


我已经下载了Eclipse EE(我有一些非常特殊的插件需要使用,而且这些插件并不“喜欢”默认存储库中提供的版本)。 我在Ubuntu 11.10上使用GNOME 3。 所以我想执行Eclipse而不打开终端并运行它。


您可以使用主菜单。 如果没有,请先安装它:

sudo apt-get install alacarte 





编辑:我错过了您在主目录中询问的应用程序。 如果是,则命令必须是该应用程序的完整路径。

Gnome知道的应用程序发射器是/usr/share/applications~/.local/share/applications中的.desktop文件。 您可以通过手动创建和编辑自定义.desktop文件,或使用旧的Gnome菜单编辑器Alacarte,为主文件夹中的任何内容创建自定义启动器。

Gnome桌面文件文档可以提供帮助: https : //developer.gnome.org/integration-guide/stable/desktop-files.html.en

自定义启动程序只是一个文本文件,例如,名为EclipseEE.desktop ,具有以下内容:

 [Desktop Entry] Name=Eclipse EE Exec=/home/mrPeterson/path_to_executable StartupNotify=true Terminal=false Type=Application Icon=/optional/path/to/icon.png 



 gnome-desktop-item-edit ~/Desktop/ --create-new 

现在,我有一个Icon。 这是一个很好的function绑定到上下文菜单,但唉,我没有看到它。

我喜欢Jorge的简单gnome-desktop-item-edit解决方案。 但是,如果我将.desktop文件放在〜/ Desktop /上,它不会显示为应用程序,而只会显示为gnome菜单中的文件。 所以我这样做:

sudo gnome-desktop-item-edit / usr / share / applications / –create-new

我知道这个post有点老了,但是我想和你们分享一下我刚刚制作的这个bash函数因为…因为我可以。 如果您发现它有用,请随意使用它!

警告:我刚刚做到了。 它可能不完美。

 new-gnome-launcher-app(){ # This functions adds some executable file to the gnome launcher. # It does the following: # - Add symlink to /usr/bin # - Add entry for gnome launcher # TODO: Check image file extension # Check if root # if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then # echo "Must run as root" # return 1 # fi # If parameter is entered, assume it's the executable's directory. # Else, ask for it if [ "$?" -gt "1" ]; then exec_path="$1" else echo -n "Enter executable file name: " read exec_path fi # Check if file exists if [ ! -f "$exec_path" ] || [ ! -f "$(pwd)/$exec_path" ]; then echo "File doesn't exist" unset exec_path return 1 fi # Get absolute path to file if [ "${exec_path:0:1}" != "/" ]; then echo "'$exec_path' was not an absolute path" exec_path="$(pwd)/$exec_path" echo "Assuming path '$exec_path'" fi exec_basename="$(basename "$exec_path")" # Check if symlink already exists if [ -f "/usr/bin/$exec_basename" ]; then echo "File '/usr/bin/$exec_basename' already exists. We wont be able to create the symlink." unset exec_basename unset exec_path return 1 fi # Add entry for gnome panel gnome_panel_entry_path="/usr/share/applications/$exec_basename.desktop" if [ -f "$gnome_panel_entry_path" ]; then echo "Entry '$(basename "$gnome_panel_entry_path")' already exists!" unset exec_basename unset gnome_panel_entry_path unset exec_path return 2 fi # ask for display name while [ "$USER_RESPONSE" != "y" ] && [ "$USER_RESPONSE" != "Y" ]; do echo -n "Enter the program's name: " read APP_NAME while [ "$APP_NAME" == "" ]; do echo -n "Please enter something: " read APP_NAME done # ask for a description echo -n "Enter a short description: " read APP_DESCRIPTION # ask for an icon file echo -n "Enter absolute path to an icon image (empty for none): " read APP_ICON while [ "$APP_ICON" != "" ] && [ ! -f "$APP_ICON" ]; do echo -n "File doesn't exist. Retry: " read APP_ICON done # ask if it needs a terminal echo -n "Will this program need a terminal? [y/n]: " read APP_TERMINAL while [ "$APP_TERMINAL" != "y" ] && [ "$APP_TERMINAL" != "n" ]; do echo -n "Please enter something: " read APP_TERMINAL done if [ "$APP_TERMINAL" == "y" ]; then APP_TERMINAL="true" else APP_TERMINAL="false" fi # ask for tags echo -n "Enter some categories that fit your program (';' separated): " read APP_CATEGORIES # Check if user is satisfied while [ "$USER_RESPONSE" == "" ] || [ "$USER_RESPONSE" != "y" ] && [ "$USER_RESPONSE" != "Y" ] && [ "$USER_RESPONSE" != "n" ] && [ "$USER_RESPONSE" != "N" ]; do echo -e "Is this information correct?\n" echo -e "\tName: \t\t$APP_NAME" echo -e "\tExecutable: \t$exec_path" echo -e "\tDescription: \t$APP_DESCRIPTION" echo -e "\tIcon File: \t$APP_ICON" echo -e "\tTerminal: \t$APP_TERMINAL" echo -e "\tCategories: \t$APP_CATEGORIES" echo -n "(y/n): " read USER_RESPONSE done if [ "$USER_RESPONSE" == "n" ] || [ "$USER_RESPONSE" == "N" ]; then echo "Then please enter everything again, kind sir" unset USER_RESPONSE fi done # User is happy # Add link to /usr/bin echo "Adding link to /usr/bin" sudo ln -s "$exec_path" "/usr/bin/$exec_basename" # Add gnome panel entry echo "Creating gnome-panel entry" echo "[Desktop Entry]" | sudo tee -a "$gnome_panel_entry_path" > /dev/null echo "Type=Application" | sudo tee -a "$gnome_panel_entry_path" > /dev/null echo "Encoding=UTF-8" | sudo tee -a "$gnome_panel_entry_path" > /dev/null echo "Name=$APP_NAME" | sudo tee -a "$gnome_panel_entry_path" > /dev/null echo "Comment=$APP_DESCRIPTION" | sudo tee -a "$gnome_panel_entry_path" > /dev/null echo "Icon=$APP_ICON" | sudo tee -a "$gnome_panel_entry_path" > /dev/null echo "Exec=$exec_path" | sudo tee -a "$gnome_panel_entry_path" > /dev/null echo "Terminal=$APP_TERMINAL" | sudo tee -a "$gnome_panel_entry_path" > /dev/null echo "Categories=$APP_CATEGORIES" | sudo tee -a "$gnome_panel_entry_path" > /dev/null echo "Entry added in '$gnome_panel_entry_path'" unset USER_RESPONSE unset APP_NAME unset APP_CATEGORIES unset APP_TERMINAL unset APP_DESCRIPTION unset APP_ICON unset exec_path unset exec_basename unset gnome_panel_entry_path return 0 }