
所以我有一个udev规则文件重新映射串口,因为它们不是所需的顺序。 这些规则在SLES11 SP1上运行良好,但似乎在14.04上没有做任何事情。

SUBSYSTEM=="platform", DRIVERS=="serial8250", KERNELS=="serial8250", KERNEL=="ttyS2", NAME="ttyS10" SUBSYSTEM=="platform", DRIVERS=="serial8250", KERNELS=="serial8250", KERNEL=="ttyS3", NAME="ttyS11" SUBSYSTEM=="tty", DRIVERS=="serial", ATTRS{id}=="PNP0501", KERNEL=="ttyS4", NAME="ttyS12" SUBSYSTEM=="tty", DRIVERS=="serial", ATTRS{id}=="PNP0501", KERNEL=="ttyS5", NAME="ttyS13" SUBSYSTEM=="tty", DRIVERS=="serial", ATTRS{subsystem_vendor}=="0x1415", KERNEL=="ttyS6", NAME="ttyS2" SUBSYSTEM=="tty", DRIVERS=="serial", ATTRS{subsystem_vendor}=="0x1415", KERNEL=="ttyS7", NAME="ttyS3" SUBSYSTEM=="tty", DRIVERS=="serial", ATTRS{subsystem_vendor}=="0x1415", KERNEL=="ttyS8", NAME="ttyS4" SUBSYSTEM=="tty", DRIVERS=="serial", ATTRS{subsystem_vendor}=="0x1415", KERNEL=="ttyS9", NAME="ttyS5" SUBSYSTEM=="tty", DRIVERS=="serial", ATTRS{subsystem_vendor}=="0x1415", KERNEL=="ttyS10", NAME="ttyS6" SUBSYSTEM=="tty", DRIVERS=="serial", ATTRS{subsystem_vendor}=="0x1415", KERNEL=="ttyS11", NAME="ttyS7" SUBSYSTEM=="tty", DRIVERS=="serial", ATTRS{subsystem_vendor}=="0x1415", KERNEL=="ttyS12", NAME="ttyS8" SUBSYSTEM=="tty", DRIVERS=="serial", ATTRS{subsystem_vendor}=="0x1415", KERNEL=="ttyS13", NAME="ttyS9" 



  • 从发行说明来看,SLES11 SP1是版本11.1.1.10(2012-04-17),因此它应该与Ubuntu 12.04相同。

      NAME Match the name of the node or network interface. It can be used once the NAME key has been set in one of the preceding rules. ... NAME What a network interface should be named. Also, as a temporary workaround, this is what a device node should be named; usually the kernel provides the defined node name or creates and removes the node before udev even receives any event. Changing the node name from the kernel's default creates inconsistencies and is not supported. If the kernel and NAME specify different names, an error is logged. udev is only expected to handle device node permissions and to create additional symlinks, not to change kernel-provided device node names. Instead of renaming a device node, SYMLINK should be used. However, symlink names must never conflict with device node names, as that would result in unpredictable behavior. 
  • 在Ubuntu 14.04中的位置

      NAME Match the name of a network interface. It can be used once the NAME key has been set in one of the preceding rules. ... NAME The name to use for a network interface. The name of a device node cannot be changed by udev, only additional symlinks can be created. 

注意,第一个NAME用于条件匹配,第二个NAME用于操作。 您可以在manpages.ubuntu.com上比较两个手册页

要获得完整答案,您应该使用SYMLINK udev操作来创建新的符号链接。