
我试图在我的桌面上修复一个conky但我在背景颜色很小的问题上有小问题。 我想将颜色背景更改为透明,我尝试了很多次并且无法修复。 这是我在桌面上的图片: 在此处输入图像描述

和我的conkyrc文件: https ://pastebin.com/USgZ3C45



own_window_transparent yes #own_window_argb_visual yes #own_window_argb_value 255 


 own_window_transparent no own_window_argb_visual yes own_window_argb_value 145 # semi-transparent 




在评论中,它被要求分享我的conky脚本。 它刚刚改变了几天,所以我更新了上面的.gif ,并在下面编辑了(剥离的实验代码/注释)脚本:

 # November 16, 2014 copied from 081114 version written for Core 2 Duo @ 2 Ghz # and modified for i-7 Quad Core 3630 QM @ 3.4 Ghz with 8 cores @1920x1080 again. # Adapt for grey-scale snow-leopard wallpaper. # Adapt for USB thumb-drive with Sparky Linux. # August 12, 2014 from ubuntuforum / cafe / satshow2 # http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=281865&page=2287&p=13096925#post13096925 # September 10, 2016 Now on Ubuntu 16.04, Kernel 4.7.3 and after many glitches such # as suspend/resume, thin fonts in Nautilus, constant Intel Turbo Boost (more heat) # and sound going to Built-In audio instead of TV repairs, the heat in thermal zones # 0 and 1 which conky uses are wrong after resume so use thermal zone 2 instead. # February 25, 2017 add Sunrise and Sunset. override_utf8_locale yes use_xft yes xftfont ubuntu:size=10.5 xftalpha 0.5 uppercase no no_buffers yes # Subtract cached and buffered ram from memory usage. display :0.0 nvidia_display :0.0 text_buffer_size 2048 update_interval .75 # change to .001 for 1000 times per second stress test total_run_times 0 own_window yes own_window_type desktop own_window_type normal own_window_transparent no own_window_argb_visual yes own_window_argb_value 145 # semi-transparent own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager double_buffer yes minimum_size 200 maximum_width 400 draw_shades yes # off-white default_color ECEAE4 # blue color1 1EB5FF # light blue color2 30DDFB # dark blue color3 0090ff # lime color4 98FF76 default_shade_color 000000 draw_outline no draw_borders no stippled_borders 0 alignment top_right # top_left for Screen 1, top_right for Screen 2 gap_x 0 gap_y 0 TEXT ${color}Today is:${color green}$alignr${time %A,}$alignr ${time %e %B %G} ${color}Distribution:${color green}$alignr ${pre_exec cat /etc/issue.net} $machine ${color}Kernel:$alignr${color green} $kernel ${color orange}${voffset 2}${hr 1} ${color2}${voffset 5}Intel® i-7 3630QM 3.4 GHz: ${color1}@ ${color green}${freq} MHz ${color}${goto 13}CPU 1 ${goto 81}${color green}${cpu cpu1}% ${goto 131}${color3}${cpubar cpu1 18} ${color}${goto 13}CPU 2 ${goto 81}${color green}${cpu cpu2}% ${goto 131}${color3}${cpubar cpu2 18} ${color}${goto 13}CPU 3 ${goto 81}${color green}${cpu cpu3}% ${goto 131}${color3}${cpubar cpu3 18} ${color}${goto 13}CPU 4 ${goto 81}${color green}${cpu cpu4}% ${goto 131}${color3}${cpubar cpu4 18} ${color}${goto 13}CPU 5 ${goto 81}${color green}${cpu cpu5}% ${goto 131}${color3}${cpubar cpu5 18} ${color}${goto 13}CPU 6 ${goto 81}${color green}${cpu cpu6}% ${goto 131}${color3}${cpubar cpu6 18} ${color}${goto 13}CPU 7 ${goto 81}${color green}${cpu cpu7}% ${goto 131}${color3}${cpubar cpu7 18} ${color}${goto 13}CPU 8 ${goto 81}${color green}${cpu cpu8}% ${goto 131}${color3}${cpubar cpu8 18} ${color1}All CPU ${color green}${cpu}% ${goto 131}${color1}Temp: ${color green}${hwmon 2 temp 1}°C ${goto 250}${color1}Up: ${color green}$uptime ${color green}$running_processes ${color1}running of ${color green}$processes ${color1}loaded processes. Load Avg. 1-5-15 minutes: ${alignr}${color green}${execpi .001 (awk '{printf "%s/", $1}' /proc/loadavg; grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo;) | bc -l | cut -c1-4} ${execpi .001 (awk '{printf "%s/", $2}' /proc/loadavg; grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo;) | bc -l | cut -c1-4} ${execpi .001 (awk '{printf "%s/", $3}' /proc/loadavg; grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo;) | bc -l | cut -c1-4} ${color orange}${voffset 2}${hr 1} ${color1}${voffset 5}Process Name: ${goto 215}PID ${goto 265}CPU% ${goto 337}Mem% ${color}${goto 13}${top name 1} ${goto 210}${top pid 1} ${goto 275}${color green}${top cpu 1} ${goto 350}${top mem 1} ${color}${goto 13}${top name 2} ${goto 210}${top pid 2} ${goto 275}${color green}${top cpu 2} ${goto 350}${top mem 2} ${color}${goto 13}${top name 3} ${goto 210}${top pid 3} ${goto 275}${color green}${top cpu 3} ${goto 350}${top mem 3} ${color}${goto 13}${top name 4} ${goto 210}${top pid 4} ${goto 275}${color green}${top cpu 4} ${goto 350}${top mem 4} ${color}${goto 13}${top name 5} ${goto 210}${top pid 5} ${goto 275}${color green}${top cpu 5} ${goto 350}${top mem 5} ${color}${goto 13}${top name 6} ${goto 210}${top pid 6} ${goto 275}${color green}${top cpu 6} ${goto 350}${top mem 6} ${color}${goto 13}${top name 7} ${goto 210}${top pid 7} ${goto 275}${color green}${top cpu 7} ${goto 350}${top mem 7} ${color}${goto 13}${top name 8} ${goto 210}${top pid 8} ${goto 275}${color green}${top cpu 8} ${goto 350}${top mem 8} ${color}${goto 13}${top name 9} ${goto 210}${top pid 9} ${goto 275}${color green}${top cpu 9} ${goto 350}${top mem 9} ${color orange}${voffset 2}${hr 1} ${color}Memory:${goto 148}${color green}$mem / $memmax $alignr${color green}${memperc /}% ${color}Linux:${goto 148}${color green}${fs_used /} / ${fs_size /} $alignr${color green}${fs_used_perc /}% ${color}KSX_Win7:${goto 148}${if_mounted /media/rick/KSX_Win7}${color green} ${fs_used /media/rick/KSX_Win7} / ${fs_size /media/rick/KSX_Win7} $alignr${color green}${fs_used_perc /media/rick/KSX_Win7}%${else}${color yellow}/media/rick/KSX_Win7${endif} ${color}${if_mounted /media/rick/ST9_Win7}ST9_Win7:${goto 148}${color green} ${fs_used /media/rick/ST9_Win7} / ${fs_size /media/rick/ST9_Win7} $alignr${color green}${fs_used_perc /media/rick/ST9_Win7}%${else}Cache RAM:${goto 148}${color green}${cached} ${color} Buffers: ${color green} ${buffers}${endif} ${color}${if_mounted /media/rick/F9m_Win7}F9m_Win7:${goto 148}${color green}${fs_used /media/rick/F9m_Win7} / ${fs_size /media/rick/F9m_Win7} $alignr${color green}${fs_used_perc /media/rick/F9m_Win7}%${else}Swap:${goto 148}${color green}${swap} / ${swapmax} $alignr${color green}${swapperc}%${endif} ${color orange}${voffset 2}${hr 1} ${color1}Network using vnStat "-i", "-w" and "-m" ${color}${goto 5}Today ${goto 100}Yesterday ${goto 225}Week ${goto 325}Month ${color green} ${execi 10 vnstat -i eth0 | grep "today" | awk '{print $8" "substr ($9, 1, 1)}'} ${goto 110}${execi 10 vnstat -i eth0 | grep "yesterday" | awk '{print $8" "substr ($9, 1, 1)}'} ${goto 220}${execi 10 vnstat -i eth0 -w | grep "current week" | awk '{print $9" "substr ($10, 1, 1)}'} ${goto 315}${execi 10 vnstat -i eth0 -m | grep "`date +"%b '%y"`" | awk '{print $9" "substr ($10, 1, 1)}'} ${color1}Network real-time monitoring ${color}Down: ${color green}${downspeed eth0}/s ${color}${goto 220}Up: ${color green}${upspeed eth0}/s ${downspeedgraph eth0 25,190 000000 ff0000} ${alignr}${upspeedgraph eth0 25,190 000000 00ff00}$color Total: ${color green}${totaldown eth0} $color${alignr}Total: ${color green}${totalup eth0} ${color orange}${voffset 2}${hr 1} ${color}${goto 5}Day: ${color green}${execpi 300 cat /usr/local/bin/sunrise} ${color}Night: ${color green}${execpi 300 cat /usr/local/bin/sunset} ${color}Level: ${color green}${execpi 10 cat cat /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness} ${color orange}${voffset 2}${hr 1} 

请记住,根据您正在进行的项目,经常更改conky脚本。 前两天的焦点是为什么当我实际上没有上传太多时,互联网上传如此之高? 我添加了网络带宽实时显示部分。 因此,您可能会在今天(2017年9月5日)的其他问题中看到不符合代码的问题。

Conky Script修订版评论

莎拉提到温度不起作用。 搜索${hwmon 2 temp 1}并将其替换为${hwmon 0 temp 1}

她还提到网络不起作用。 搜索eth0并将其替换为您的网络接口名称。 要查找您的网络接口名称,请使用:

 $ ip link show 1: lo:  mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 2: enp59s0:  mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 3: wlp60s0:  mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP mode DORMANT group default qlen 1000 



 $ netstat -i Kernel Interface table Iface MTU Met RX-OK RX-ERR RX-DRP RX-OVR TX-OK TX-ERR TX-DRP TX-OVR Flg enp59s0 1500 0 125122 0 0 0 66472 0 0 0 BMRU lo 65536 0 970 0 0 0 970 0 0 0 LRU wlp60s0 1500 0 1036 0 0 0 237 0 0 0 BMRU