lock.z = box.z + 1; lock.sprite.SetPosition(lock.x, lock.y, lock.z); entry.sprite = SpriteNew(); entry.sprite.SetImage(entry.image); entry.x = lock.x + lock.image.GetWidth(); entry.y = box.y + box.image.GetHeight()/2 - entry.image.GetHeight()/2; entry.z = box.z + 1; entry.sprite.SetPosition(entry.x, entry.y, entry.z); prompt_sprite = SpriteNew(); prompt_sprite.SetPosition(box.x, box.y - 20, box.z); global.dialog.box = box; global.dialog.lock = lock; global.dialog.entry = entry; global.dialog.bullet_image = ImageNew("bullet.png"); global.dialog.prompt_sprite = prompt_sprite; dialog_opacity (1); } fun dialog_opacity(opacity) { dialog.box.sprite.SetOpacity(opacity); dialog.lock.sprite.SetOpacity(opacity); dialog.entry.sprite.SetOpacity(opacity); dialog.prompt_sprite.SetOpacity(opacity); for (index = 0; dialog.bullet[index]; index++) { dialog.bullet[index].sprite.SetOpacity(opacity); } } fun display_normal_callback () { global.status = "normal"; if (global.dialog) dialog_opacity (0); } fun display_password_callback (prompt, bullets) { global.status = "password"; if (!global.dialog) dialog_setup(); else dialog_opacity(1); motif.sprite.SetOpacity(1); anim.sprite.SetOpacity(1); dialog.prompt_sprite.SetImage(Image.Text(prompt, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)); for (index = 0; dialog.bullet[index] || index < bullets; index++) { if (!dialog.bullet[index]) { dialog.bullet[index].sprite = SpriteNew(); dialog.bullet[index].sprite.SetImage(dialog.bullet_image); dialog.bullet[index].x = dialog.entry.x + index * dialog.bullet_image.GetWidth(); dialog.bullet[index].y = dialog.entry.y + dialog.entry.image.GetHeight() / 2 - dialog.bullet_image.GetHeight() / 2; dialog.bullet[index].z = dialog.entry.z + 1; dialog.bullet[index].sprite.SetPosition(dialog.bullet[index].x, dialog.bullet[index].y, dialog.bullet[index].z); } if (index < bullets) dialog.bullet[index].sprite.SetOpacity(1); else dialog.bullet[index].sprite.SetOpacity(0); } } fun display_message_callback (prompt) { prompt = Image.Text(prompt,1.0, 1.0, 1.0); sprite_prompt.SetImage(prompt); sprite_prompt.SetPosition(Window.GetX() + (Window.GetWidth() - prompt.GetWidth()) / 2, Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() * 0.93, 2); } /* instantiate dialog at startup, to ensure all icons are loaded in memory before initrd is unmounted, in case /usr isn't mounted yet */ dialog_setup(); dialog_opacity(0); Plymouth.SetDisplayNormalFunction(display_normal_callback); Plymouth.SetDisplayPasswordFunction(display_password_callback); Plymouth.SetMessageFunction(display_message_callback); #----------------------------------------- Progress Bar -------------------------------- progress_box.image = Image("progress_box.png"); progress_box.sprite = Sprite(progress_box.image); progress_box.x = Window.GetX() + Window.GetWidth() / 2 - progress_box.image.GetWidth() / 2; progress_box.y = Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() * 0.65 - progress_box.image.GetHeight() / 2; progress_box.sprite.SetPosition(progress_box.x, progress_box.y, 0); progress_bar.original_image = Image("progress_bar.png"); progress_bar.sprite = Sprite(); progress_bar.x = Window.GetX() + Window.GetWidth() / 2 - progress_bar.original_image.GetWidth() / 2; progress_bar.y = Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() * 0.65 - progress_box.image.GetHeight() / 2 + (progress_box.image.GetHeight() - progress_bar.original_image.GetHeight()) / 2; progress_bar.sprite.SetPosition(progress_bar.x, progress_bar.y, 1); fun progress_callback (duration, progress) { if (progress_bar.image.GetWidth () != Math.Int (progress_bar.original_image.GetWidth () * progress)) { # * 3 = multiply progress by 3 progress_bar.image = progress_bar.original_image.Scale(progress_bar.original_image.GetWidth(progress_bar.original_image) * progress * 3, progress_bar.original_image.GetHeight()); progress_bar.sprite.SetImage (progress_bar.image); } } Plymouth.SetBootProgressFunction(progress_callback); #----------------------------------------- Status Update -------------------------------- NUM_SCROLL_LINES=10; LINE_WIDTH=55; # width of one character doesnt work------------ CHAR_WIDTH = 7; # height of one character CHAR_HEIGHT = 10; #------------------------ msg_color = [1,1,1]; # msg_color is array #status callback function fun update_status_callback(sta) { if (sta == "failed") msg_color = [1,0,0]; if (sta == "warning") msg_color = [0.8,0.8,0]; if (sta == "normal") msg_color = [0.5,0.5,0.5]; } screen_width = Window.GetWidth(); screen_height = Window.GetHeight(); #Initialising text images and their positions # 20 is the height (including line spacing) of each line for (i=0; i < NUM_SCROLL_LINES; i++) { lines[i]= Image.Text("", msg_color[0], msg_color[1], msg_color[2]); message_sprite[i] = Sprite(); message_sprite[i].SetPosition(screen_width * 0.025, (screen_height * 0.6) + (i * 20), 10000); } fun StringLength(string) { index = 0; str = String(string); while(str.CharAt(index)) index++; return index; } pretext = String(""); #scroll message function fun scroll_message_callback(text) { ##nobreak function nobreak = 0; if (text.CharAt(0) == ">") { # "no linebreak" flag, like "-n" text = text.SubString(1, StringLength(text)); # remove ">" at front nobreak = 1; } if ((pretext == "") || (StringLength(text) > 15)) { if (text == ".") return; # ignore messages of only a single dot if (nobreak == 1) pretext = text; #Truncate the message if too long if (StringLength(text) > LINE_WIDTH) { text = text.SubString(0, LINE_WIDTH - 0); text += "..."; } #Shift message one up for (i = 0; i < NUM_SCROLL_LINES - 1; i++) { lines[i] = lines[i+1]; } } else { # the previous message was flagged to have no linebreak // Truncate the message if too long if (StringLength(text) > LINE_WIDTH - 5) { # leave min. 5 for pretext text = text.SubString(0, LINE_WIDTH - 8); text += "..."; } # Truncate the previous message if too long if (StringLength(pretext) > (LINE_WIDTH - StringLength(text))) { pretext = pretext.SubString(0, LINE_WIDTH - StringLength(text) - 3); pretext += "..."; } text = pretext + text; if (nobreak == 1) pretext = text; else pretext = ">"; } #Create the image for the latest message lines[i] = Image.Text(text, msg_color[0], msg_color[1], msg_color[2]); #Re-positioning the text images for (i = 0; i < NUM_SCROLL_LINES; i++) { message_sprite[i].SetImage(lines[i]); } } Plymouth.SetUpdateStatusFunction(update_status_callback); Plymouth.SetUpdateStatusFunction(scroll_message_callback); #----------------------------------------- Quit -------------------------------- fun quit_callback () { anim.sprite.SetOpacity (1); if (Plymouth.GetMode() == "shutdown") { motif.sprite.SetOpacity(1); } } Plymouth.SetQuitFunction(quit_callback); 

Basically the script can be applied to any theme, all you have to do is provide the filenames of the images in the folder. And changing a few other lines to adjust the images on the screen. Or what you do is you copy the necessary part like the lets say you want the progress part so all you have to do is copy everything from

----------------------------------------- Progress Bar --------------------------------


----------------------------------------- Status Update --------------------------------

After you are done with editing the mdv.script be sure to sudo update-initramfs -u and on your next boot you shall see your new splash.

Be sure to check out the links provided in my question they are very informative and will get you to understand plymouth scripting in no time.

Now if you have done everything i said here you boot splash should display scrolling messages. Now about the truncating part, I am currently working on it, but its kinda annoying to have to reboot my machine everytime i make some change. Is it possible to test a boot process while am logged in like

 sudo plymouthd ; sudo plymouth --show-splash ; sudo plymouth update --status="Hello" ; sleep 2 ; sudo plymouth update --status="This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. " ; sleep 10 ; sudo killall plymouthd 

Another way you can test Plymouth is by copying the above command into a text file and adding sudo plymouth update --status="your message" to have more messages scroll through. Then make the file executable and run in terminal.

Hope this helps anyone else wanting to edit their Plymouth splash. 祝好运!!!

i know it is an old thread, but i think i know the answer about text truncation or not. In my themename.script (not the themename.plymouth file) i use two variables.


with these variables i can set how many lines will be displayed and how long are the lines which will be displayed. The script also has a function wich truncates the lines if they are to long to display.

I hope this will be helpful for someone.

My issue in opensuse 42.1 Leap is. plymouth don’t show up boot messages, like they are written to /var/log/boot.log. It shows the systemd calls for services.

I also edited /lib/lsb/init-functions in this way

 if [ -x /usr/bin/plymouth ]; then /usr/bin/plymouth update --status="$@" fi 

or that

 [ -x /usr/bin/plymouth ] && /usr/bin/plymouth update --status="$@" 

没有什么对我有用。 Does anybody have an idea?

Here ist the themename.script i use

 NUM_SCROLL_LINES=52; LINE_WIDTH=120; wallpaper_image = Image("background.png"); screen_width = Window.GetWidth(); screen_height = Window.GetHeight(); resized_wallpaper_image = wallpaper_image.Scale(screen_width,screen_height); wallpaper_sprite = Sprite(resized_wallpaper_image); wallpaper_sprite.SetZ(-100); // Initialising text images and their positions // 20 is the height (including line spacing) of each line for (i=0; i < NUM_SCROLL_LINES; i++) { lines[i]= Image.Text("", 0, 0, 0); message_sprite[i] = Sprite(); # here you can set the hights and width of textdisplay. 0.005 uses almost the whole screen. # message_sprite[i].SetPosition(screen_width * 0.2, (screen_height * 0.6) + (i * 20), 10000); message_sprite[i].SetPosition(screen_width * 0.005, (screen_height * 0.005) + (i * 20), 10000); } // From ubuntu-logo fun StringLength(string) { index = 0; str = String(string); while(str.CharAt(index)) index++; return index; } fun scroll_message_callback(text) { // Truncate the message if too long if (StringLength(text) > LINE_WIDTH) { text = text.SubString(0, LINE_WIDTH - 3); text += "..."; } // Shift message one up for (i = 0; i < NUM_SCROLL_LINES - 1; i++) { lines[i] = lines[i+1]; } // Create the image for the latest message # zB turquoise coloured text / (text, 0.28, 0.82, 0.80); // 1.0 = 100% 0.28 = 28% usw. lines[i] = Image.Text(text, 0.28, 0.82, 0.80); // Re-positioning the text images for (i = 0; i < NUM_SCROLL_LINES; i++) { message_sprite[i].SetImage(lines[i]); } } Plymouth.SetUpdateStatusFunction(scroll_message_callback);