


我可以想象保持无线连接活动的唯一原因是能够到达该网络上的其他LAN设备,但是当无线和有线连接使用同一网络时,该参数不成立。 另一个原因可能是您在拔掉以太网时不会丢失宝贵的秒数,但我怀疑这是一个有效的论点,因为移除以太网主要意味着您正在移动到另一个地方,并且大多数人在移动时不使用他们的PC。

简而言之,您的有线网卡和无线网卡是两种不同的卡。 因此,您有两种不同的可能连接。 由于它可以连接到它们两者,因此它不会假设您想要任何其他方式。


  1. 网络稳定性 – 当一方或另一方熄灭时,不会丢失连接,只要两者不同时熄灭。 这也允许您保持因某种原因需要访问互联网的内容被断开连接(仅仅因为您没有主动打字或上网,并不意味着您在传输过程中没有使用互联网)。
  2. 负载平衡 – 高级用法可能允许通过有线连接进行游戏,以及通过无线下载等操作,除非他们对公共连接点(路由器,传入连接等)征税,否则不要将速度降低到爬行速度。
  3. 使用VPN连接时保持Internet访问 – VPN连接通常会切断您对Internet的访问。 解决这个问题的一种方法是简单地为VPN使用一个连接,而为Internet使用另一个连接。

我同意@Shauna,但是,如果你想设置你的系统,以便有线和无线不会同时打开,并且,如果你是命令行识字,请阅读man 5 interfaces ,尤其是:

 IFACE OPTIONS The following "command" options are available for every family and method. Each of these options can be given multiple times in a single stanza, in which case the commands are executed in the order in which they appear in the stanza. (You can ensure a command never fails by suffixing them with "|| true".) pre-up command Run command before bringing the interface up. If this command fails then ifup aborts, refraining from marking the interface as configured, prints an error message, and exits with status 0. This behavior may change in the future. up command post-up command Run command after bringing the interface up. If this command fails then ifup aborts, refraining from marking the interface as configured (even though it has really been configured), prints an error message, and exits with status 0. This behavior may change in the future. down command pre-down command Run command before taking the interface down. If this command fails then ifdown aborts, marks the interface as deconfigured (even though it has not really been deconfigured), and exits with status 0. This behavior may change in the future. post-down command Run command after taking the interface down. If this command fails then ifdown aborts, marks the interface as deconfigured, and exits with status 0. This behavior may change in the future. There exists for each of the above mentioned options a directory /etc/network/if-