
好吧所以我在askubuntu和其他一些论坛上四处看看,但我似乎无法找到解决问题所需的答案。 我正在运行Ubuntu 14.04并且最近才安装它。 我过去几天都很喜欢它,但现在我的软件中心不会打开。 我已经尝试更新所有内容,我已经卸载并重新安装了软件中心,我已经从终端运行它,我已经完成了我在论坛中可能找到的有关此问题的所有内容。 它都没有奏效。 这是我在终端中运行软件中心时得到的文字:

~$ software-center 2015-10-20 15:10:36,406 - softwarecenter.ui.gtk3.app - INFO - setting up proxy 'None' 2015-10-20 15:10:39,786 - softwarecenter.region - WARNING - failed to use geoclue: 'org.freedesktop.Geoclue.Error.notAvailable: Geoclue master client has no usable Address providers' 2015-10-20 15:10:40,554 - softwarecenter.backend.reviews - WARNING - Could not get usefulness from server, no username in config file 2015-10-20 15:10:40,573 - softwarecenter.plugin - INFO - activating plugin '' 2015-10-20 15:10:40,739 - softwarecenter.db.pkginfo_impl.aptcache - INFO - aptcache.open() 2015-10-20 15:10:41,602 - softwarecenter.backend.reviews - WARNING - error creating bsddb: '(22, 'Invalid argument -- BDB0054 illegal flag combination specified to DB_ENV->open')' (corrupted?) 2015-10-20 15:10:41,603 - softwarecenter.backend.reviews - ERROR - trying to repair DB failed Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/share/software-center/softwarecenter/backend/reviews/__init__.py", line 358, in _save_review_stats_cache_blocking self._dump_bsddbm_for_unity(outfile, outdir) File "/usr/share/software-center/softwarecenter/backend/reviews/__init__.py", line 377, in _dump_bsddbm_for_unity 0600) DBInvalidArgError: (22, 'Invalid argument -- BDB0054 illegal flag combination specified to DB_ENV->open') /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gi/overrides/GLib.py:535: Warning: Source ID 76 was not found when attempting to remove it return super(MainContext, self).iteration(may_block) /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gi/overrides/GLib.py:535: Warning: Source ID 20 was not found when attempting to remove it return super(MainContext, self).iteration(may_block) Bus error (core dumped) 

卸载不会有所作为。 您需要清除软件中心。 运行以下命令,请发布任何错误:

 sudo apt-get purge software-center software-center-aptdaemon-plugins 

然后 ,重新安装它:

 sudo apt-get clean sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get install software-center software-center-aptdaemon-plugins 


看起来它可能是硬件相关的,因为这里唯一不寻常的是总线错误。 您可以尝试运行以下命令:

 sudo rm /var/cache/apt/*.bin 


我可以通过这个答案解决它。 也许管理员可以将此问题标记为重复

 sudo apt-get upgrade gnome-software 

对我来说 – 在尝试使用软件中心或Synaptic或从终端获取apt-get时遇到神秘的总线错误消息 – 我必须先做

 sudo rm /var/cache/apt/*.bin 


 sudo apt-get upgrade gnome-software 
