
Gnome中最常见的Quake风格终端似乎是Guake和Tilda,但他们不能拆分以在单个标签中显示几个炮弹,如Yakuakejar头。 有没有可以做到的替代方案?


对于Ubuntu 14.04

Terra可以在Ubuntu 14.04上运行。 请参阅此答案了解详情

对于Ubuntu 13.04及更早版本


Terra是一款基于GTK + 3.0的终端仿真器,具有实用的用户界面,它还支持多个水平或垂直分割屏幕的终端。



sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ozcanesen/terra-terminal sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install terra 

有关更多信息,请查看WebUpd8文章 。

您可以编写一个小脚本,使任何窗口都显示在前面。 虽然它不像地震那样从顶部向下滑动但它有助于达到目的。 我使用终结器作为我的网格终端,因为它非常强大。

我正在使用的脚本如下所示。 所以首先安装终结器wmctrl然后把这个脚本放在你保存脚本的地方并添加一个快捷键(例如:Ctrl +`)和你完成的。

现在当你按下Ctrl +`终结器来到前面并再次按下它时,它将转到其他窗口的后面。

 #!/bin/bash TM_STATE=/tmp/tm_stat WIN=$( wmctrl -lGx | grep -i terminator | awk '{print $1}' ); if [[ $WIN == "" ]] then terminator& exit 0 else if [[ -e $TM_STATE ]] then wmctrl -i -r $WIN -b remove,below wmctrl -i -r $WIN -b add,above #wmctrl -i -r $WIN -b remove,shaded #wmctrl -i -a $WIN rm $TM_STATE else wmctrl -i -r $WIN -b remove,above wmctrl -i -r $WIN -b add,below #wmctrl -i -r $WIN -b add,shaded touch $TM_STATE fi fi 

对于Xenial用户,请执行此操作。 到目前为止它对终结器很有用。



sudo apt update && sudo apt install xdotool wmctrl

cd ~ && touch terminator_show_hide.sh && sudo chmod +x terminator_show_hide.sh


 #!/bin/bash # # This script does this: # launch an app if it isn't launched yet, # focus the app if it is launched but not focused, # minimize the app if it is focused. # # by desgua - 2012/04/29 # modified by olds22 - 2012/09/16 # - customized to accept a parameter # - made special exception to get it working with terminator # First let's check if the needed tools are installed: tool1=$(which xdotool) tool2=$(which wmctrl) if [ -z $tool1 ]; then echo "Xdotool is needed, do you want to install it now? [Y/n]" read a if [[ $a == "Y" || $a == "y" || $a = "" ]]; then sudo apt-get install xdotool else echo "Exiting then..." exit 1 fi fi if [ -z $tool2 ]; then echo "Wmctrl is needed, do you want to install it now? [Y/n]" read a if [[ $a == "Y" || $a == "y" || $a = "" ]]; then sudo apt-get install wmctrl else echo "Exiting then..." exit 1 fi fi # check if we're trying to use an app that needs a special process name # (because it runs multiple processes and/or under a different name) app=$1 if [[ $app == terminator ]]; then process_name=usr/bin/terminator else process_name=$app fi # Check if the app is running (in this case $process_name) #pid=$(pidof $process_name) # pidof didn't work for terminator pid=$(pgrep -f $process_name) # If it isn't launched, then launch if [ -z $pid ]; then $app else # If it is launched then check if it is focused foc=$(xdotool getactivewindow getwindowpid) if [[ $pid == $foc ]]; then # if it is focused, then minimize xdotool getactivewindow windowminimize else # if it isn't focused then get focus wmctrl -x -R $app fi fi exit 0 


打开系统设置GUI – >键盘 – >快捷方式 – >自定义快捷方式

单击+并将其添加到命令行: /home/you/terminator_show_hide.sh terminator




现在我拥有两全其美,Guake Show / Hide&PANES !! 仅供参考:我在这里提供此信息是因为我在第一次搜索时发现了这个post。 挖了一个更宽的洞后,我找到了另一个post。


我使用(现在16.04) Guake和Byobu作为shell解释器,默认情况下使用tmux ( 可能比screen 更好 )。


  1. 安装: sudo apt-get install byobu (不需要PPA)。
  2. 将它添加到可用的shell: which byobu | tee -a /etc/shells which byobu | tee -a /etc/shells ,就像我在Guake Github问题中所说的那样 。
  3. 在Guake首选项( guake-prefs )中选择Byobu作为默认解释器: 图片
  4. 可选:隐藏标签栏,因为您将使用Byobu:


  5. 如果快捷方式不起作用,请尝试禁用可能会干扰的Guake(在我的情况下是Ctrl + F2进行垂直拆分): 截图


  1. 使用Shift + F1或这个优秀的截屏video学习快捷方式。
  2. 通过apropos byobu了解可用的byobu终端命令
  3. 要在Midnight Commander上使用fn键,请使用Alt + Shift + F12禁用byobu F键。
