
感谢如何删除xubuntu-desktop的答案? ,我知道如何删除Xubuntu桌面。

但我担心从我的Ubuntu安装中删除Xubuntu可能会影响或损害Unity桌面环境。 我的这种担忧是否有效?

你引用的问题的答案链接到这个网站, http: //www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/pureubuntu

在该网站中,它声明 –

这些删除命令是根据Kubuntu,Xubuntu等软件包添加到默认Ubuntu安装中创建的。 这些命令可能会删除您添加到默认值并希望保留的其他一些软件包。 如果是这种情况,请跟踪它们是哪些包并重新安装它们。 从理论上讲,您的设置应该仍然存在。 对于您对* buntu安装造成的任何损害,我不承担任何责任。 如果您担心破坏任何内容,请对您的* buntu安装进行全面备份。



 sudo apt-get remove abiword abiword-common abiword-plugin-grammar abiword-plugin-mathview alacarte bison blueman brltty-x11 catfish docbook-xml exo-utils flex fonts-droid gigolo gimp gimp-data gmusicbrowser gnome-desktop-data gnome-system-tools gnome-time-admin gnumeric gnumeric-common gnumeric-doc gstreamer0.10-gnomevfs gthumb gthumb-data gtk2-engines-pixbuf indicator-application-gtk2 indicator-messages-gtk2 indicator-sound-gtk2 indicator-status-provider-pidgin leafpad libabiword-2.9 libao-common libao4 libaudio-scrobbler-perl libbabl-0.0-0 libbison-dev libcolamd2.7.1 libconfig-inifiles-perl libdigest-crc-perl libencode-locale-perl libept1.4.12 libexo-1-0 libexo-common libexo-helpers libfile-listing-perl libfl-dev libfont-afm-perl libgarcon-1-0 libgarcon-common libgdome2-0 libgdome2-cpp-smart0c2a libgegl-0.0-0 libgimp2.0 libglade2-0 libgnomevfs2-0 libgnomevfs2-common libgnomevfs2-extra libgoffice-0.8-8 libgoffice-0.8-8-common libgsf-1-114 libgsf-1-common libgstreamer-perl libgtk2-notify-perl libgtk2-trayicon-perl libgtkmathview0c2a libgtkspell0 libhtml-form-perl libhtml-format-perl libhtml-parser-perl libhtml-tagset-perl libhtml-tree-perl libhttp-cookies-perl libhttp-daemon-perl libhttp-date-perl libhttp-message-perl libhttp-negotiate-perl libid3tag0 libido-0.1-0 libilmbase6 libio-socket-inet6-perl libio-socket-ssl-perl libjavascriptcoregtk-1.0-0 libjpeg-progs libjpeg-turbo-progs libkeybinder0 liblaunchpad-integration1 liblink-grammar4 libloudmouth1-0 liblwp-mediatypes-perl liblwp-protocol-https-perl libmad0 libmailtools-perl libnet-dbus-perl libnet-http-perl libnet-ssleay-perl liboobs-1-5 libopenexr6 libotr2 libots0 librarian0 libsexy2 libsocket6-perl libtagc0 libthunarx-2-0 libtidy-0.99-0 libtie-ixhash-perl libtimedate-perl libtumbler-1-0 libunique-1.0-0 liburi-perl libvte-common libvte9 libwebkitgtk-1.0-0 libwebkitgtk-1.0-common libwv-1.2-4 libwww-perl libwww-robotrules-perl libxfce4ui-1-0 libxfce4util-bin libxfce4util-common libxfce4util4 libxfcegui4-4 libxfconf-0-2 libxml-parser-perl libxml-twig-perl libxml-xpath-perl libxss1 lightdm-gtk-greeter link-grammar-dictionaries-en linux-headers-3.2.0-24 linux-headers-3.2.0-24-generic linux-headers-generic lp-solve m4 mpg321 orage parole pastebinit pavucontrol pidgin pidgin-data pidgin-libnotify pidgin-microblog pidgin-otr plymouth-theme-xubuntu-logo plymouth-theme-xubuntu-text python-configobj python-glade2 python-gmenu rarian-compat ristretto screensaver-default-images sgml-data shimmer-themes synaptic system-tools-backends tcl8.5 thunar thunar-archive-plugin thunar-data thunar-media-tags-plugin thunar-volman ttf-droid ttf-lyx tumbler tumbler-common xchat xchat-common xfburn xfce-keyboard-shortcuts xfce4-appfinder xfce4-cpugraph-plugin xfce4-datetime-plugin xfce4-dict xfce4-indicator-plugin xfce4-mailwatch-plugin xfce4-netload-plugin xfce4-notes xfce4-notes-plugin xfce4-notifyd xfce4-panel xfce4-places-plugin xfce4-power-manager xfce4-power-manager-data xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin xfce4-screenshooter xfce4-session xfce4-settings xfce4-systemload-plugin xfce4-taskmanager xfce4-terminal xfce4-utils xfce4-verve-plugin xfce4-volumed xfce4-weather-plugin xfce4-xkb-plugin xfconf xfdesktop4 xfdesktop4-data xfwm4 xscreensaver xscreensaver-data xscreensaver-gl xubuntu-artwork xubuntu-default-settings xubuntu-desktop xubuntu-docs xubuntu-icon-theme xubuntu-wallpapers && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop && sudo /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-set-defaults -g unity-greeter 

如果您正在使用它,那么您可能希望保留的是gimp ,因此请查看列表以便了解它正在删除的内容。

如更改桌面环境可以影响我的程序/个人数据吗? ,安装(或删除)给定的桌面环境不应该影响您当前在系统上拥有的任何其他桌面环境。 它只是关于安装/删除一堆软件包,这些软件包确保彼此独立(两个不同的软件包无法在完全相同的路径中安装完全相同的文件)。

这说,这取决于你如何进行卸载程序。 例如,如果您认为lightdm是Xubuntu的一部分并删除它(不要!),并且您没有其他可用的display manager ,那么您可以使您的系统无法使用。 因此,如果您按照建议删除非常具体的软件包列表的其他答案,请务必手动检查每个软件包是否存在对您的系统至关重要的任何内容。

现在以一种实际的安全方式(据我所知)删除Xfce ,如果我想在我的系统上执行此操作,我将按以下步骤操作:

 root@malou-laptop:/home/liv# apt-get remove libxfce* libexo-common xfce* Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done Note, selecting 'libxfcegui4-4' for regex 'libxfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfconf-0-dev' for regex 'libxfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4ui-1-dbg' for regex 'libxfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4ui-1-dev' for regex 'libxfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4util-bin' for regex 'libxfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4util-dev' for regex 'libxfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4util-1' for regex 'libxfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4ui-utils-dbg' for regex 'libxfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfcegui4-4-dbg' for regex 'libxfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4util6-dbg' for regex 'libxfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4util6-dev' for regex 'libxfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4ui-2-dbg' for regex 'libxfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4util4' for regex 'libxfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4util6' for regex 'libxfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4ui-2-dev' for regex 'libxfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4util-common' for regex 'libxfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4menu-0.1-0' for regex 'libxfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfconf-0-2-dbg' for regex 'libxfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4ui-common' for regex 'libxfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4ui-1-0' for regex 'libxfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4ui-2-0' for regex 'libxfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4ui-utils' for regex 'libxfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4util4-dbg' for regex 'libxfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfconf-0-2' for regex 'libxfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfcegui4-dev' for regex 'libxfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-equake-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfcegui4-4' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-genmon-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-mcs-plugins' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfconf-0-dev' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-messenger-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-time-out-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4ui-1-dbg' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-embed-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-mpc-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4ui-1-dev' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-terminal-dbg' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4util-bin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4util-dev' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-dbg' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'desktopnova-module-xfce' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-xkb-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-nofityd' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-notifyd' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-volumed' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'glade-xfce' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4util-1' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-verve-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4ui-utils-dbg' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-panel' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-goodies' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-cpufreq-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-taskmanager' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-mailwatch-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfcegui4-4-dbg' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'remmina-xfce' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-notes-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-timer-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce-theme-manager' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-vala-dev' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4util6-dbg' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-appfinder' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-radio-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-panel-dbg' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4util6-dev' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce-theme-manager-dbg' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4ui-2-dbg' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-battery-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-panel-dev' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-composite-editor' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4util4' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4util6' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4ui-2-dev' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce-keyboard-shortcuts' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-cddrive-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-volstatus-icon' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4util-common' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-dockbarx-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4menu-0.1-0' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-weather-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-netload-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-session-dbg' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-indicator-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-wavelan-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfconf-0-2-dbg' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-notes' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-screenshooter-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-xfapplet-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce-theme-manager-examples' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-systemload-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-eyes-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4ui-common' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-diskperf-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4ui-1-0' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-settings' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4ui-2-0' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'gtk3-engines-xfce' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-fsguard-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-cpugraph-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-datetime-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4ui-utils' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-artwork' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-dev-tools' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-power-manager' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-power-manager-data' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'gtk2-engines-xfce' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-mcs-manager' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfce4util4-dbg' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-power-manager-plugins' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-linelight-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-utils' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-mixer-alsa' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-terminal' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfconf' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-mount-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-session' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-sensors-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-screenshooter' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfconf-0-2' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-hdaps' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-wmdock-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-cellmodem-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-clipman' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-places-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'libxfcegui4-dev' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-mixer' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-clipman-plugin' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'gwallpapers-module-xfce' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-mixer-oss' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-vala' for regex 'xfce*' Note, selecting 'xfce4-dict' for regex 'xfce*' Package desktopnova-module-xfce is not installed, so not removed Package libxfce4util4-dbg is not installed, so not removed Package xfce4-utils is not installed, so not removed Package xfce4-dockbarx-plugin is not installed, so not removed Package xfce-theme-manager-dbg is not installed, so not removed Package xfce-theme-manager-examples is not installed, so not removed Package xfce4-radio-plugin is not installed, so not removed Package xfce4-messenger-plugin is not installed, so not removed Package xfce4-mpc-plugin is not installed, so not removed Package xfce4-cellmodem-plugin is not installed, so not removed Package xfce4-wmdock-plugin is not installed, so not removed Package xfce4-eyes-plugin is not installed, so not removed Package xfce4-panel-dbg is not installed, so not removed Package libxfcegui4-4-dbg is not installed, so not removed Package glade-xfce is not installed, so not removed Package libxfconf-0-2-dbg is not installed, so not removed Package xfce4-linelight-plugin is not installed, so not removed Package xfce4-hdaps is not installed, so not removed Package xfce4-dbg is not installed, so not removed Package xfce4-terminal-dbg is not installed, so not removed Package xfce4-session-dbg is not installed, so not removed Package libxfce4util6-dbg is not installed, so not removed Package gtk3-engines-xfce is not installed, so not removed Package libxfce4ui-1-dbg is not installed, so not removed Package libxfce4ui-utils-dbg is not installed, so not removed Package libxfce4ui-2-dbg is not installed, so not removed Package xfce4-volstatus-icon is not installed, so not removed Package libxfce4menu-0.1-0 is not installed, so not removed The following extra packages will be installed: libpixman-1-0 libpixman-1-dev notify-osd The following packages will be REMOVED: blueman exo-utils gnome-power-manager gtk2-engines-xfce libexo-1-0 libexo-1-dev libexo-common libgarcon-1-0 libgarcon-1-0-dev libthunar-vfs-1-2 libthunarx-2-0 libxfce4ui-1-0 libxfce4ui-1-dev libxfce4ui-2-0 libxfce4ui-2-dev libxfce4ui-common libxfce4ui-utils libxfce4util-bin libxfce4util-common libxfce4util-dev libxfce4util4 libxfce4util6 libxfcegui4-4 libxfcegui4-dev libxfconf-0-2 libxfconf-0-dev orage parole ristretto squeeze thunar thunar-archive-plugin thunar-dropbox-plugin thunar-gtkhash thunar-media-tags-plugin thunar-sendto-clamtk thunar-volman xfburn xfce-keyboard-shortcuts xfce-theme-manager xfce4 xfce4-appfinder xfce4-artwork xfce4-battery-plugin xfce4-clipman xfce4-clipman-plugin xfce4-cpufreq-plugin xfce4-cpugraph-plugin xfce4-datetime-plugin xfce4-dev-tools xfce4-dict xfce4-diskperf-plugin xfce4-embed-plugin xfce4-equake-plugin xfce4-fsguard-plugin xfce4-genmon-plugin xfce4-goodies xfce4-indicator-plugin xfce4-mailwatch-plugin xfce4-mixer xfce4-mount-plugin xfce4-netload-plugin xfce4-notes xfce4-notes-plugin xfce4-notifyd xfce4-panel xfce4-panel-dev xfce4-places-plugin xfce4-power-manager xfce4-power-manager-data xfce4-power-manager-plugins xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin xfce4-screenshooter xfce4-screenshooter-plugin xfce4-sensors-plugin xfce4-session xfce4-settings xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin xfce4-systemload-plugin xfce4-taskmanager xfce4-terminal xfce4-time-out-plugin xfce4-timer-plugin xfce4-vala xfce4-vala-dev xfce4-verve-plugin xfce4-volumed xfce4-wavelan-plugin xfce4-weather-plugin xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin xfce4-xkb-plugin xfconf xfdesktop4 xfswitch-plugin xfwm4 xfwm4-themes xubuntu-desktop The following NEW packages will be installed: notify-osd The following packages will be upgraded: libpixman-1-0 libpixman-1-dev 2 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 97 to remove and 125 not upgraded. Need to get 675 kB of archives. After this operation, 90.7 MB disk space will be freed. Do you want to continue [Y/n]? n Abort. 

现在, 你继续说上面的“是”之前,仔细查看包列表,找出那些你不想删除的包(比如, bluemanThunar ),列出一个列表。 删除完成后,重新安装这些包:

 apt-get install blueman thunar 

这与删除Xfce一样安全,回到原来的问题,不应该影响Unity的现有安装。 至于Xubuntu剩余部分,请按照其他答案分别评估每个包的删除。