
我有一组我想隐藏的文件,以避免混乱。 是否有一个命令可以简单地隐藏多个文件? 有申请吗? 是否有一个命令可以隐藏我列出的文件?


Linux惯例是将它们重命名为以a开头. 。 大多数程序,包括Nautilus(GNOME文件浏览器),Dolphin(KDE)和命令行程序(如ls和Bash的shell globbing)将隐藏它们(默认情况下)。


  • pyrenamer
  • purrr
  • KRename
  • 鹦鹉螺重命名
  • GPRename

在PyRenamer中,选择您的文件,激活“插入/删除”选项卡,并告诉它插入一个. 位置1:


从命令行来看,传统的方法是使用mvfind (如果需要)。 如果您只想隐藏几个特定文件,请运行:

 for f in file0 file1 file2 file3; do mv "$f" ".$f"; done 

附加一个. 每个文件的名称。

如果你想要隐藏几个类似命名的文件(例如以hideme开头的任何文件),请使用shell globbing:

 for f in hideme*; do mv "$f" ".$f"; done 


 #!/bin/bash # Hide-Unhide-In-Nautilus.sh # Creator: Inameiname # Date: 21 June 2011 # Version: 1.0 # # # This is a simple nautilus script to automatically add file(s)/folder(s) # to a ".hidden" file so Nautilus will hide them, just like ".*" files # Instructions: # - decide what file(s)/folder(s) you want to hide inside a particular folder, # - highlight them, and right click and select the script # - it will automatically add the filenames to a created ".hidden" file inside the directory # - if ".hidden" isn't there, it will add it # - if you decide to unhide things, simply highlight and select the script again, # - and it will automatically remove the filenames from the ".hidden" file # - if ".hidden" contains no filenames, it will remove it # # # Optionals: # - Add the option to change the owner and group for whatever is selected to hide/unhide # - Add the option to add the permissions for whatever is selected to hide/unhide # - Add the option to make executable whatever is selected to hide/unhide # # # Remember this only works inside the current directory/opened folder and files/folders inside that folder. # Just comment out or uncomment whatever desired. # Currently, only the ability to hide/unhide stuff is uncommented, # but you can always just comment it out, and uncomment one of the "Make Executable" commands, # and/or one of the "Change the owner and/or group of each file" commands, # and/or one of the "Add permissions" commands, or mix and match whatever you want. # # # For the changes to take effect to the file(s)/folder(s) you hid/unhid, you may have to refresh the folder, or even Nautilus # Set IFS so that it won't consider spaces as entry separators. # Without this, spaces in file/folder names can make the loop go wacky. IFS=$'\n' # See if the Nautilus environment variable is empty if [ -z $NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS ]; then # If it's blank, set it equal to $1 NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS=$1 fi # Loop through the list (from either Nautilus or the command line) for ARCHIVE_FULLPATH in $NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS; do NEWDIRNAME=${ARCHIVE_FULLPATH%.*} FILENAME=${ARCHIVE_FULLPATH##*/} NAME=${ARCHIVE_FULLPATH##*/.*} # Hide/Unhide file(s)/folder(s) using ".hidden" file within the current folder # Copies all selected files/folders filenames to ".hidden" echo $FILENAME >> .hidden # Sorts and Checks ".hidden" for any duplicates sort .hidden | uniq -u > .hidden_temp rm .hidden mv .hidden_temp .hidden # Checks ".hidden" to see if there is anything there; if not, it removes it for file in .hidden do if [ `wc -l < $file` -eq 0 ]; then # file is empty rm $file fi done # Change the owner and/or group of each FILE to OWNER and/or GROUP, if desired # chown -R $USER:$USER $ARCHIVE_FULLPATH # set owner:group to current user # gnome-terminal -x sudo chown -R root:root $ARCHIVE_FULLPATH # set owner:group to root # gnome-terminal -x sudo chown -R $USER:$USER $ARCHIVE_FULLPATH # set owner:group to current user # Add permissions, if desired # chmod 444 $ARCHIVE_FULLPATH # read-only permissions for all # chmod 600 $ARCHIVE_FULLPATH # read/write for you, no permissions for rest # chmod 644 $ARCHIVE_FULLPATH # read/write for you, read-only permissions for rest (default) # sudo chmod 444 $ARCHIVE_FULLPATH # read-only permissions for all # sudo chmod 600 $ARCHIVE_FULLPATH # read/write for you, no permissions for rest # sudo chmod 644 $ARCHIVE_FULLPATH # read/write for you, read-only permissions for rest (default) # Make executable, if desired # chmod +x $ARCHIVE_FULLPATH # gnome-terminal -x sudo chmod +x $ARCHIVE_FULLPATH done # Add a notification when finished, if desired notify-send -t 2000 -i /usr/share/icons/gnome/32x32/status/info.png "Job Finished" 

资料来源: http : //gnomefiles.org/content/show.php/Easily+Hide+Files%2BFolders+in+Nautilus?content=142912

将上面代码框的内容复制并粘贴到新文档中。 保存并将其重命名为隐藏或取消隐藏 。 使其可执行(右键单击 - > 属性 - > 权限 - > 允许执行文件作为程序 )。 然后将文件移动到~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts

您现在应该可以从nautilus上下文菜单中访问该脚本。 只需右键单击要隐藏或取消隐藏的任何文件,然后选择脚本 - > 隐藏或取消隐藏 。 您必须重新加载文件夹( F5 )才能查看更改


要执行与上述Nautilus脚本相同的操作,还可以通过PPA通道安装nautilus-actions-extra软件包 ,将隐藏/取消隐藏菜单添加到Nautilus: https : //launchpad.net/~nae-team / +存档/ PPA