
这个问题存在,因为它填写了一个特定的标准。 虽然我们鼓励您帮助维护其答案,但请理解Ask Ubuntu上通常不允许“大列表”问题,并且可能会根据常见问题解答关闭。 有关软件推荐标记的更多信息。



  • 您喜欢或建议的原因(function,性能等)。
  • 一个很好的截图,最好是在Ubuntu上运行并展示它的一些function。
  • 它可以使用的最低要求,如果有任何设置可以降低它的要求(就像kde的低脂肪配置文件); 如何启用所述设置
  • 如果在存储库中有关如何设置的一些说明,请提供软件中心链接


GNOME Shell Application Overview
GNOME Shell的应用程序概述在Ubuntu GNOME 16.04LTS和GNOME 3.18上

GNOME Shell是GNOME项目为GNOME 3开发的“官方”shell。 它是官方支持的Ubuntu GNOME风格使用的默认界面 ,并且是自17.10而不是Unity以来主要Ubuntu风格的默认界面 。


  • 对窗口管理器使用Mutter而不是Compiz 。
  • 活动概述提供了一种查看所有打开的窗口,在工作区之间拖动窗口,搜索应用程序等的简便方法。
  • 通知系统旨在帮助您快速响应现场通知或在方便的时候返回通知。
  • 扩展是一个强大的function,使您可以扩展GNOME Shell的function和界面。 查看GNOME Shell Extensions网站以查看可用的网站 。 有关如何安装这些扩展的详细信息, 请参阅此问题的答案 。
  • 默认情况下,在GNOME Shell中无法最小化窗口,因为活动概述和工作空间的使用应该取代它。 这可能需要一些人开始习惯。 或者,您可以使用GNOME调整工具启用最小化窗口按钮。
  • GNOME Shell使用自动工作区管理; 在任何给定的时刻,它只保持打开与活动窗口一样多的工作空间,加上一个额外的空工作站以启动更多窗口。 从工作区中删除所有窗口时,将删除该工作区,直到您再次需要它为止。 或者,您可以使用GNOME调整工具设置静态工作空间数。


GNOME Shell需要硬件加速,并且与Unity的要求大致相似。 截至编写本文时,GNOME开发人员的目标是让GNOME Shell能够运行在最多四到五年的任何硬件上 。


在17.10之前, Ubuntu GNOME是一种Ubuntu风格,默认情况下安装并使用了完整的GNOME桌面环境。 如果您不打算使用Unity,KDE或任何其他桌面环境,这是在Ubuntu中安装GNOME Shell的推荐方法。 从17.10开始,默认的Ubuntu安装使用带有Ubuntu主题和dock的GNOME Shell。 可以使用vanilla-gnome-desktop软件包安装vanilla GNOME Shell。

GNOME Shell可以在官方Ubuntu存储库中找到。 要在现有安装上安装它,请单击此处:
安装GNOME Shell


 sudo apt install gnome-shell 

或者如果您更喜欢GUI方式,请在GNOME软件(或旧版Ubuntu版本的Ubuntu软件中心)中搜索“gnome shell”并安装gnome-shell软件包。 有关如何安装它的更多说明,请参见此处 。 (包含设置等的完整包可在ubuntu-gnome-desktop包中找到)。

Unity (默认安装在11.10 – 17.04)

Unity 7.4 on Ubuntu 16.04LTS
Unity Dash中的应用程序镜头

Unity项目成立于2010年,由Mark Shuttleworth开始,Canonical继续为桌面和上网本用户提供一致的用户体验。 将优秀的设计作为项目的核心,Unity及其技术(如应用程序指示器,系统指示器和Notify OSD)一直致力于解决自由软件桌面中的常见问题,同时优化触摸,一致性和协作的体验。

Unity是Ubuntu使用的GNOME 3的默认shell,从11.04开始。 在17.10中,它被GNOME Shell取代,而不是原计划的Unity 8 。


  • Unity由Compiz窗口管理器提供支持。
  • Launcher是Unity桌面的关键组件之一。 它跟踪当前运行的应用程序,并允许您固定您喜欢的应用程序以便于访问。
  • Dash允许您搜索应用程序,文件,音乐和video,并显示您最近使用过的项目。 可以通过单击Launcher中的“Ubuntu按钮”或按超级键来启动它。
  • 您可以使用Super + 1/2/3 /…/ 9快速切换到任何打开的窗口。 如果您经常在相同的几个应用程序之间切换,例如浏览器,文件管理器和编辑器,但也打开其他应用程序,这一点尤其方便,因此Alt + Tabbing到所需的窗口需要更多时间。
  • 顶部栏(称为Unity Panel)在右上角提供应用程序和系统指示器 。 与其他桌面相比,Unity Panel具有独特的function:它可以吸收和集成最大化应用的标题栏和菜单栏,从而释放更多垂直空间以显示有用的内容。
  • 全局菜单与Mac OS X中使用的菜单类似,显示Unity Panel中的应用程序菜单。 您可以通过将鼠标hover在Unity面板的左侧部分上,或通过按住Alt来显示菜单。 或者,您可以启用本地集成菜单(LIM)将应用程序菜单移动到窗口标题栏中。
  • HUD是Unity的另一个独特function。 按Alt键启动它并轻松搜索应用程序菜单项。 对于处理菜单繁重的应用程序(如办公套件,图像编辑器,图形工具等)非常有用。


Unity Shell需要运行3D图形卡和硬件加速。 但是,它确实具有“低图形模式”,可以在function较弱的硬件上运行。 请参阅如何知道我的video卡是否可以运行Unity? 确定您的硬件是否可以支持Unity。


Unity是主要的Ubuntu风格附带的接口。 因此,推荐的获取Unity的方法是从Ubuntu官方网站下载并试用安装映像。 但是,如果您使用不同的桌面运行Ubuntu,您仍然可以通过单击此处轻松安装它:


 sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop 


xubuntu 14.04 Xubuntu 14.04; xubuntu.org截图

Xfce是一个适用于类UNIX操作系统的轻量级桌面环境。 它的目标是快速而低廉的系统资源,同时仍然具有视觉吸引力和用户友好性。 它配备了各种附加应用程序和面板插件 ,极大地增强了DE的function。


单击此链接以安装XFCE 安装XFCE 包。 您也可以在Ubuntu软件中心找到它,或输入终端:

 sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop 


Ubuntu有一个名为Xubuntu的XFCE旋转(如上图所示) 。 建议使用可在此页面下载的官方图像(.iso)进行安装。

如果您正在寻找一些不错的额外好东西 ,请通过运行sudo apt-get install xfce4-goodies


Screenshot of KDE Plasma 5



  • 非常可定制,KDE的外观和感觉可以轻松修改。 选择范围令人难以置信。
  • 从Application Launcher ,传统菜单和仪表板中选择您喜欢的启动应用程序的方式。
  • 面板可以像传统的任务栏或docker一样工作。
  • 等离子小部件可以在后台或面板中使用。
  • 活动提供了一种独立组织工作空间的方法。


KDE不是轻量级系统。 它与Unity 3D有类似的要求,但旧系统有一个“低脂肪”设置。


Ubuntu有一种名为Kubuntu的KDE等离子味道。 因此,在Ubuntu上获取Plasma桌面的推荐方法是下载Kubuntu和liveboot或安装它。

如果您已经在运行Ubuntu风格并希望将系统切换到Kubuntu桌面风格,则可以安装Ubuntu存储库中提供的kubuntu-desktop软件包。 为此,请单击此处:
Switch to Kubuntu


 sudo apt install kubuntu-desktop 

你可以安装等离子桌面,而不是切换你的* buntu风味。

Install KDE Plasma for Ubuntu


 sudo apt install plasma-desktop 

LXDE (轻量级X11桌面环境)


LXDE是一个非常轻便的桌面环境,专注于高性能和低资源使用。 它目前是Lubuntu使用的默认桌面环境( 如图 )。


  • 轻量级


  • 快速


  • 节能


  • 简单的美丽

    它包括一个由GTK + 2驱动的国际化和精致的用户界面。

  • 使用方便


  • 定制


  • 附加function

    它提供了诸如OS X等操作系统中已知的选项卡式文件浏览或菜单运行对话框等附加function。安装后,新应用程序的图标将显示在桌面上。

  • 桌面独立


  • 符合标准遵循 freedesktop.org规定的标准。

资料来源: http : //lxde.org/lxde

Lubuntu的系统要求(LXDE + Ubuntu)

Lubuntu可以安装在具有128 MB RAM的Pentium II或Celeron系统上,但是这样的系统在日常使用中表现不佳。

凭借256MB – 384MB的RAM,性能将更好,系统将更加实用。

使用512MB RAM,您无需担心。

默认的“桌面”安装程序需要384-800 MB的RAM(取决于所选的选项)。 如果您遇到问题,也可以使用“备用”安装程序 。


单击此链接以安装LXDE 安装LXDE 桌面环境,在Ubuntu软件中心找到它,或在终端中键入以下命令

 sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop 





Cinnamon是Gnome-Shell桌面叉。 它并不是严格意义上的Gnome-2界面,尽管开发人员的目标值得称赞 – 生成更简单更传统的桌面界面。

桌面共享其密切相关的堂兄的许多特征 – 并且可以通过特定的Cinnamon扩展来扩展。


这可能会发生变化–Gnome-shell Mutter也被分叉 – 称为Muffin。 看看这将带来什么样的未来需求将会很有趣。


  1. 如何安装Cinnamon Desktop?


来自官方网站的Ubuntu MATE的屏幕截图

MATE是GNOME 2的一个分支,当GNOME 3发布时,一些用户希望保持传统的GNOME 2接口。 它旨在尽可能接近传统的GNOME 2界面。 该项目现在主要由自14.04以来的官方Ubuntu MATE旋转(如上图所示)支持


  • MATE源自并努力保持尽可能接近传统的GNOME 2桌面环境。 它特别适合那些不喜欢Unity和GNOME Shell引入的新桌面隐喻,但又不想转换到不同DE的人。
  • 它附带了几个GNOME应用程序的分叉变体 。
  • MATE目前仍然使用GTK + 2,虽然它可能在未来转换为GTK + 3 。
  • 自1.2版本起 ,MATE和GNOME之间的所有冲突都得到了解决,因此如果需要,两个DE都可以安装在同一系统上。


由于MATE非常类似于它所基于的GNOME 2,它应该具有类似的硬件要求。 可以在GNOME 2会话中运行Ubuntu 11.04或之前的计算机也应该能够处理MATE。 例如,它不需要像Unity或GNOME Shell那样的3D图形支持。 此外,您可能希望查看此Linux Mint论坛post 。


为官方Ubuntu旋转获得完全支持的MATE DE的最简单方法是使用Ubuntu MATE 。 从“下载”页面下载.iso文件,并使用它创建LiveUSB / DVD。

如果要在预先存在的常规Ubuntu设置上安装MATE ,请参阅如何安装MATE(桌面环境)? 有关安装的信息。 请注意,有多种方法可以安装它; 一些涉及添加Linux Mint存储库,可能会导致问题。



Pantheon是用于基本OS Luna及其后的桌面shell。 但是,它也可以设置为在Ubuntu中使用。


  • 顶部面板称为WingPanel。 它类似于GNOME 2和GNOME Shell面板之间的混合。
  • 弹弓是万神殿使用的应用程序发射器。
  • 万神殿壁纸用于管理桌面壁纸而不是Nautilus。
  • Plank是Docky的新版本,重写为使用Vala而不是Mono。 它位于屏幕的底部,充当底座。
  • Cerebere是一个程序,它位于后台并监督所有其他组件的操作,如果它们崩溃则根据需要重新启动它们。
  • 万神殿设计轻巧,模块化。 您可以选择要使用的组件,并根据需要替换为其他组件。


基本的OS Jupiter使用GNOME 2和Plank的早期版本。 基本的OS Luna版本转换为GNOME 3和Pantheon,并且应该更轻量级 。 一台可以舒适地运行Ubuntu的机器应该没有处理万神殿的问题。



请参阅如何安装Pantheon桌面环境? 详细说明。

GNOME Flashback(Ubuntu Classic / GNOME面板)

GNOME Flashback 3.18.2

这是基本或经典的GNOME桌面,移植使用新的GTK3和其他现代技术(与GTK3和其他技术的集成是GNOME Flashback和MATE之间的关键区别)。 GNOME Flashback与早期版本的Ubuntu(Ubuntu 10.10及更早版本)中使用的桌面环境相同。 但就像其他一切一样,新版本也有所改进。

为什么今天使用它? 因为它不是像Unity,GNOME Shell或KDE这样的“3D”桌面环境,所以它在旧硬件上运行得更快。 它也是标准Ubuntu上非常有效的安装,很少有与Unity不同的依赖,它不会引入许多额外的应用程序。 简而言之,如果您想要在没有Unity的情况下获得纯粹的“Ubuntu”体验,请使用GNOME Flashback。

function(与GNOME 2比较)

  • 它仍然具有经典菜单,但系统菜单已经消失,因为我们现在使用“系统设置”面板。
  • 它的定制方式与Gnome Panel 2的定制方式相同,只是在这样做时需要按住Alt
  • 它具有我们以前拥有的所有相同function,但有一些修复使其更加稳定和有用:applet被分组到左侧,中间或右侧,因此applet永远不会被洗牌,就像在Gnome Panel 2中一样。切换到GTK3意味着更好地支持垂直面板。


GNOME Flashback可在官方Ubuntu存储库中找到。 要在现有安装上安装它,请单击此处:
安装GNOME Flashback

或者您可以在终端中使用此命令: sudo apt install gnome-session-flashback


  1. 如何恢复到GNOME经典桌面?


令人敬畏的12.04  - 在顶部显示重新配置的默认面板,在底部显示conky 令人敬畏的12.04  - 显示平铺布局; Gnome Do窗口正在浮动


令人敬畏的是一个伪装成窗口管理器的桌面环境。 默认情况下,它带有一个带有系统托盘的基本顶部面板,可以从Gnome,Xfce等中保存您最喜爱的小程序。有几个着名的“小部件”库可以扩展Awesome的基本function。

很棒的是一个平铺窗口管理器,这意味着它可以自动排列窗口而不会重叠,从而填满屏幕。 Windows也可以“浮动”(Windows,OS X等中的标准行为)


  1. 没有浪费的屏幕空间。
  2. 您无需使用鼠标/触控板来排列所需的排列窗口。
  3. 内置的平铺布局涵盖了出现的频繁情况。
  4. 拼贴排列很容易编写脚本,可以通过键绑定动态调用。
  5. 鼠标支持贯穿始终。 对于那些严重依赖鼠标的人来说,这可能有助于简化从典型浮动窗口管理器的过渡。

Awesome旨在高度可定制(请参阅配置部分),并且特别受“高级用户”的欢迎,他们希望对桌面环境进行大量控制(例如,Awesome在Arch Linux社区中拥有强大的追随者)。


真棒非常轻巧。 Zenix发行版使用它,可以运行128MB的RAM(只有64MB的交换分区)。 在我的系统上,我发现它比LXDE使用更少的资源! 真棒不进行合成或任何效果,因此对于具有较旧图形的系统很有用(可以使用xcompmgr等启用xcompmgr


安装Awesome很简单。 只需在终端输入sudo apt-get install awesome即可从Ubuntu存储库安装Awesome。 安装将在登录管理器Lightdm中包含一个Awesome会话。 以这种方式启动真棒将避免许多令人头痛的问题,无法将其配置为与您的无线,显示等配合使用。


通过Lua编写的外部配置文件( ~/.config/awesome/rc.lua )配置了Awesome。 不需要了解Lua,并且可以通过对默认rc.lua/etc/xdg/awesome/rc.lua )的简单扩展和修改来完成很多工作。 自动启动应用程序很简单:只需在rc.lua末尾添加相应的“spawn”命令,例如, awful.util.spawn_with_shell("conky &")将运行conky

关于两个屏幕截图 – 在’干净’版本中,顶部面板是默认的,左侧有五个标签(或“工作区”),右侧是各种恶意小部件。 nm-appletpidgin位于系统托盘区域。 底部的“面板”实际上conky 。 在’脏’版本中,conky正在显示来自gmusicbrowser轨道信息,窗口是平铺的(一个Firefox窗口最小化到任务列表区域),并且Gnome Do 浮动在中心。







有关如何在系统上设置Enlightenment的指南,请参阅此Ubuntu文档页面 ,或者也许这个问题: 如何安装Enlightenment(E17)? 。


i3wm(改进的平铺wm),是一个动态的,平铺窗口管理器。 它是最简单,最干净的平铺窗口管理器之一,它强调简单性,包括代码和配置。



  • 记录良好的代码。
  • 多显示器支持。
  • UTF-8支持。
  • 配置简单(不使用编程语言)
  • 窗口管理完全留给用户。 这意味着用户可以自由地动态尝试不同的布局。
  • 更好地处理浮动弹出窗口(大多数密码和其他通知不显示为磁贴)
  • 不同的模式,如在vim
  • IPC(使用unix套接字)可扩展性。


  • 使用邮件列表,IRC和常见问题解答的出色用户支持。
  • 通知守护进程(dunst)和j4status进行更多自定义(来自j4tools )



 sudo apt-get install i3 

i3已被一些流行的Linux用户使用过。 1 2

Chrome OS桌面环境


注意:该项目似乎已于2016年4月死亡 。


要安装桌面环境,请使用桌面环境, 从此处下载,然后双击安装。


 wget https://github.com/downloads/dz0ny/lightdm-login-chromeos/lightdm-login-chromiumos_1.0_amd64.deb sudo dpkg -i lightdm-login-chromiumos_1.0_amd64.deb 



Mythbuntu使用XFCE ,但也附带一些额外的自定义。 它主要用于与MythTV一起使用的媒体PC。




您可以使用apt-get或Ubuntu软件中心安装mythbuntu-desktop软件包。 Mythbuntu FAQ提供了有关设置的更多信息。



QTile是一个完全用Python编写的窗口管理器。 它可以使用Python语言进行高度配置,并且您可以编写脚本来执行大多数情况。 顾名思义,它是一个平铺窗口管理器,这意味着您将获得一个高度组织化的桌面。


套餐包括11.10(Oneiric Ocelot),12.04(精确穿山甲),12.10(Quantal Quetzal),13.04(Raring Ringtail),13.10(Saucy Salamander),14.04(Trusty Tahr)和14.10(Utopic Unicorn)。

 sudo apt-add-repository ppa:tycho-s/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install qtile 

安装信息: http : //docs.qtile.org/en/latest/manual/install/index.html

Unity 8/Next (Desktop mode) (Discontinued)

Screenshot from Softpedia Image from Softpedia

Unity 8 (or Unity Next) is the interface used in Ubuntu Touch (for phones and tablets), and was planned to eventually replace Unity 7 with a new desktop mode. It was under heavy development, but around the time of Ubuntu 17.04 it was discontinued.


  • Compiz is dropped in favor of Qt, which should offer a more lightweight and smoother experience.
  • Similarly, Mir is favored over Wayland and the traditional X11 server.
  • A redesigned approach to scopes, lenses, the dash, etc.
  • A focus on convergence, meaning the same DE can be used on all form factors (phone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer), modifying itself to suit the situation.
  • An interface which places heavy emphasis on edge swiping for revealing the launcher, indicator menus, app switcher, and app menus.

How to get it

Note: Unity 8 is not considered ready for the desktop, and further development on it by Canonical has been canceled. Obviously, bugs will be present, but also some parts may need to be optimized or added to better facilitate use with a mouse and keyboard.

If you still want to try it out, a daily build for the “Ubuntu Next” desktop is available for download. You can use it to create a LiveUSB/DVD like a regular image. If you get a terminal complaining about the image not being COM32 or similar when trying to boot from the live media, you can work around this by pressing Tab and entering either live or live-install (as seen from “Not a COM32R image” error when trying to install from a USB key ).

If you already have regular Ubuntu installed, you could also see How to install Unity 8? for installation instructions, or click the button below:

Install Unity 8

Discontinuation note

Unity 8 was discontinued around the time of Ubuntu 17.04’s release, along with Ubuntu Touch for phones and tablets. The cancellation announcement by Mark Shuttleworth can be read here , and states that the reason was to better focus Ubuntu’s continued development on cloud and Internet of Things (IoT) platforms. As such, users should be made aware that no further development of Unity 8 will be done by Canonical, and they should consider switching back to Unity 7 or another desktop environment (such as GNOME Shell, which will replace Unity 7 as the default desktop environment for regular Ubuntu by 18.04 LTS).

If you have already installed Unity 8 on your desktop and wish to remove it, then you may want to read How do I uninstall Unity 8 from my desktop computer? for removal instructions.

Razor-qt (Discontinued)

This is a very lightweight desktop environment, available for Ubuntu.

Steps to install:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:razor-qt
 sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install razorqt

RazorQt Desktop

Deepin DE


Deepin uses its own purpose-built desktop environment which is integrated with other first party applications, like Deepin Music, Deepin Movie, Deepin Store, and its own Control Center.

Community members have played a participatory role throughout development, both in China and internationally, and operate with the motto “Freedom, Openness, Sharing, Cooperation”.The community also works with upstream Debian with the translation of documents into Chinese

If you too want to install it then open your terminal and type as

 sudo -H gedit /etc/apt/sources.list 

Then add deb lines like these at the end of the opened file, possibly replacing trusty with the codename of another Ubuntu release (but don’t make any other changes):

 deb http://packages.linuxdeepin.com/deepin trusty main non-free universe deb-src http://packages.linuxdeepin.com/deepin trusty main non-free universe 

Currently the repository has versions for trusty (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS) and precise (Ubuntu 12.04 LTS). You can browse the repository to see what releases are supported, when you install. To find the codename for your Ubuntu release, see the Releases wiki page or run lsb_release -c . If no version is available specifically for your release, you can try the version built for another release (pick one close to yours if possible).

After adding the appropriate lines, save the file, quit the text editor, and return to the terminal.

Paste these lines one by one:

 wget http://packages.linuxdeepin.com/deepin/project/deepin-keyring.gpg gpg --import deepin-keyring.gpg sudo gpg --export --armor 209088E7 | sudo apt-key add - 

Then we are almost done. in the terminal paste these lines one by one

 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install dde-meta-core 

Thats it, That will install deepin DE in your computer and from login screen you can choose the DE.


budgie-remix 16.04 Beta

Budgie is the flagship desktop of Solus Operating System . Designed from scratch with the modern user in mind, it focuses on simplicity and elegance.


  • Tightly integrates with the GNOME stack, employing underlying technologies to offer an alternative desktop experience
  • Built exclusively for desktop users. No mobile or tablet here!
  • Gets out of your way and provides a clutter free desktop experience
  • Budgie Menu provides quick access to your apps, offering both category and compact views
  • The side panel Raven lets you access applets,notifications and customization center all in one place
  • Customize all aspects of your desktop including widget theme, icon theme, dark theme mode, as well as in-depth modification to panels, all right from Raven
  • With the Panel settings section, you can choose where the panel and its inner applets are located, as well as granular control over individual applet settings

System Requirements

Since Budgie uses the GNOME stack underneath, requirements are similar. Budgie’s a bit lighter than Gnome Shell though.

How To Get It?

17.04 and later

The best way to get Budgie desktop on Ubuntu is to try the official flavor Ubuntu Budgie . However, if you wish to install it on an existing install of Ubuntu or one of it’s flavors, the whole Budgie Desktop Environment for Ubuntu Budgie can be installed by clicking here:
Install via the software center

Or run this in Terminal :

 sudo apt install ubuntu-budgie-desktop 


From 16.10 onwards, Budgie Desktop v10.2.7 is available directly from Ubuntu repositories. To install, click here:
Install via the software center

Or run this in Terminal :

 sudo apt install budgie-desktop 


Try the unofficial flavor budgie-remix , or you may install it on an existing install of Ubuntu 16.04LTS or one of it’s flavors using the budgie-remix PPA :

 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:budgie-remix/ppa sudo apt update 

Then click here:
Install via the software center

Or run this in Terminal :

 sudo apt install budgie-desktop 


TDE screenshot

Trinity desktop environment , a fork of KDE3, is another option not available on Ubuntu by default without additional repositories. To install, follow the instructions:

  • For precise, add the deb source in sources.list:

     deb http://ppa.quickbuild.pearsoncomputing.net/trinity/trinity-v3.5.13/ubuntu precise main deb-src http://ppa.quickbuild.pearsoncomputing.net/trinity/trinity-v3.5.13/ubuntu precise main deb http://ppa.quickbuild.pearsoncomputing.net/trinity/trinity-builddeps-v3.5.13/ubuntu precise main deb-src http://ppa.quickbuild.pearsoncomputing.net/trinity/trinity-builddeps-v3.5.13/ubuntu precise main 
  • Add the GPG key:

     sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.quickbuild.pearsoncomputing.net --recv-keys 2B8638D0 
  • Finally, download the packages:

     sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install kubuntu-default-settings-trinity kubuntu-desktop-trinity 

For other versions of Ubuntu, refer the full documentation here .


subtle is a manual tiling window manager with a rather uncommon approach of tiling: Instead of relying on predefined layouts, subtle divides the screen into a grid with customizeable slots (called gravities).


  • Strict tagging: Unlike other tiling window managers, subtle doesn’t allow weak tagging and always maps windows to virtual desktops (called views) with matching tags, regardless of the current active view.
  • Builtin system tray
  • Extendable builtin panel
  • Customizeable key/mouse actions
  • Focus on scripting, uses Ruby
  • Commandline client
  • Extended window tagging
  • Compliance (EWMH / ICCCM / MWM / XDG Base Directory)
  • Multihead support (Xinerama / XRandR)

How To Get It

subtle is available on 13.04 official repositories. For 12.10 or earlier, check this wiki for details.

 sudo apt-get install subtle 


openbox on debian

Openbox is a highly configurable, next generation window manager with extensive standards support. The box visual style is well known for its minimalistic appearance. Openbox uses the box visual style, while providing a greater number of options for theme developers than previous box implementations.

Openbox is a highly configurable window manager. It allows you to change almost every aspect of how you interact with your desktop and invent completely new ways to use and control it. It can be like a video game for controlling windows. But Openbox can also be kept extremely simple, as it is in the default setup, meaning that it can suit just about anybody. Openbox gives you control without making you do everything.

It is developed with GNOME and K desktop applications in mind, you can combine their ease and functionality with the power of Openbox.

This is the one used by the now discontinued Crunchbang #!

You can learn more here

LXQt (in development)

LXQt is a lightweight Qt desktop environment.

It will not get in your way. It will not hang or slow down your system. It is focused on being a classic desktop with a modern look and feel.

LXQt has already been included in most Linux and BSD distributions so you may just try it out on your regular system or in a VM. More information about installing can be found in the LXQt GitHub wiki.

Historically, LXQt is the product of the merge between LXDE-Qt, an initial Qt flavour of LXDE, and Razor-qt, a project aiming to develop a Qt based desktop environment with similar objectives as the current LXQt. LXQt was first supposed to become the successor of LXDE one day but as of 09/2016 both desktop environments will keep coexisting for the time being.


Consort (Discontinued)


Consort is a fork of GNOME 3 Fallback mode. It is designed to behave near exactly like GNOME 2 and is intended to enable existing users of GTK-2 to GTK-3.


  • Offers Gnome 2 based DM
  • Leveraging GTK-3 – can run applications for GNOME 3
  • lightweight/better performance ref

Distros formerly used

  • SolusOS
  • Colverleaf Linux

Download it here or use ppa


This has been discontinued for the lack of manpower Closing Doors

Colverleaf Linux is now discontinued as a distro. Now developed as a OpenSuse Add-on ref

KLyDE (In Development)


This is light version of the popular desktop KDE environment. Its still in development, and not directly available for people to install, but we can expect it soon.

Read more about the project here .

Please note that this is still in early development stages, and is not available for download or install, in any OS. I am mentioning this here just for the sake of completion.


Qtile screenshot

Xmonad is a tiling window manager written entirely in Haskell. It’s highly configurable using the Haskell language, and you can program it to do pretty much anything you would like it to do. As it is a tiling manager, it automatically makes full use of the screen when opening application windows. There are many available window layout heuristics already available and workspaces can be individually configured to cycle through any group of configuration patterns.

The screenshot shows Xmonad working with two Xmobar status bars. The upper bar has been customised to use a different icon for each of the 14 workspaces I regularly use, an icon to bring up a guake like terminal, an icon indicating the current workspace tiling heuristic, active window title, and other dynamic info. On the far upper right, a trayer system tray is displayed. The lower Xmobar displays various items of system information. xcompmgr has been used to reduce opacity of unfocused windows. There is a very good support network among Xmonad users and developers.

Workspace and window management and navigation is largely by keyboard shortcuts, though it is quite possible to configure the interface to respond to mouse events.

As a personal recommendation – I have used Xmonad for five years, developing it from a minimal configuration to a very personal configuration throughout that time. It has become a very efficient interface and on the occasions I have to return to regular window managers I find them utterly inert and unresponsive.

How to get it

Packages are available for on the ubuntu repository. Probably wise to install xmobar and trayer too.

 sudo apt-get install xmonad xmobar trayer 

The Lumina® Desktop Environment

The Lumina® Desktop Environment is a lightweight system interface designed for use on any Unix-like operating system. Lumina® is based on using plugins, which allows the entire interface to be arranged by each individual user as desired. A system wide default layout is also included, and is configurable by the system administrator. This allows every system (or user session) to be designed to maximize the individual user’s productivity.

在此处输入图像描述 在此处输入图像描述

The Lumina® desktop developers understand that the point of a computer system is to run applications, so Lumina® was designed to require as few system dependencies/requirements as possible. This allows it to be used to revitalize older systems or to allow the user to run applications that may need a higher percentage of the system resources than were previously available with other desktop environments.

All of this results in a very lightweight, customizable, and smooth desktop experience with minimal system overhead.

How To Get It?

The latest Lumina desktop release is available to install on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS via a PPA. Note that this PPA is not official and maintained independently of the Lumina project.

It also may not work. You get to keep both piece if it breaks anything.

想试试吗? Open a new Terminal window and run:

 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:samoilov-lex/lumina-desktop sudo apt update && sudo apt install lumina-desktop qterminal 

This will pull a number of other dependencies. Log out and, from the Unity Greeter, select the Lumina desktop session and… maybe, just maybe, something will load up.

If it doesn’t (it didn’t for me) you’ll be plonked back at the Unity Greeter. Just select a different session (eg, Unity) and log in.

Ubuntu Desktop Flavours


Default (Gnome (17.10 – present)) ubuntu-desktop
Budgie (simple/elegant) budgie-desktop
Kubuntu (KDE Plasma) kubuntu-desktop
Kylin (elegant Chinese) ubuntukylin-desktop
Lubuntu (LXQt – light/fast) lubuntu-desktop
MATE (GNOME 2 fork) mate-desktop
Studio (Multimedia) ubuntustudio-desktop
Xubuntu (XFce – light/configurable) xubuntu-desktop

Install Alternative Desktop Flavour:
(you can install multiple Desktop Flavours, then switch them as required)

 sudo apt install [flavour] 


 sudo apt install budgie-desktop 

Reboot after installing new flavour , then choose that new Desktop Flavour by clicking the Ubuntu icon above the password field on the login screen .

If you want to remove old flavours , make sure you’re logged into a session that’s not using the flavour you want to remove, then:

 sudo apt remove --purge [flavour] 


 sudo apt remove --purge ubuntu-desktop 

Hawaii (discontinued)


The Hawaii Desktop is made by maui-project, here is their http://www.maui-project.org/

Maui with Plasma Simple Shell “PSS” has been discontinued (last version 0.5.1.).