
我如何hibernate或睡眠我的Ubuntu 10.10桌面并让它在第二天“醒来”?







 sudo rtcwake -u -s 60 -m mem 

这应该在恢复之前暂停计算机60秒。 重要参数是mem您可以选择几个选项 – 播放以找到最适合您的值:

  standby ACPI state S1. This state offers minimal, though real, power savings, while providing a very low-latency transi‐ tion back to a working system. This is the default mode. mem ACPI state S3 (Suspend-to-RAM). This state offers signif‐ icant power savings as everything in the system is put into a low-power state, except for memory, which is placed in self-refresh mode to retain its contents. disk ACPI state S4 (Suspend-to-disk). This state offers the greatest power savings, and can be used even in the absence of low-level platform support for power manage‐ ment. This state operates similarly to Suspend-to-RAM, but includes a final step of writing memory contents to disk. off ACPI state S5 (Poweroff). This is done by calling '/sbin/shutdown'. Not officially supported by ACPI, but usually working. no Don't suspend. The rtcwake command sets RTC wakeup time only. on Don't suspend, but read RTC device until alarm time appears. This mode is useful for debugging. 



例如,语法是suspend_until [hh:mm]

 sudo ./suspend_until 07:30 


 chmod +x suspend_until 


您可以创建一个调用此脚本的root cron作业,以便在晚上的特定时间执行,然后在早上唤醒:

 sudo crontab -e 


 30 23 * * * /home/myhomefolder/suspend_until 07:30 


 #!/bin/bash # Auto suspend and wake-up script # # Puts the computer on standby and automatically wakes it up at specified time # # Written by Romke van der Meulen  # Minor mods fossfreedom for AskUbuntu # # Takes a 24hour time HH:MM as its argument # Example: # suspend_until 9:30 # suspend_until 18:45 # ------------------------------------------------------ # Argument check if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then echo "Usage: suspend_until HH:MM" exit fi # Check whether specified time today or tomorrow DESIRED=$((`date +%s -d "$1"`)) NOW=$((`date +%s`)) if [ $DESIRED -lt $NOW ]; then DESIRED=$((`date +%s -d "$1"` + 24*60*60)) fi # Kill rtcwake if already running sudo killall rtcwake # Set RTC wakeup time # NB change "mem" for the suspend option # find this by "man rtcwake" sudo rtcwake -l -m mem -t $DESIRED & # feedback echo "Suspending..." # give rtcwake some time to make its stuff sleep 2 # then suspend # NB dont usually require this bit #sudo pm-suspend # Any commands you want to launch after wakeup can be placed here # Remember: sudo may have expired by now # Wake up with monitor enabled NB change "on" for "off" if # you want the monitor to be disabled on wake xset dpms force on # and a fresh console clear echo "Good morning!" 



 # Set RTC wakeup time sudo rtcwake -l -m mem -t $DESIRED & 

您可能还必须使用-u标志代替-l标志,具体取决于您的硬件时钟是使用UTC( -u )还是本地( -l )时间。 请注意,您的硬件时钟与您在操作系统中看到的系统时钟不同。


使用rtcwake我创建了一个简单的bash脚本。 它使用php将自然语言翻译成系统时间。 例如:

  • sudo ./cu "tomorrow 9am"

  • sudo ./cu "next monday 3pm"

  • sudo ./cu "1 hour ago"

    rtcwake: time doesn't go backward


 #!/bin/bash export sdate=$1 date=`/usr/bin/php << 'EOF'  

rtcwake对我的机器没有影响。 在我的华硕主板上,我不得不在BIOS中设置唤醒时间。 我在Advanced> APM菜单下找到了设置,即使我的bios时间设置为US Eastern time,我也必须使用UTC。