
我需要安装FSL和Freesurfer作为运行Connectome Mapper的一部分。 Freesurfer需要将shell更改为tcsh才能配置其文件夹。 现在对于FSL,我必须添加.profilebash /etc/fls/5.0/fls.sh ,但是这行实际上什么也没做,所以当我登录到控制台并发送echo $FLSDIR我实际上什么都没有。 如何在tcsh控制台中使用此sh脚本?


 # FSL configuration file # - to be sourced by the user, typically in .bashrc or equivalent # - note that the user should set # Written by Mark Jenkinson, FMRIB Analysis Group, University of Oxford # Modified for Debian by Michael Hanke  # clean out previous fsl PATH components: DO NOT EDIT THE NEXT TWO LINES PATH=$( echo $PATH | tr ":" "\n" | grep -v "/usr/lib/fsl/" | tr -s "\n" ":" | sed 's/:$//') LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$( echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH | tr ":" "\n" | grep -v "/usr/lib/fsl/" | tr -s "\n" ":" | sed 's/:$//') #### Set up standard FSL user environment variables #### # Debian has a fixed FSLDIR FSLDIR=/usr/share/fsl/5.0 # Possum is installed in the same directory POSSUMDIR=$FSLDIR # add the fsl binary path to the search path PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/fsl/5.0 # The following variable selects the default output image type # Legal values are: # NIFTI, NIFTI_PAIR, NIFTI_GZ, NIFTI_PAIR_GZ # This would typically be overwritten in ${HOME}/.fsl/fsl.sh if the user # wished to write files with a different format FSLOUTPUTTYPE=NIFTI_GZ # Comment out the definition of FSLMULTIFILEQUIT to enable # FSL programs to soldier on after detecting multiple image # files with the same basename ( eg epi.hdr and epi.nii ) FSLMULTIFILEQUIT=TRUE # The following variables specify paths for programs and can be changed # or replaced by different programs, by default set sensible Debian-defaults FSLTCLSH=/usr/bin/tclsh FSLWISH=/usr/bin/wish FSLBROWSER=/etc/alternatives/x-www-browser # The following variables are used for running code in parallel across # several machines ( ie for FDT ) # for a cluster engine setup see below FSLLOCKDIR= FSLMACHINELIST= FSLREMOTECALL= # If set, tell FSL to use Sun Gridengine to submit jobs instead of running them # directly on the machine. If unset, no attempt will be made to utilize # gridengine, even if it is running. By default SGE is not utilized. #FSLPARALLEL=1 # Mail setup for gridengine jobs. See man qsub (-m option) for all possible # settings. By default no email is sent. FSLCLUSTER_MAILOPTS="n" # default queue for job submissions #FSLCLUSTER_DEFAULT_QUEUE="all.q" ################################################### #### DO NOT ADD ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE #### ################################################### export FSLDIR POSSUMDIR PATH FSLMULTIFILEQUIT FSLOUTPUTTYPE FSLTCLSH \ FSLWISH FSLBROWSER FSLLOCKDIR FSLMACHINELIST FSLREMOTECALL # Configure the linker search path for Debian FSLs internal shared libraries LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/fsl/5.0${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}} export LD_LIBRARY_PATH # load user configuration if [ -f "${HOME}/.fslconf/fsl.sh" ] ; then "${HOME}/.fslconf/fsl.sh" ; fi 

您不知道如何获取文件(脚本)。 正确的方法是使用以下命令之一:

 source /etc/fls/5.0/fls.sh 


 . /etc/fls/5.0/fls.sh 


  • Bash中“source x”,“。x”和“./x”之间有什么区别?