在ubuntu 16.04上使用Microsoft Designer键盘和鼠标(在dell xps 13上)

我有戴尔XPS 13的新开发者版本,它带有ubuntu 14.04 LTS。 由于新的LTS已经发布,我决定升级到16.04,它应该支持BLE(蓝牙低功耗)设备,如Microsoft Designer键盘和鼠标。 但我无法让它发挥作用。


~ bluetoothctl [NEW] Controller 44:85:00:2C:E5:E7 laptop [default] [bluetooth]# scan on Discovery started [CHG] Controller 44:85:00:2C:E5:E7 Discovering: yes [NEW] Device E5:4B:7C:B0:25:13 Designer Mouse [bluetooth]# pair E5:4B:7C:B0:25:13 Attempting to pair with E5:4B:7C:B0:25:13 [CHG] Device E5:4B:7C:B0:25:13 Connected: yes [CHG] Device E5:4B:7C:B0:25:13 UUIDs: 00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb [CHG] Device E5:4B:7C:B0:25:13 UUIDs: 00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb [CHG] Device E5:4B:7C:B0:25:13 UUIDs: 0000180a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb [CHG] Device E5:4B:7C:B0:25:13 UUIDs: 0000180f-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb [CHG] Device E5:4B:7C:B0:25:13 UUIDs: 00001812-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb [Designer Mouse]# connect E5:4B:7C:B0:25:13 Attempting to connect to E5:4B:7C:B0:25:13 Connection successful [CHG] Device E5:4B:7C:B0:25:13 Connected: no Failed to pair: org.bluez.Error.AuthenticationCanceled 


 May 19 18:05:11 laptop kernel: [29453.178205] Bluetooth: SMP security requested but not available May 19 18:05:11 laptop bluetoothd[1154]: Unable to register GATT service with handle 0x0009 for device E5:4B:7C:B0:25:13 May 19 18:05:11 laptop bluetoothd[1154]: Unable to register GATT service with handle 0x000e for device E5:4B:7C:B0:25:13 May 19 18:05:12 laptop bluetoothd[1154]: Error reading PNP_ID value: Attribute requires authentication before read/write May 19 18:05:13 laptop bluetoothd[1154]: Error reading Report value: Attribute requires authentication before read/write May 19 18:05:13 laptop bluetoothd[1154]: message repeated 3 times: [ Error reading Report value: Attribute requires authentication before read/write] May 19 18:05:14 laptop bluetoothd[1154]: Report Map read failed: Attribute requires authentication before read/write May 19 18:05:14 laptop bluetoothd[1154]: Protocol Mode characteristic read failed: Attribute requires authentication before read/write May 19 18:05:14 laptop bluetoothd[1154]: HID Information read failed: Attribute requires authentication before read/write May 19 18:05:14 laptop bluetoothd[1154]: Read Report Reference descriptor failed: Attribute requires authentication before read/write May 19 18:05:14 laptop bluetoothd[1154]: message repeated 3 times: [ Read Report Reference descriptor failed: Attribute requires authentication before read/write] 

我想知道“SMP安全……”这条线是否重要? 我找到了这个链接,正确答案的作者描述了他如何“修补”他自己的隐藏文件,但这样做没有帮助: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS上的Microsoft Designer Mouse(蓝牙4.0)



提前致谢 :)

我从17.04更新到最新的bluez版本。 它是根据debian bug票在那里修复的。 我刚刚手动下载了该文件。